“I know Raffaella since she has worked as illycaffè Retail Business Partner, driving the Accenture Innovation Center team. She is extremely Customer and performance oriented with a superior communication skill. She has also a deep expertise in Retail and was able to work effectively under pressure and tight timeline, delivering a concrete and effective plan and strategy.”
After 25 extraordinary and transformative years, my journey at Barilla is coming to a close, the time has come to turn the page of this…
After 25 extraordinary and transformative years, my journey at Barilla is coming to a close, the time has come to turn the page of this…
تم إبداء الإعجاب من قبل Raffaella Campagnoli
Day in the life of a recruiter: I’m sifting through CVs like a treasure hunter in a pile of glitter—90% sparkle, 10% gold. One candidate lists…
Day in the life of a recruiter: I’m sifting through CVs like a treasure hunter in a pile of glitter—90% sparkle, 10% gold. One candidate lists…
تم إبداء الإعجاب من قبل Raffaella Campagnoli
التراخيص والشهادات
الخبرات التطوعية
Honorary Member
Italian Red Cross
Social Services
ASSI Manager Official
- الحالي 4 عام 5 شهر
Arts and Culture
Italian Sports Managers Association
New ecosystems and the food tech revolution
Catering News Middle East
According to the UAE Ministry of Economy, in 2015 Dubai imported about 11 thousand tonnes of fruits and vegetables per day, of which 30% to 40% where re-exported to many of the neighbouring Countries in the Region. According to Kaleej Times, in 2019 The UAE imports 80% of its food, which is a major challenge also for the Country’s food security. Similar figures are disclosed Saudi Arabia: according to FoodExport, KSA depends on imports to meet about 75% of its food needs.
Competitive Agility: How The Hospitality Industry Can Win The New Challenges
Entrepreneur Middle East
How smart retailers deploy technology
The National - UAE
There are five key aspects to technological innovation in which retailers and consumer goods companies must invest in order to regain competitiveness over the medium term: relevance, efficiency, collaboration, credibility and analytics.
Packaging Strategy – CPG companies and Retail cooperation
Mark-Up Italia
Il packaging, da contenitore a driver di successo
È in atto un percorso evolutivo in cui il ruolo del confezionamento si modifica per sostenere le strategie aziendaliمؤلفون آخرونعرض المنشور
إجادة كاملة
إجادة تامة على المستوى المهني
مستوى إجادة محدود
Bahasa indonesia
مستوى إجادة أساسي
إجادة اللغة الأم أو إجادة لغتين إجادة تامة
التوصيات المستلمة
12شخصا قدموا توصية لـRaffaella
انضم الآن لعرضالمزيد من أنشطة Raffaella
Noor Sweid, Founder & Managing Partner of Global Ventures, emphasizes how believing in the Middle East's technological capabilities is the gateway to…
Noor Sweid, Founder & Managing Partner of Global Ventures, emphasizes how believing in the Middle East's technological capabilities is the gateway to…
تم إبداء الإعجاب من قبل Raffaella Campagnoli
When You’re Playing Chess with a Corporate Psychopath So there I was, bright-eyed and eager to collaborate, sitting across from someone I thought…
When You’re Playing Chess with a Corporate Psychopath So there I was, bright-eyed and eager to collaborate, sitting across from someone I thought…
تم إبداء الإعجاب من قبل Raffaella Campagnoli