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by Ben van Gelder

  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.

      €8 EUR  or more


  • Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album

    Includes a download card with 2 exclusive bonus tracks, a 12 page full color booklet with lyrics by Fuensanta and 10 unique artwork by Marthe Koetsier.

    Includes unlimited streaming of MANIFOLD via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €20 EUR or more 


  • Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

    Includes digital download with 2 bonus tracks, a 4 page full color inlay with artwork by Marthe Koetsier and lyrics by Fuensanta

    Includes unlimited streaming of MANIFOLD via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 16-bit/44.1kHz.
    ships out within 3 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €25 EUR or more 


  • Includes 10 postcards with art work by Marthe Koetsier, a digital download of the album (including two bonus tracks) and a 14-page full color inlay with artwork and lyrics.
    ships out within 2 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €20 EUR or more 


  • Poster/Print

    ships out within 2 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €15 EUR or more 


  • Poster/Print

    ships out within 2 days
    Purchasable with gift card

      €15 EUR or more 


Glass 04:58
jamás cabrá otra estrella en pedregal. se va de prisa al cruzar donde caiga su cuesta desierta su cuesta y raya, y sí su navegar se hiciera piedra quedará un almanaque donde guarda su lunar. despégate en cortos ciegos. enciéndete a cortos pliegos. atrás de sal cambian los tres de manantial el oro en cañaveral de verdad se arresta sin desconsuelo atesta en contra al duelo y qué va replicar al tiempo entero sin contar la verdadera ciénaga de su portal. piensa. entrégate de cielo inmenso. jamás cabrá otra tierra en pedregal. se va de prisa al cantar antes fiera y entrañas de cuerpo abierto, astillas de cielo abierto. -english translation- never will another star fit in scree. it leaves in haste crossing where its slope falls deserted its slant and stripe, and if its sailing became a stone there will be an almanac where it keeps its moon. detach yourself in blind cuts. ignite yourself to short folds. back of salt the three change of wellspring the gold in reedbed truly is arrested without disconsolation it attested against mourning, and what will it retort to the entire Time without telling the true mire of its portal. think. give yourself from immense sky. never will another earth fit in scree. it leaves in haste singing first fierce and bowels from open body, splinters from open sky.
Manifold 07:39
espacio arrebato voz de la razón antídoto a la separación quiebra el duelo en los cuerpos de una potencia sin usar búscase más elevado en un ser comunal. en mi alma desierta pierde quien se busca y despierta, quiero anhelar. algo más tiene que haber al despegar del suelo búscase más elevado en un ser comunal -english translation- space rapture voice of reason antidote to separation breaks the mourning in the bodies from an unused power seeks itself higher in a communal being. in my deserted soul the one who seeks and awakens loses, I want to yearn. something more there has to be when taking off from the ground seeks itself higher in a communal being
Spectrum 05:27
Reveal 02:07
Custodians 06:39
color ritual no se ha de apagar cuando reboto los pies del concreto tiene que haber algo más allá si la luz no dice ná de ná la abro como un papalote alabad recurrencia vista temporal -english translation- color ritual is not to be extinguished when I bounce my feet off the concrete there must be something beyond if the light says nothing at all I open it like a kite praise! recurrence temporal view
Sardona 03:54
volví a donde quedan restos después del ataque. aquí hay años de pensamientos y siguen post-ataque. -english translation- I returned to the remains after the attack. here stand years of thought, and they continue post-attack.


The latest record by saxophonist and composer Ben van Gelder (1988) is a mesmerizing tribute to the complexity of human nature. Delivered by an impressive international octet, Manifold showcases a broad and dynamic musical spectrum. The music is inspired by a fascination with the church organ. Van Gelder authentically reveals the underappreciated versatility of this majestic instrument, masterfully executed by the highly acclaimed Brittish organist Kit Downes. The organ breathes, propels, and is driven by an endless flow of air. To Van Gelder this symbolizes an exchange between our physical existence and a world that transcends our understanding.

The music is a reflection of the times we live in, where it is made plain that that the symbiosis between audience and musicians is essential. A concert is a shared experience, and this album underscores the collective spiritual act that a live performance aims to manifest. In addition to celebrating the complexity of human nature, the music is a call to embrace what binds us.


released June 16, 2023

Line up:
Ben van Gelder - alto saxophone and flute
Kit Downes - pipe organ
Fuensanta - voice and lyrics
Joris Roloefs - bass clarinet
Hristo Goleminov - tenor saxophone
Jean-Paul Estiévenart - trumpet
Antoine Pierre - drums
Tijs Klaassen - bass

All compositions and arrangements by Ben van Gelder

Press inquiries:
Judith Kobus
[email protected]

Additional information:
[email protected]
+31 6 4154 8904


all rights reserved



Ben van Gelder Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ben van Gelder (1988) is regarded internationally as an authority on the alto saxophone. Peers and critics alike praise him for his unique sound, lyricism and overall personal approach . His music is firmly rooted in jazz tradition but embraces many other musical genres and disciplines. Visual art in particular plays a prominent role in his practice, and often serves as a framework for his music. ... more

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