Sunday, September 30, 2007

Birthday Card (From Eric Beheim)

buckles' birthday card, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles,

According to my records, September 30th is Barbara's birthday. I don't know if she wants to publicize this fact via the Blog, but I did want to send her an electronic birthday card and extend to her my very best wishes.


Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday.

from Eric

"She is delighted to publicize the fact. So much so that a family gathering was held Friday to celebrate her 73rd birthday at the Cheese Cake Factory in Brandon and attendance of "Fire and Ice" at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center last night." Buckles

From Filipe von Gilsa

SAVE1954, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

No 185- Erhard Samel with Circus Busch 1971

Scan000010253, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

No 186- Christine Samel With Circus Berolina 1979

Scan000010254, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

No 187- Emil Sames with USSR State Circus 1951

Scan000010255, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

No 188- Otto Sailer-Jackson with Circus Gleich 1929

Scan000010252, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

No 189- Otto Sailer-Jackson with Circus Knie 1927-28

Scan000010251, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

From Robert Perry

blackie escalante ray humphries, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Blackie Escalante, Ray Humphries clown & my aunt Elizabeth Delaney Nee Perry with Wirth's in the late '40's.
[email protected]

Mark Anthony the Muldoon

mark anthony the muldoon, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mark Anthony the mighty Muldoon, Mark told me it was taken while he was with Clyde Beatty

Winnie Colleano Con's sister

winnie colleano con's sister, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Winnie Colleano was one of the great aerialists of her day and John Herriott once told me that the idea for Dolly Jacobs' leap from the Roman Rings to a web rope was inspired by Miss Colleano." Buckles

Mr. and Mrs. Con Colleano

Scan000010256, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This Bob Good photo was taken on the Cole Show.
John Herriott also mentioned that Mrs. Colleano's name happened to be "Winnie" as well.

Kay Colleano

Scan000010248, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

In the center of the top row in this 1951 Kelly-Miller group picture is another of Mr. Colleano's sisters, Kay. On the left, are her five children and in the front row third from right, is her husband Danny O'Donnell.
In the middle row from L to R: 1. Tommy Thompson (Purchasing Agent) 2. Ben Thomas (24 Hour Man) 3. Jimmy Hamiter (Ticket Seller) 4. Peanuts McGee (Giraffe Show) 5. (Unknown) 6. Red Rumball (Pie Car Mgr.) 7. Tom King (Midget Horse Show).
Front Row: 1. Dick Scatterday (National Advertising) 2. Ione Stevens (Concessions Mgr.) 3 & 4 Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lewis (Side Show Mgr.) 5. O''Donnell 6 & 7 Madge and Tiger Bill Snyder (Equestrian Director).

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The loss of one of our contributors!

Saddened to learn of the passing of our resident curmudgeon Dr. F.X. Bernard McDermott M.D. (Barney McDermott) the Blog won't be the same without him.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #9 (From Eric Beheim)

R&C1, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #10

R&C2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #11

R&C3, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Chows 1940 #12

R&C4, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #13

R&C5, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #14

R&C6, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #15

R&C7, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #16

R&C8, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rubin & Cherry Shows 1940 #17

R&C9, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mister Mistin #1 (From Dominic Yodice)

scan0029, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hi Buckles,
Since we seem to be on the subject of Mr. Mistin, here are two photos of him.
The first is a posed shot by Robert Good.

Mister Mistin #2

scan0030, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The second was taken during the performance under the big top. His platform was built on a jeep. His podium so to speak would revolve as he played his songs.
The wings on the platform folded up for traveling on the train.
By the way the "53 program listed was for the under canvas show. During the Garden stands there was an intermission and several additional acts were added. There were several displays with five acts going on at the same time. Three in the rings and two on the stages or in the case of aerial acts, over the rings and stages.
Dom Yodice

RBBB 1953 #1 (From Buckles)

Scan000010249, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

RBBB 1953 #2

Scan000010250, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Friday, September 28, 2007

1953 RBBB Program #1

Scan000010254, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

From Anonymous:

Do you have a listing of acts from the '53 program? thanx!

Great web site for circus fans! the pix/copy bring back many good memories.

1953 RBBB Program #2

Scan000010253, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1953 RBBB Program #3

Scan000010249, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1953 RBBB Program #4

Scan000010250, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1953 RBBB Program #5

Scan000010251, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1953 Ringling Program #6

Scan000010252, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

1953 RBBB Program #7

Scan000010255, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

I might point out that there was no intermission, the band played non-stop for two hours.

