Tom Bruining

Tom Bruining

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
4K followers 500+ connections


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  • HowdyGo Graphic
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    Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    London, England, United Kingdom

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    Perth, Western Australia, Australia

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    Perth, Australia

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Volunteer Experience

  • The Design Museum Graphic

    Visitor Experience

    The Design Museum

    - Present 5 years 3 months

    Science and Technology

  • Registration Assistant

    Oxfam Trailwalker

    Civil Rights and Social Action

  • GovHack Graphic

    2016 Committee Member


    - Present 9 years 1 month

    Science and Technology

    Marketing and social media engagement for GovHack WA 2016.
    Web development.
    Marketing creative development.
    Social media and communications strategy.

  • Event Volunteer

    Relay for Life

    - Present 9 years


  • Site Volunteer

    Sydney Open

    - 1 month



  • Bachelor of Computer Science and Bachelor of Commerce



  • Netplan

    Your online home for independent financial retirement planning advice. Led by Nick Bruining, one of Australia's leading independent financial planners, with over 30 years of experience in retirement planning and financial advice.

    See project
  • Simple Hot Desk

    An intelligent, automated hotdesk booking system built for Slack and designed with medium sized companies looking to reduce their office spend.

    See project
  • Automotive - Data Migrations

    Performed legacy system data migrations to a new Enterprise Data Warehouse with full change data capture.

    (MSSQL, BIML, SSIS, FoxPro, MS Access)

  • Mining - Hauler Optimisation Analysis

    A global mining company required the refresh of an analytical model designed to reconcile their 5 year mine plans with the actual production cycle data generated by their Hauler trucks and loaders.

    Optimised stored SQL procedures to minimise computation cost on 180,000,000 generated system scenarios for a system of iron mines

    Utilised MS SQL Management Studio and SSIS to integrate data extracts into a MSSQL database

    Developed a set of metric tables to identify…

    A global mining company required the refresh of an analytical model designed to reconcile their 5 year mine plans with the actual production cycle data generated by their Hauler trucks and loaders.

    Optimised stored SQL procedures to minimise computation cost on 180,000,000 generated system scenarios for a system of iron mines

    Utilised MS SQL Management Studio and SSIS to integrate data extracts into a MSSQL database

    Developed a set of metric tables to identify deltas between plans and actuals at a production cycle granularity over the course of 5 years

    Developed global planning documentation and technical documentation for handover of the data asset and platform to IS&T.

    Technology Stack: Oracle SQL, Oracle Data Integrator

  • Oil & Gas - Social Media Strategy

    Developed a social media strategy for a large oil and gas company for community outreach in a developing country.

  • Retail Energy - Enterprise Data Store Implementation

    A large retail energy company implemented an Enterprise Data Store for analysis and reporting using disparate data domains. Following its implementation, an assortment of initiatives were identified to satisfy varying business needs within the Customer Experience domain. This domain focussed on customer satisfaction in relation to service provision as well as typical transactions, such as billing and customer support.

    Utilised Oracle Data Integrator and SQL to create data sets…

    A large retail energy company implemented an Enterprise Data Store for analysis and reporting using disparate data domains. Following its implementation, an assortment of initiatives were identified to satisfy varying business needs within the Customer Experience domain. This domain focussed on customer satisfaction in relation to service provision as well as typical transactions, such as billing and customer support.

    Utilised Oracle Data Integrator and SQL to create data sets for business consumption from the Business Access Layer of the Enterprise Data Store.

    Worked with business stakeholders to understand needs and viability of initiatives using modelled data sources

    Utilised data with CDC applied in both the context of source data and abstracted modelled data

    Developed data sets for billing timeliness and NPS reporting and coordination.

    Technology Stack: Oracle SQL, Oracle Data Integrator

  • Healthcare - State Healthcare Transformation Program

    SA Health required assistance in the decommissioning of the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the transition of services from the Central Adelaide Local Health Network to the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network.

    Developed Non-Labour Cost reduction savings trackers

    Developed Non-Labour Cost reduction strategies and plans

    Developed a cost reduction tracker to assess the performance of the state’s cost reduction strategies

    Supported client project managers in…

    SA Health required assistance in the decommissioning of the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the transition of services from the Central Adelaide Local Health Network to the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network.

