Ange Ferguson

Ange Ferguson

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
2K followers 500+ connections


With over two decades of experience in the technology industry, I’ve honed my skills in…





  • Ange Ferguson Coaching and Consulting Graphic

    Ange Ferguson Coaching and Consulting

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

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    South East Asia, China and Australia

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    Australia, India, China

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    Bangalore, Pune, Delhi, Chennai

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    Australia, China

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    Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore

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  • Monash University Graphic
  • - Present

  • - Present

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Volunteer Experience


  • Opportunity and Capability :: the Rise of China

    ThoughtWorks Live

    The Chinese market is an obvious source of inspiration, talent and opportunity for Australian businesses. But tackling such a complex market needs considerable context, insight, and cultural understanding. Angela Ferguson, Group Managing Director of ThoughtWorks Asia Pacific and Hu Kai, Managing Director of ThoughtWorks China, share stories and learnings around the level of upfront preparation, commitment, and assessment needed to ensure the best chance of success in the Chinese market.

    Other authors
    See publication
  • The Team of Tomorrow, Today | How to structure for product and personal success


    Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Design and Maths are all creative pursuits. Combining these talents allows teams to see further and create winning products. The business case for diversity along demographic lines is clear, but more importantly it's the right thing to do.

    See publication

Honors & Awards

  • 50 Most Empowering Women in Business

    Insights Success

    Today, more women are leaders of businesses than ever before. This new breed of leaders are known for their management skills that grow organizational success through emotional intelligence, empathy, reciprocal and collaborative relationships skills. And according to a article, “in a world that favors leadership based on skills of personal interaction rather than on authority, women have a head start.”

    Ange Ferguson, Group Managing Director (GMD) of Asia Pacific at…

    Today, more women are leaders of businesses than ever before. This new breed of leaders are known for their management skills that grow organizational success through emotional intelligence, empathy, reciprocal and collaborative relationships skills. And according to a article, “in a world that favors leadership based on skills of personal interaction rather than on authority, women have a head start.”

    Ange Ferguson, Group Managing Director (GMD) of Asia Pacific at ThoughtWorks is one such leader.

  • Winner of the 2022 Executive Leader category at the B&T Women Leading Tech Awards.


    This category is open to women who are currently in c-suite level leadership roles within a technology business, such as, but not limited to: CEO, CIO, CTO, CMO, CRO and COO. Judges will look for exceptional leadership, a strong vision of the future, cohesion with company culture, outstanding management skills as well as growth and innovation within their organisation over the last 12 months.


  • Digital Rights Watch


    - Present

    Digital Rights Watch exists to ensure fairness, freedoms and fundamental rights for all people who engage in the digital world.

  • Women on Boards


    - Present

    WOB partners with the corporate, government and non-profit sectors to hold events, host programs, create opportunities for women and coach and mentor them into career and director roles.

  • Females in Information Technology and Telecommunications



    FitT is a not-for-profit network whose purpose is to inspire women to achieve their career aspirations and potential at all levels and disciplines within ICT, by facilitating peer networking and support through our programmes.

  • GirlGeek Dinners


  • BPW (Federation of Business and Professional Women)



    BPW develops the professional, leadership and business potential of women on all levels through advocacy, mentoring, networking, skill building and our economic empowerment programs and projects around the world.

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