Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Episode 18: Holidaze

In another exciting departure from ancient ADB tradition, Daniel Sandler takes over the podcast in a [mostly] bloodless coup and interviews Chet and Tor. This results in a very varied conversation about tech presentations, Tools (yay Android Studio 1.0!) and easter eggs.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Oh, and this is the picture that Dan proposed for Android Studio auto-fix hints. Imagine that popping up when you're trying to get some code written.

Relevant Links:

Big Android BBQ
Droidcon London
Devoxx (recorded talks:
Android Studio:
Flappy Droid bug:


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Episode 17: AppCompat

Chet and Fake Tor* are joined in this podcast episode by Chris Banes, an engineer in the Android Developer Relations group. Chris works on the AppCompat library, and other elements of the Android support library such as the new Palette utility, and talks about those things. And other things.

Oh, and we talk about "Shimming around a widget," which is a great phrase if nothing else.

* Tor was not available for this recording. He was probably elsewhere, writing code. The part of Tor will be played in this evening's performance by Richard Hyndman (not pronounced "Hindman," of course. Everyone knows that), also from the Android Developer Relations group.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:
Chris’s blog:
AppCompat v21:
Theme vs Style:
Material (and other Lollipop) samples:

Android Fundamentals Udacity course:


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Episode 16: Notifications

Tor and Chet are joined in this podcast episode by Chris Wren, from the Android System UI team. Chris works on (among other things) notifications and talks about some of the latest notification capabilities in the Android 5.0 Lollipop release (among other things).

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.