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Die Bronzetüren von Nowgorod und Gnesen (Die frühmittelalterlichen Bronzetüren, hrsg. von Richard Hamann ; 2)

Goldschmidt, Adolph

Online-Ressource, German
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Document type: Book
Place of Publication: Marburg
Date: 1932
Version: Secondary publication
Date Deposited: 26 Apr 2018 09:48
Faculties / Institutes: Research Project, Working Group > Individuals
DDC-classification: Plastic arts, numismatics, ceramics, metalwork
Controlled Keywords: Nowgoroder Bronzetür, Dom Gniezno <Gniezno>, Bronzetür
Subject (classification): Iconography
Decorative Arts
Countries/Regions: East Europe
Collection: ART-Dok Central and Eastern Europe
ART-Dok Russia
Additional Information: Druckausgabe: Goldschmidt, Adolph: Die Bronzetüren von Nowgorod und Gnesen, Marburg: Verlag des Kunstgeschichtlichen Seminars der Universität Marburg 1932 (Die frühmittelalterlichen Bronzetüren, hrsg. von Richard Hamann ; 2)