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6 tips to get the most out of Gemini Deep Research

This graphic features four stylized web page layouts with pink and red accents on a black background. A light blue Start research button is centered, and a pink and purple star is in the upper left corner.
A graphic with a light background. On the left side, there's a circular profile picture of a woman with long brown hair, wearing a blue shirt. To the right of the profile picture, there are two lines of text saying: I want to find a great summer camp in New York for my kid. Below that, there's a sparkling graphic of a four-pointed star with a gradient of pink and purple colors. Below the star, there are two more lines of text saying: Here's a research plan for the topic. If you need to update it, let me know! At the bottom of the image, there's a light gray text box. The rest of the image is a plain white background.
A graphic with a light background shows a woman's profile picture and the phrase Start research at the top. Below, a sparkling star graphic is followed by text stating, Great. While I'm researching, feel free to leave this chat. I'll let you know as soon as I'm done. At the bottom, a light gray button with rounded corners reads Restaurant Search for Birthday Party with the subtitle Analyzing results...
Animation showing how to turn a Deep Research report into an Audio Overview.

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Qualifying Google Workspace business and education users can continue to access Deep Research.

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