Friday, October 31, 2008

From Don Covington

amd_circus_acrobats, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Acrobats at the Big Apple Circus.

BIG APPLE CIRCUS. Through Jan. 18, Damrosch Park in Lincoln Center Tickets: $28-$86; (212) 962-5471
Fun, fast-paced and kiddie-friendly to the core, the Big Apple Circus has pitched its tent at Damrosch Park in Lincoln Center for another seasonal serving of acrobatics, grace and animal magnetism (the four-legged kind).
As it has for 31 years, the snug, one-ring spectacle wraps its acts in a theme. This time out, it's "Play On!" The creators pinched a line from the Bard (as in, "If music be the food of love, play on"). "Everyone has a soundtrack to their lives," explains artistic director Paul Binder in his welcome.

True enough. Once in a while, music is worked wonderfully into the evening, including a splashy version of "Singin' in the Rain" by the Big Apple's iconic, gray-wigged Grandma (Barry Lubin) and Mark Gindick, a clown who resembles "Entourage's" Kevin Connolly, only in geeky, goggle-sized glasses.

Music also is seamlessly woven into a scene with alluring tightrope queen Sarah Schwarz, who playfully plucks the taut cord while the sizzling circus band backs her up with some raucous guitar riffs. In most instances, however, tunes are just generic background notes that don't directly connect as men, women, horses and hounds strut their stuff.
Every act is polished to a high sheen, but, as always, some shine especially brightly. The LaSalle Brothers, all-American twin jugglers with GQ looks and awesome hand-eye coordination, make for oodles of ahhs. Belgian mime Olivier Taquin amazes as he redefines "living doll" with able assistance from Valdis Yanovskis (and an unsuspecting member of the audience).
The Rodion Troupe, a trio from Russia, impresses as two men send a woman soaring and somersaulting off a 5-inch-wide beam that the guys heft on their shoulders. Cool. But you'd think costume designer Austin K. Sanderson could have sprung for more cushiony shoulder pads in the fellas' flowy, Liberace-like getups.
The Nanjing Acrobats simultaneously wow and give you a migraine, as a dainty woman balances ballerina-style on tiptoe on her partner's head. (Don't try this at home, folks.)
While delightful trained rescue dogs make everyone in the audience sit up, acts just don't come more adorable than a mini-Clydesdale. That cutie could have played on all night.
[email protected]

From Chris Berry


Art imitates life, eh?. Very similar to the picture posted earlier from Scott Riddle "Amy #1"

"Amy" #1

IMG_1438, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Just got these pictures of "Amy" and her calf "Miss Betts" from Scott Riddle.
I expected the calf to be bigger but was stunned to see how huge "Amy" has become.

"Amy" #2

IMG_1443, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Amy" #3

IMG_1427, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Amy" #4

Scan10879, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

We purchased "Amy" from Bob Norris (of Marlboro Cowboy fame) in 1992. She had been originally trained by Army Maguire who tipped me off that she was for sale.
After the deal was made, Ben headed west from Florida with an empty truck and Mr. Norris' son headed east from Phoenix with "Amy" in a horse trailer. They met somewhere in Texas and Ben returned home with her.
I was on the road at the time and never even saw her until I caught up with Ben at Catskill Game Farm later in the summer.

By the way, pictures 4 thru 9 were taken by Paul Gutheil.

"Amy" #5

Scan10873, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

She grew up with the Big Apple Circus, seen here with a Mummanschanz creation.

"Amy" #6

Scan10880, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Trudging down 9th Ave. from Lincoln Center to do the Morning Weather Report with Al Roker.

"Amy" #7

Scan10874, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Amy" #8

Scan10875, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Amy" #9

Scan10877, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Amy" #10

Scan10878, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1993 Big Apple Program

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Got our early voting completed!

Scan10385, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Voting was held at the Library near where the boys go to school.
About a half hour wait, not as bad as I thought it would be.
Kay got an "I voted" sticker as well as a coloring book.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #11 (From Eric Beheim)

CBCB-19, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #12

CBCB-20, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #13

CBCB-18, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #14

CBCB-17, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #15

CBCB-16, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #16

CBCB-15, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #17

CBCB-14, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #18

CBCB-11, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #19

CBCB-12, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Beatty-Cole late 1960's #20

CBCB-13, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

From Joey Ratliff #1

safari, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here's a picture of the Cole elephants in line.

"Hugo Schmitt told me that he had delivered this elephant "Safari", to the Detroit Zoo from the Hagenbecks. He was pretty big already.
It was Hugo's first trip to the US and while here he made a trip to see the Ringling Show in Chicago.
He said he was impressed by the size and quality of the menagerie and that "Camel Dutch" Narfski showed him around."

From Joey Ratliff #2

ed allen1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles, here is another photo of the "Changing of the Guard" act in practice. Can you tell which elephant this is?

"The centerpiece elephant in yesterday's picture was "Barnes Ruth".
This appears to be a larger elephant maybe even "Big Modoc" but I'm not aware of anything like this being used in the show.
At this stage of the game they were probably just trying to figure what they could do on these big props."

