Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Episode 18: Holidaze

In another exciting departure from ancient ADB tradition, Daniel Sandler takes over the podcast in a [mostly] bloodless coup and interviews Chet and Tor. This results in a very varied conversation about tech presentations, Tools (yay Android Studio 1.0!) and easter eggs.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Oh, and this is the picture that Dan proposed for Android Studio auto-fix hints. Imagine that popping up when you're trying to get some code written.

Relevant Links:

Big Android BBQ
Droidcon London
Devoxx (recorded talks:
Android Studio:
Flappy Droid bug:


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Episode 17: AppCompat

Chet and Fake Tor* are joined in this podcast episode by Chris Banes, an engineer in the Android Developer Relations group. Chris works on the AppCompat library, and other elements of the Android support library such as the new Palette utility, and talks about those things. And other things.

Oh, and we talk about "Shimming around a widget," which is a great phrase if nothing else.

* Tor was not available for this recording. He was probably elsewhere, writing code. The part of Tor will be played in this evening's performance by Richard Hyndman (not pronounced "Hindman," of course. Everyone knows that), also from the Android Developer Relations group.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:
Chris’s blog:
AppCompat v21:
Theme vs Style:
Material (and other Lollipop) samples:

Android Fundamentals Udacity course:


Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Episode 16: Notifications

Tor and Chet are joined in this podcast episode by Chris Wren, from the Android System UI team. Chris works on (among other things) notifications and talks about some of the latest notification capabilities in the Android 5.0 Lollipop release (among other things).

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Episode 14: Accessibility

Tor and Chet are joined in this podcast episode by Alan Viverette from the UI Toolkit team. Alan is passionate about accessibility. He also works on themes, attributes, styles, widgets and, well, lots of UI stuff. So we talk for a while, as we tend to do.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Android Developers Backstage: Episode 13: Support Library

In this superstitiously numbered episode 13, Tor and Chet talk with Adam Powell of the UI Toolkit team about the Android support library, AppCompat, ListView, RecyclerView, and all sorts of other toolkit-related niceties.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Relevant Links:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Android Developers Backstage: Episode 11: ART, pART 2 (Trash Talk)

In this continuation of the previous gripping and suspenseful episode known as Episode 10, Tor and Chet hear more from Anwar Ghuloum from the Android Runtime team. This time is all trash-talk. Tune in to hear more about garbage collection and how allocation and collection performance is much faster with ART (and, more interestingly, why it's faster).

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Introducing ART:
Verifying App Behavior:

The ART Runtime:

Other Resources:


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Android Developers Backstage: Episode 10: ART, pART 1

Tor and Chet may not know ART, but they know what they like. In this episode, the first in a two-pART series, they talk with Anwar Ghuloum from the ART, or Android Runtime team. ART is the new runtime for Android, which came online in the KitKat release as an alternative to Dalvik. Now ART is not only enabled by default: it’s the only runtime. We’ll talk about what it is, how it works, why it’s better, and the future and very meaning of ART in modern society.

Subscribe to the podcast feed or download the audio file directly.

Introducing ART:
Verifying App Behavior:

Google I/O 2014 Session:
The ART Runtime:

Other Resources:


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 9: Design

Tor and Chet make a startling break with ancient tradition and talk to a real, live designer in this episode: Christian Robertson from the Android User Experience team. Tune in to hear about the Roboto font that Christian created and about font design in general, plus design tips for layout, visual rhythm, and other Android designities.

Design: It's the new Develop.

Relevant links:
Android Design:
Android Style Guide:
Android Asset Studio:


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Or just download the mp3 directly:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 8: Volley

In this episode, the second in a bizarrely and completely unplanned series on Play Store technology, Tor Norbye and Chet Haase are joined by Ficus Kirkpatrick from the Play Store team (and from many other Android projects from the early days). Listen in to hear what Volley is for and how you can use it to simplify your network requests and bitmap download/caching code.

Relevant links:
Volley email list:!forum/volley-users
Gson adapter for Volley:

Subscribe to the podcast at
Or download directly at

Monday, March 24, 2014

Android Developers Backstage - Episode 6: System UI

In this episode, we delve into the world of the Android System UI, including tangents on notifications new and old, status bar icons, implementing user experience designs, and Android logos.

Click here to download the Podcast directly!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Android Developers Backstage- Episode 5: RenderScript

Chet Haase and Tor Norbye are joined by Tim Murray from the RenderScript team.

In this episode, we dive into RenderScript and talk about compute, parallel processing, GPUs, and architecture-independent, high-performance pixel processing. It's intrinsically interesting.

To download the podcast click here.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Android Developers Backstage- Episode 4: Google Play Services

Tor Norbye and Chet Haase are joined by Jeff Hamilton from the Google Play services team.

In this continuation of the mini-series with Tall Engineers Named Jeff (starting with episode #2 with Jeff Sharkey), this episode goes in-depth into the Google Play services library, which provides easier, Android-friendly access to various Google APIs, such as authentication and mapping.

Download the podcast at this link

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Android Developers Backstage - Ep 3: Security

Chet Haase, Tor Norbye, are joined by Adrian Ludwig on the third episode of Android Developers Backstage.

Adrian is stalwart member of the Android team focusing on all aspects of security. Learn about the various ways that Adrian and his team help to make Android better for users.

Click here to download the podcast