    Developed Non-Labour Cost reduction savings trackers

    Developed Non-Labour Cost reduction strategies and plans

    Developed a cost reduction tracker to assess the performance of the state’s cost reduction strategies

    Supported client project managers in the ongoing up-keep and development of robust project plans in QuickBase.

  • Healthcare - Business Intelligence & Analytics Strategy

    A large private healthcare organisation has a Strategic Priority to develop an internal Business Intelligence & Analytics function to generate provide meaningful insight to the organisation. The organisation had only a small number of analysts utilising basic data visualisation toolsets and manual extracts of data from operational systems. Deloitte developed the strategy including: Platform Architecture, Capability and Culture, Organisational Structure, Operating Model and Information…

    A large private healthcare organisation has a Strategic Priority to develop an internal Business Intelligence & Analytics function to generate provide meaningful insight to the organisation. The organisation had only a small number of analysts utilising basic data visualisation toolsets and manual extracts of data from operational systems. Deloitte developed the strategy including: Platform Architecture, Capability and Culture, Organisational Structure, Operating Model and Information Governance Framework.

    Assisted in the running of workshops to consolidate BI & A customer needs

    Held discussions with Group Information Services to assess viability of existing hardware infrastructure, data warehouse and resource capability

    Developed a BI & A service catalogue and capability set

    Developed a comparison of BI & A data visualisation tools

    Developed a BI & A operating model

    Assisted in the running of multiple working group meetings to facilitate outcomes.

  • Healthcare - Operating Theatre Transformation Project

    A private healthcare organisation needed to perform an operating theatre transformation project for its largest hospital, to verify and implement opportunities across all peri-operative areas including Main Theatres, Angiography and Endoscopy. The project was the pilot implementation of a group wide program to improve operating theatre performance.

    Combined financial and operational data to produce key quantitative outputs validating opportunity areas across all areas of the…

    A private healthcare organisation needed to perform an operating theatre transformation project for its largest hospital, to verify and implement opportunities across all peri-operative areas including Main Theatres, Angiography and Endoscopy. The project was the pilot implementation of a group wide program to improve operating theatre performance.

    Combined financial and operational data to produce key quantitative outputs validating opportunity areas across all areas of the hospital

    Developed multiple reports detailing project structure, approach and findings

    Worked with clinical staff to build an understanding of current state processes and future state processes

    Worked with Senior Accountants to develop a cost allocation approach for theatres

    Worked with internal Business Intelligence team members to develop an approach for business-as-usual implementation of theatre utilisation measures using existing data sources

    Developed creative materials for dissemination through the organisation to communicate project goals and implementation approaches

    Assisted in the quantification and preparation of workshop materials and results held with front-line clinical staff

    Developed financial benefits and costing for 15 independent business cases across the organisation, requesting over $15 million in group wide funding for improvement implementation

    Assisted in the implementation of pilot technology projects

    Gathered high level requirements for a CRM targeting private-practice surgeons

    Ran multiple workshops for requirement gathering and developed workshop creative materials.

    Technology Stack: MSSQL, Adobe Suite, WebPAS, Business Object

  • Healthcare - Analytics Use-case Research

    A private healthcare organisation required research into best of breed international analytics use cases to support its transformation program to improve analytics across the organisation. The use cases assisted the organisation in communicating the potential use cases and benefits that could be derived from the implementation of a self-service, cloud based analytics operation. In addition it showed where analytics had been used in the past to improve clinical outcomes and operational metrics…

    A private healthcare organisation required research into best of breed international analytics use cases to support its transformation program to improve analytics across the organisation. The use cases assisted the organisation in communicating the potential use cases and benefits that could be derived from the implementation of a self-service, cloud based analytics operation. In addition it showed where analytics had been used in the past to improve clinical outcomes and operational metrics.

    Derived use cases from multiple sources and prepared a report for delivery to the client.

