Wednesday, February 25, 2009

From Dave Orr

PLEASE NETWORK: This e-mail with your animal contacts in the Kissimmee, FL area that could
attend the Florida Fish & Wildlife Meeting - Civic Center - Wed., Feb. 25th - 7:00 PM

There will be a Pre-Animal Meeting across the street from the Civic Center at 6:00 PM.
Note attached e-mail from Monica Welde.
Hope to see you in Kissimmee.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 2:40 pm
Subject: Animal Trainers Meeting ; Re; Captive Wildlife Workshop FWC

Attention animal trainers , exotic animal owners and exhibitors; Let's get together and discuss the new captive wildlife draft rules before the meeting so we are all on the same page. We will meet at the Natures Table, across the street from the Kissimmee Civic Center on Dakin Ave.,@6:00 p.m.. The FWC Captive Wildlife meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.@ the Kissimmee Civic Center. If you would like to check out the proposed rules then go to;


Anonymous said...

BUCKLES: Thank you so much for posting....By all indications our group will come out in numbers. I would like for anyone in the USA that becomes aware of animal problems during their tour to keep us informed. Its so easy to sit down and write a short e-mail...Commucation is so important. Unless its not reported our GROUPS cannot investigate...Actually the Florida Fish & Wildlife situation was one of the topics discussed at the Feb., 13th OABA Circus Unit Meeting - Tampa, FL..

Great seeing you and Barbara yesterday at Bill & Carols Party..To bad we couldn't visit..

Keep up the good work......

Anonymous said...

FLORIDA Fish & Wildlife Commission Development Workshop - Follow-up to last nights Meeting will be in Crystal River, Fl - June 17/18 2009. Huge turn out last night in Kissimmee..Just about everyone that should have there was. While a large number of Animal Professional will not be able to attend I hope if your are in the Crystal River area please attend. You can expect the AR's will..At least we out numbered them last night.