“I had the opportunity to work with Ronaldo during the start up process of Amgen in Brazil. This was an unique experience as the chosen operating model was a combination of the largest biotech company in the world with a local private owned enterprise. This option has brought different cultural challenges that Ronaldo managed really well without losing focus on talent development. A proof of the latter was the number of colleagues promoted outside Brazil. Addittionally his high level of integrity helps to convey convidence to HR senior management”
Ronaldo Costa Pinto
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
2 mil seguidores
+ de 500 conexões
Human Resources and Organizational Development executive who has shaped high performance…
ALAVANCAGEM… É comum associarmos o termo alavancagem com práticas e estratégias de financas, que significa de uma forma simplista a usar recursos…
ALAVANCAGEM… É comum associarmos o termo alavancagem com práticas e estratégias de financas, que significa de uma forma simplista a usar recursos…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
Am Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen in Tübingen zur Veranstaltung der #DIGPKU. Passend zu diesem besonderen Tag ist ein spannender Artikel in der…
Am Tag der seltenen Erkrankungen in Tübingen zur Veranstaltung der #DIGPKU. Passend zu diesem besonderen Tag ist ein spannender Artikel in der…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
Quanto davvero vi sentite liberi? Quanto uscite dagli schemi? Quanto vi sfidate su strade mai percorse prima? Quanto rischiate? Oggi più di ieri…
Quanto davvero vi sentite liberi? Quanto uscite dagli schemi? Quanto vi sfidate su strade mai percorse prima? Quanto rischiate? Oggi più di ieri…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
Formação acadêmica
Licenças e certificados
Experiência de voluntariado
Empresas de biotecnologia têm dificuldades de achar profissionais qualificados
Brasil Econômico
Article regarding the development of talents in biotech pharmaceutical companies.
Mundo Corporativo - Interview with Milton Jung
Milton Jung interviewed me regarding the organizational development case of Amgen in Brazil.
Careers of The Future
Correio Braziliense - Brasilia DF- Brazil
The article is entitled ‘Careers of the Future’ and discusses how people should pay attention to current demographic and technological changes in order to choose their careers. One of the trends highlighted by the journalist is the increasing need for health services and products. After this remark, Amgen is cited:
"Sectors like biotechnology are new in Brazil, according to Ronaldo Costa Pinto, Director of Human Resources in the pharmaceutical company Amgen. ‘For the time, the search is…The article is entitled ‘Careers of the Future’ and discusses how people should pay attention to current demographic and technological changes in order to choose their careers. One of the trends highlighted by the journalist is the increasing need for health services and products. After this remark, Amgen is cited:
"Sectors like biotechnology are new in Brazil, according to Ronaldo Costa Pinto, Director of Human Resources in the pharmaceutical company Amgen. ‘For the time, the search is for professionals of fields related to pharmacy, so that they learn about biotechnology inside the company’.However, according to Costa Pinto, of Amgen, there is no risk: the sector tends to expand. ‘The biotechnology market is growing and professionals must be flexible to work in the different possibilities this area offers’. The fact that biotechnology companies are still arriving in Brazil should not be a reason for discouragement. ‘Pharmaceuticals increasingly need people with this knowledge’, says Costa Pinto."
Correio Braziliense reaches roughly 531,300 users and delivers about 1,168,890 pageviews each month.
My Blog - HR*ising - http://hrising.blogspot.com.br/
Google Blogspot
HR*ising -Inspiring and exchanging thoughts about the value of PEOPLE in ORGANIZATIONS. The blog's address is:
http://hrising.blogspot.com.br/ -
HR Magazine - Six Sigma in Sight
In the edition of the HR Magazine (March 2004), Linda Heuring wrote an article regarding key companies successfully using Six Sigma methodology in their HR processes. Ronaldo was one of the Six Sigma practitioners ( Six Sigma Champion for the HR Function) interviewed.
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Pharma isn’t just a career—it’s our family’s story. For three generations, my grandfather, my father, and I have dedicated ourselves to helping…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
Rispettatele e amatele!! Sono DIAMANTI. 8 Marzo Solo un coloro, il ROSSO. #internationalwomansday #love #ED&I #H&Gcoffelounge Benedetta Ena
Rispettatele e amatele!! Sono DIAMANTI. 8 Marzo Solo un coloro, il ROSSO. #internationalwomansday #love #ED&I #H&Gcoffelounge Benedetta Ena
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✨ 👩🔬 No dia 08 de março, Dia Internacional das Mulheres, e em especial neste mês de Março, homenageamos as incríveis mulheres da @Hypofarma!…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
Today is International Women's Day Accelerate action. According to the World Economic Forum, at the current rate it would take until the year 2158…
Today is International Women's Day Accelerate action. According to the World Economic Forum, at the current rate it would take until the year 2158…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
A Amgen apoia um ambiente inclusivo em que os melhores talentos podem prosperar e ajudar a impulsionar a inovação e o progresso na ciência. Neste…
A Amgen apoia um ambiente inclusivo em que os melhores talentos podem prosperar e ajudar a impulsionar a inovação e o progresso na ciência. Neste…
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Happy Womens Day! Thar aon domain is bean láidir Éireannach mé….. “Above all else, deep in my soul, I'm a tough Irishwoman." Actress, Maureen…
Happy Womens Day! Thar aon domain is bean láidir Éireannach mé….. “Above all else, deep in my soul, I'm a tough Irishwoman." Actress, Maureen…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
Much of what we do on a daily basis is solve problems and make decisions, however, often stressed and short for time. When we encounter a new…
Much of what we do on a daily basis is solve problems and make decisions, however, often stressed and short for time. When we encounter a new…
Compartilhado por Ronaldo Costa Pinto
As we approach International Women’s Day, I am deeply honoured to be nominated for a PTC W+IN WOW Award. A massive thank you to W+IN for such an…
As we approach International Women’s Day, I am deeply honoured to be nominated for a PTC W+IN WOW Award. A massive thank you to W+IN for such an…
Ronaldo Costa Pinto gostou
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Ronaldo Costa Pinto
Advogado Criminalista | Ronaldo Costa Pinto - Advocacia e Consultoria Jurídica.
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Ronaldo Pinto Costa
sindicalista na sindicato rod. rio grande
Ronaldo Mourão Costa Pinto
Engenheiro Civil
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