What a gorgeous piece of equipment this is. I never noticed that the teamster and brakeman were dressed as cowboys.
The operation that carries the Greatest Show on Earth logo today is back in town. I can recall when all the new attrations for the upcoming year would be announced, today everything is shrouded in secrecy to the point where the press and public will be banned from the dress rehearsal. Probably just as well, I paid $100 for tickets last winter for my friends and family and at intermission when Mr. Tyrone said "You ain't seen nothing yet!" we all nodded in agreement. I hear mentioned that the new show won't have a cat act next year. We didn' see one last year.
Hello Buckles,
This is an interesting photo. I have to ask, is this the same wagon that carries the calliope we now know as the America at Circus World Museum? I had no idea it was that old if it's the same wagon.
In reference to the cat act remarks, It's beyond me how they continue to shun some of the quality acts that exist and bring in do nothings from other countries. Last year's lion act on the blue unit was a shame to even be called an act.
Good morning Bob,
If you think the Blue Show cat act is bad, wait until you see the othedr one.
Yes this is what later became the America Calliope that I enjoyed listening to while working at Baraboo and was heart broken last spring to learn that the Barabobians had banned from being played.
Bobby Gibbs and I would often walk over to the bridge at CWM early in the morning to hear the first blasts from the America calliope. Often the only guests would be a bus load of Senior Citizens. At the first shreik of the whistles we would observe various seizures and heart attacks.
Bobby once asked a little old lady if the calliope frightened her and she replied "No Sonny, I always wear them down around my ankles".
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