  • Healthcare - Nursing Informatics

    A public healthcare organisation was looking to kick-start the data analysis required for its ward nursing staff. This process included the gathering of requirements through the running of a workshop with Nursing managers from across their hospitals. With a particular focus on resource planning, bed discharge planning, nursing shift handover and competency development.

    Assisted in the running of the workshop with nursing managers

    Gathered, consolidated and refined…

    A public healthcare organisation was looking to kick-start the data analysis required for its ward nursing staff. This process included the gathering of requirements through the running of a workshop with Nursing managers from across their hospitals. With a particular focus on resource planning, bed discharge planning, nursing shift handover and competency development.

    Assisted in the running of the workshop with nursing managers

    Gathered, consolidated and refined requirements

    Created a prioritised implementation roadmap to structure its goals and needs for their internal Business Intelligence team.

  • Mining - Integrated Planning Tool

    The project involved the development of an integrated forecasting tool which accepted inputs in a logical manner from a wide variety of clients to facilitate the forecasting of food and drink requirements over the next 12 months.

    Developed an understanding of the existing systems in place

    Quickly prototyped an interface for the tool

    Developed the tool with a dynamic UI targeting non-modern browsers.

    Technology Stack: PHP, MSSQL, HTML, CSS, JS.

  • Oil & Gas - Information Management Domain Assistance

    To support the progression of the Information Management Domain Thomas provided assistance to the IM Domain implementation team to ensure it successfully passed through the final stages of planning and sign-off prior to implementation within the business.

    Key tasks and responsibilities:

    Workshopped with different business areas to create a roadmap and breakdown of the current state of each business area. These included:
    Reporting and Analytics, Information Security, Content…

    To support the progression of the Information Management Domain Thomas provided assistance to the IM Domain implementation team to ensure it successfully passed through the final stages of planning and sign-off prior to implementation within the business.

    Key tasks and responsibilities:

    Workshopped with different business areas to create a roadmap and breakdown of the current state of each business area. These included:
    Reporting and Analytics, Information Security, Content Management, Data Management and Information Lifecycle Management

    Finalised the Process Overview documentation for the Information Management Domain

    Created an easily understood presentation to communicate with the Decision Review Board the intended changes and consequences of the Domain implementation

    Developed a Change Management Approach which specified associated training requirements, KPI’s and ongoing communications with the business that would be required to effectively implement the Information Management domain.

  • Power Imbalances and the Residential Solar Opportunity

    Over a period of two days at GovHack Perth, conceptualised and developed an interactive tool to compare and rank the suitability of suburbs in the Perth metropolitan area for solar power adoption. The intended use was to help power brokers (Synergy in this case) leverage the growing solar trend through subsidies, while decreasing the load on the grid for more efficient power distribution.

    The two sides to this problem are power consumption and potential solar generation ability, with the…

    Over a period of two days at GovHack Perth, conceptualised and developed an interactive tool to compare and rank the suitability of suburbs in the Perth metropolitan area for solar power adoption. The intended use was to help power brokers (Synergy in this case) leverage the growing solar trend through subsidies, while decreasing the load on the grid for more efficient power distribution.

    The two sides to this problem are power consumption and potential solar generation ability, with the difference representing the net generation potential of a given suburb. Power consumption was provided via historic data, while solar generation potential was calculated by combining house areas, including estimations for planned growth areas, with weather data and conservative values for usable roofspace and panel efficiency of solar cells.

    My primary roles were:
    - Managing the database layer with Amazon Web Services
    - Parsing raw JSON housing data using Python and intersecting this with suburb boundaries
    - Front end development with Tableau to produce the tool
    - Pitching the idea and demonstrating the tool

    1st place - Best Business Hack
    1st place - Landgate Most Innovative use of Location Information
    1st place - Synergy Energising Communities

    Other creators
    See project
  • Healthcare - Operating Theatre Visualisation

    The State Healthcare Service wanted a requirements and feasibility study performed to create a prototype Operating Theatre Visualisation for its hospitals. This involved extensive analysis and discussions with clinical staff to arrive at a set of requirements which would be used to assist clinical staff in making decisions as they related to the running and performance of the Operating Theatre on a day-to-day basis.

