Can I also donate to A Way with Words?
Your subscription to the ad-free podcast feed is just one way to sustain A Way with Words and keep new episodes coming. A Way with Words is supported in large part by its radio and podcast listeners just like you. You can also make a donation to help make episodes that are heard millions of times a year around the world. You will help bridge eras, cross boundaries, and bring people together through a love and understanding of language when you make a gift to the radio show and podcast today.
How will I listen to my ad-free podcast?
You can listen in your preferred podcast app. To make sure you don't confuse the feeds, be sure to unsubscribe from the ad-included feed before you subscribe to the ad-free feed.
Can I use my current podcast app?
We support Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Castbox, BeyondPod, Downcast, PlayerFM, Breaker, and RadioPublic.
Sorry, but we do not support Stitcher, Podbean, or NPR One.
You’ll also be able to listen to your ad-free podcast online.
What types of payment do you accept?
You can pay with any major credit cards, as well as Apple Pay on iOS and Google Pay on Android.
Who made this?
Your seamless listening experience is powered by Supporting Cast. Contact [email protected] for support.