Cole Bros. Ringstock 1935 #1

Scan000010240, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Cole Bros. Ringstock 1935 #2

Scan000010241, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

John Smith

Scan000010242, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mahlon "Alabama" Campbell

Scan000010243, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Adolph Del Bosq

Scan000010244, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Rudy Rudynoff

Scan000010245, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Al G. Barnes Menage Horses

Scan000010246, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mabel Mack and her Dancing Mules

Scan000010247, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Written on the back:
"Mabel Mack's Mules, trained by Lyman Dunn.
L to R- Hootie, Bonita, Squaw, Jim, Blanche, Pearl., Solcie and Trinket.
Wilmington, Ohio 1918."

Marion Organ

Marion Organ and "Lydia" 1953

Scan000010248, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This is the gentleman that took the mule inventory, visiting my dad at the State Fair in Detroit. Some of you senior Circus Fans must remember him. A very nice man.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


MAIL0284, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

From Anonymous:

Who originated the head carry?

"Yasso" arrived at Sarasota Quarters in March of 1928 along with her trainer Gunga (an early version of Sabu the Elephant Boy).
In those days the Ringling Show had five herds of elephants performing in the three rings and two stages.
During all this, Gunga and "Yasso" did a routine on the front track, simply marching back and forth doing a variety of "carries" and closing with the "head carry" the first time done in this country and to great acclaim.
Elephants had been trained to carry various objects in their mouths for decades and upon seeing this, everyone was anxious to give it a shot.
Gunga didn't stay long and returned to Europe but Yasso" remained for many years. There was never a shortage of men in the elephant Dept. willing to attempt the "difficult and dangerous head-carry" and the best part was that along with the trick came the title "Major M.J. Unger".
Above is a picture of "Yasso" with Erika Loyal.

From Buckles

Today I will catch up on the back log, most of which pertains to subjects brought up during the past week or so.

From Raffaele de Ritis #1

mistin2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mr.Mistin, the sensation of 1955 RBBB season

From Raffaele de Ritis #2

mistin, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Actually it was 1953, I visited the lot that season when the Ringling Show played LaCrosse, Wisconsin, we were booked at the local Fair so didn't get a chance to see the performance.

While chatting with Mickey Freeman I brought up the subject of Mister Mistin and she immediately got on the defensive explaining what a bright, talented and polite kid he was. I gathered from her attitude that most visitors had knocked him.
Like I say, I never saw him perform but I understand that he played his xylophone from a revolving stage that was mounted on a power unit from which he also made his entrance and exit. He had the handicap of appearing in an arena 200' by 300'.
Maybe he was ahead of his time. Today he might be big with something like Big Apple or Soleil."Buckles

Letter from Bill Woodcock...........8-15-53.............To Tom Parkinson

"Visited RBBB lot between shows at LaCrosse, also Arky came to the fairgrounds to look at my layout. 27 bulls with RB with four more in quarters. Louie Reed with the latter."

To Chris Reif

SAVE0438, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Greetings Buckles! Do you have any pictures of Bert Pettus? Chris Reif

"Bert Pettus with "Alice" on Barnett Bros. Circus 1937." Buckles

From Dave Price #1

EleMike, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here's a picture of Sells Bros Mike that popped up on eBay as a "1940s" picture.

Best, Whitey

From Dave Price #2

Benson, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Here's you a drawing that Benson's used of the elephant ride.

Looks like the same setup but with a blanket and harmonica.

From Lane Talburt

IMG_1887, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Buckles: Phil and Francine Schact showed Dondi at the Guilford, Connecticut, fair over the weekend.. Their son, Joshua, was helping young fans feed apples and bananas ($1 each) into Dondi's seemingly bottomless pit just before her performance with the Wallenda Family Circus. Dondi, who also was used for elephant rides, is 33, adopted by the Schacts when she was a baby. The September 24 web site edition of the New Haven (CT) Register has a great feature on Dondi and her food preferences. Lane Talburt

From Joey Ratliff

LastScan, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Good evening Buckles, I received this article in the
mail today from my mother in-law in Minneapolis. It is
from Saturday Sept.22nd's Star Tribune. Sorry I had to
scan it sideways which cut off the top, the headline
reads: "Move to ban circus animals rejected". Thanks.

Joey Ratliff

From Bill Strong

2 Jesters1932, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Richard Reynolds and Bill Strong caught me in yet another error. This is the true "Two Jesters Calliope" whereas the one I submitted earlier was the "Harp and Jesters". Buckles