Shotgun lawsuits over illegal online downloads used to happen all the time courtesy of US record labels. But the mainstream content industry has abandoned the money-losing litigation strategy. Most attempts at mass-copyright enforcement today involve accusations about downloading porn movies. (See Prenda Law and Malibu Media.)
But there's one small movie studio that still likes trying its hand at courtroom enforcement. Court records show that Voltage Pictures, which made the film Dallas Buyers Club, is happy to pursue lawsuits.
Voltage filed an initial case on Feb. 3, suing 31 users over illegal downloads.
On March 3, the film won three Oscars, including Best Actor for Matthew McConaughey—something the company's lawyers mention in every complaint.
Between March 10 and April 1, a review of federal court records shows that Dallas Buyers Club has filed 16 additional copyright lawsuits against 615 unnamed defendants. It's seeking expedited discovery so that it can get contact information for the accused subscribers. Several judges have already granted the discovery requests.
The complaints are similar in style. Each includes an affidavit from a forensics expert who performed a download of Dallas Buyers Club over BitTorrent. He then collected all the IP addresses involved in the "swarm," using geolocation tools to check which IP addresses match a particular judicial district.
Of the 17 lawsuits over this movie, most were filed in Chicago, but two were filed in Milwaukee, two in Houston, and one in Madison, Wisconsin.
What type of joinder, if any, is appropriate in these mass-copyright cases against John Doe defendants is under consideration right now, but the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit just heard argument in a case related to Prenda Law. Prenda shell AF Holdings had sought to sue more than 1,000 defendants in a single lawsuit. In that case, the Electronic Frontier Foundation spoke up to fight against the theory of "swarm joinder."