Following on from the recently introduced fresh new look for Artisan, we took some time to identify new Artisan commands to further improve the Laravel experience. Another newly introduced command is "about". This command displays information about your application's environment.
Following on from the recently introduced fresh new look for Artisan, we took some time to identify new Artisan commands to further improve the Laravel experience. One of the newly introduced commands is "model:show". This command dumps out the model and table highlights for the given model.
On today's release of Laravel v9.21.0, we’re bringing you a fresh new look for Artisan: a brand new console output on the vast majority of Laravel commands that deliveries a better console experience, and displays more information in commands such as "migrate" or "queue:work".
After a few beta releases, today we've finally reached the first stable release of Pint. And, starting with next week's release of Laravel, Pint will be included on every new Laravel application as a `dev` dependency.
As you may have noticed in the past few weeks, we ensured that Laravel, first-party libraries, Forge, Envoyer, Nova, and Vapor, do support PHP 8.1 since day one. So, let's take a look at what you need to start using PHP 8.1.
We're very excited to announce the immediate availability of Cashier v13.
We're excited to announce that Parallel Testing is now available in Laravel. Starting Laravel v8.25, you may use the built-in `test` Artisan command to run your tests simultaneously across multiple processes to significantly reduce the time required to run the entire test suite.
Starting today, the Vapor UI allows you to create an RDS proxy to efficiently manage your database connections and allow many more connections than would typically be possible.
Laravel v7.19.0 is released in 2020/07/07, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.
Laravel v7.16.0 is released in 2020/06/16, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.
Laravel v7.15.0 is released in 2020/06/09, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.
Laravel v7.14.0 is released in 2020/06/02, here are the changes we`ve merged into this release.