Monday, November 06, 2006
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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11/06/2006 06:52:00 AM
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Very good blog today buckles. Thanks
It doesn't get any better than this. GREAT, GREAT, GREAT!
These are the type of pictures I treasure. Keep up the excellent work Buckles.
On another note: Yesterday, I spent the day at Circus Pages W.Q.'s near Myakka City.
Jorge Pages, returned from the Ken and Nicole show last Thursday. He was into day three, in breaking his new cat act.
He is breaking the four tabby tigers, which he recently purchased, to sit on their respective seats. Considering the time spent so far, all is going well.
Today, Monday, he begins, two sessions a day. I am sure, knowing Jorge as I do, by weeks end, all will be in their seats, with little trouble at all, when Jorge gives the command.
By the end of the week, two black maned lions and a white tiger, will have arrived in W.Q.'s.
Jorge has two months to put this act together, as the show opens the middle of Jan., here in Fla.
As far as Vicenta's act, on the Blue Show is concerned, as is going well.
Vicenta's mother, Frieda, is returning to Myakka, on Wedsday.
That leaves, Uncle Jose, watching the store on the Blue Show.
There will be one more surprise for the NEW cat. Stay tuned to this BLOG for the news.
Buckles, great series of photos. Love those old railroad shows.
Buckles, No arguing over rubber mats in this series! I love these old photos of Cole Bros. They are so clear and detailed.
By coincidence, I'm on my way down to Seibring, FL to catch the 2006 edition of Cole Bros. A far cry from what it was in '44!
Look at this billing job!
Yesterday I went to see the 2006 Cole Bros. in Sebring, FL with Tony Steele. We saw only 1 small poster, tacked to a telephone pole on the way through town.
Rumors of the show being sold are circulating in the backyard.
From what I hear, it's a done deal and Gopher Davenport is now the man.
Ugh!!! Sure hope you are wrong, Buckles.
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