From Buckles

Scan10871, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is what the finished product looked like.

Elephant Wedding (From Paul Gutheil)

elephant wedding, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles: Today's Eddie Allen #3 made me think of this 8x10 in our
collection. I don't know any details.

"The body language tells me that they are a couple of attendees at the photo-op having their pictures taken."


From Richard Reynolds

EMailImage, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

October 28, 2008

Dear Zoo Atlanta Members and subscribers,

We are very saddened to report to you the sudden and unexpected loss last night of 26-year-old African elephant Dottie. Many of you have been following her pregnancy during the last several months, and the sudden loss of this wonderful animal and her unborn calf is tragic and heartbreaking for us all.

Dottie's health had begun declining last week, and she was on antibiotics to treat unexplained weight loss, cloudy urine and decreased protein levels in her blood. Her health and behavior were closely monitored, as with all of the Zoo's animals, but her death last night was unexpected. As recently as October 24th during a routine ultrasound Dottie still had a viable pregnancy. The exact cause of her death has not been determined.

Dottie was one of three African elephants at Zoo Atlanta. She has been at Zoo Atlanta with Tara and Kelly since November 1986. “I know our veterinary and animal management team worked diligently to ensure she received the best care and treatment possible. This is especially sad for us because Dottie was pregnant with her first calf,” said Dennis Kelly, President and CEO. “We will miss her here at Zoo Atlanta.

Call of the Wild! #1 (From Carol Chapman)

!cid_1_2199355186@web36204_mail_mud_yahoo - Copy, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The photographer was sure that he was going to see the end of his dogs.

Call of the Wild ! #2

Call of the Wild! #3

Call of the Wild! #4

Call of the Wild! #5

Call of the Wild! #6

!cid_6_2199355187@web36204_mail_mud_yahoo, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The Polar Bear returned every night that week to play with the dogs.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eddie Allen #1

Scan10859, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Cole Bros. Circus 1935, Eddie Allen and "Safari"

1924 John Robinson Circus (elephant hand)
1933 101 Ranch
1934 Ranch Elephants (Leased to Barnett Bros.)
1935-38 Cole Bros. Circus
1943-44 Ringling-Barnum Circus

Mr. Allen was the most self promoting elephant man I ever heard of.
After leaving the Ringling Show in mid-season of 1944 he went on to become Business Manager for Gene Autry.
John Herriott remembers him as a Union Representative at the Chicago Stadium in the 1950's and by the time Parley Baer introduced me to him in 1966 he was a Hollywood Executive and owned an island estate off the coast of California.

Eddie Allen #2

Scan10862, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Eddie and Jean Allen with the Ranch Herd "Babe", "Louie", "Carrie", "Joe" and "Jean".

Eddie Allen #3

Scan10861, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Elephant Wedding" staged as a publicity stunt.
The attire on "Ding" at right suggests a Jewish Ceremony.

Eddie Allen #4

Scan10863, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Eddie Allen #5

Scan10872, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Cole Show elephants on parade in 1936.

Eddie Allen #6

Scan10860, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Jimmy Reynolds and Eddie Allen with the three punks "Modoc", "Empress" and "Judy" delivered to the show July 14, 1937 in Benton Harbor, Michigan.
For some reason they were never trained for ring until Bud E. Anderson purchased them in 1939 and Mac MacDonald broke his first elephants,
Later sold to Terrell Jacobs in 1942 and for many years presented by Dolly Jacobs.

Eddie Allen #7

Scan10496, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I wasn't aware that Mr. Allen had assembled a double howdah until I stumbled across this picture.

Eddie Allen #8

Scan10870, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Seen here with the Ringling Show in 1943.

Eddie Allen #9

pg97062a, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Changing of the Guard" rehearsal in Sarasota winter of 1942-43.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Trial Postponed (Fron Anonymous)

This link brings you to the litigation page of the Feld Entertainment web site. It explains the details of the trial involving the elephants' care.

At the request of the plantiff, The ASPCA et al (also known as the Rat Bastards) the trial has been moved till next year.

In conclusion--if the plantiff, the Rat Bastards, had evidence to support their complaint, there is no reason not to proceed with the trial that they requested in the first place.

The trial was to begin today. The Rat Bastards are back at the office making signs to protest something else.

Sells-Floto & Buffalo Bill 1914 #1

Scan10869, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Today's pictures are not from the Official Program but appeared in a Railroad Vacation Guide.

Sells-Floto & Buffalo Bill 1914 #2

Scan10866, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Sells-Floto & Buffalo Bill 1914 #3

Scan10859, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Sells-Floto & Buffalo Bill 1914 #4

Scan10868, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Capt. Dutch Ricardo

Interesting shot of the Denver Quarters. Like all the rest, lots of junk strewn around.
In the background you can see either "Snyder" or "Floto" watching practice.

Sells-Floto & Buffalo Bill 1914 #5

Scan10867, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Sells-Floto & Buffalo Bill 1914 #6

Scan10860, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Sells-Floto & Buffalo Bill 1914 #7

Scan10864, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.