Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/7 Searmonað
7. dæg Searmonðes:
- 1099 - Rōdƿigan þǣm Forma Fare oncōmon in Ierusalem and begunnon fīf - ƿuclang ymbsetnung þǣre burge.
- 1905 - Se Norðƿegiscan geþingþ endode þǣre Gaderung betƿēonan Sƿēoland and Norðƿege.
- 1940 - Hacun VII Norrena Cyning, Anlaf Æþeling and Norðƿegisc geþingþ habbaþ Tromsīege oþflogen for ƿræcfæc in Lundene, æfter þǣre Þēodiscan infare.
- 1948 - Edvard Beneš ageaf his setl sƿa Cecoslofacie Foresittend ðonne he set his hand on Grundgesetnesse þærbe ƿeard his þēodland Gemōtscipes rice.
- 1981 - Sē Israhēliscan Lyftþrēat āfeaht and adieglede Iraces Osiraq cyrnreactor.