    Assisted in the running of workshops to gather requirements…

    The State Healthcare Service wanted a requirements and feasibility study performed to create a prototype Operating Theatre Visualisation for its hospitals. This involved extensive analysis and discussions with clinical staff to arrive at a set of requirements which would be used to assist clinical staff in making decisions as they related to the running and performance of the Operating Theatre on a day-to-day basis.

    Assisted in the running of workshops to gather requirements

    Performed general data availability feasibility checks for each element of the visualisation to ensure it could be implemented with adequate data cleansing

    Created the final design in illustrator and prepared internal marketing creative

    Developed end user personas for clinical staff.

    Technology Stack: Illustrator, InDesign

  • Land Management - Crowd Source Property Valuations

    A large public sector client wanted to improve its residential property valuations. This involved a requirements and planning workshop and the preparation of internal data sources for competitors to utilise for the creation of a predictive model to value all residential properties in Western Australia.

    Assisted in the running of and documentation of the initial planning workshop

    Worked with the Information Management team to source necessary data from multiple sources…

    A large public sector client wanted to improve its residential property valuations. This involved a requirements and planning workshop and the preparation of internal data sources for competitors to utilise for the creation of a predictive model to value all residential properties in Western Australia.

    Assisted in the running of and documentation of the initial planning workshop

    Worked with the Information Management team to source necessary data from multiple sources

    Developed scripts for the cleansing of and general preparation of data assets to be provided to competitors.

    Technology Stack: PostGRES, PostGIS, QGIS

  • Media - Internal Client Relationship Manager

    Utilising SugarCRM Community Edition the project required the scoping of existing business processes to facilitate increased uptake and reduce operator errors while allowing consistent handover procedures when staff left their business service area.

    Scoped business requirements

    Developed logical data models for existing purchases, contacts, business areas and accounts

    Developed Business Intelligence to increase customer retention

    Developed reports for…

    Utilising SugarCRM Community Edition the project required the scoping of existing business processes to facilitate increased uptake and reduce operator errors while allowing consistent handover procedures when staff left their business service area.

    Scoped business requirements

    Developed logical data models for existing purchases, contacts, business areas and accounts

    Developed Business Intelligence to increase customer retention

    Developed reports for business requirements.

    Technology Stack: SugarCRM Community Edition, PHP, JS, HTML, CCI ADS.

  • Media - Internal Client Relationship Manager (Cont.)

    Utilising SugarCRM Professional Edition the project involved the extension of existing functionality and improved the real time data capabilities and data structures of the existing CRM.

    The project required careful planning so as to facilitate growth throughout the SevenWest Media group and ensure data integrity was upheld in order to improve business intelligence, data mining and user satisfaction.

    Implemented near real time data transfers from production systems…

    Utilising SugarCRM Professional Edition the project involved the extension of existing functionality and improved the real time data capabilities and data structures of the existing CRM.

    The project required careful planning so as to facilitate growth throughout the SevenWest Media group and ensure data integrity was upheld in order to improve business intelligence, data mining and user satisfaction.

    Implemented near real time data transfers from production systems into the CRM allowing improved user interaction and increased customer retention

    Scoped and planned data models to facilitate expansion of data source systems

    Implemented a fully automated data migration system

    Migrated existing data from an existing CRM which required extensive manipulation to ensure the integrity of the data model was upheld.

    Technology Stack:

    SugarCRM Professional Edition, PHP, SQL, JS, HTML, CCI ADS, XML.

  • West Announcements

    - Present

    "West Announcements" is the largest celebration and obituary notice listing website in Western Australia. All notices placed into The West Australian Newspaper are automatically uploaded onto the site, enhancing the reach of our customers' notices.

    Other creators
    See project
  • Place an Ad (Classified Online Placement Portal)

    - Present

    "Place an Ad" allows customers of The West Australian Newspaper to create and manage their own classified advertisements online. The site is 100% mobile friendly and constantly advancing, offering our customers the best experience possible.

    Other creators
    See project

Honors & Awards

  • 2015 Momentous Award



  • English

    Native or bilingual proficiency

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