Mohanaselvan Jeyapalan

Mohanaselvan Jeyapalan

دبي الإمارات العربية المتحدة
٣ آلاف متابع أكثر من 500 زميل

نبذة عني

Senior executive with over 20 years of experience in various industries and passion for…

مقالات Mohanaselvan

  • Do i need to Accept or Reject?

    Do i need to Accept or Reject?

    In today's digital world, our data is used to personalize our experiences online – from suggested products to tailored…

  • Personal Data = what is that?

    Personal Data = what is that?

    Ever "like" a post and then see a surge of similar content in your feed? That's the power (and sometimes creepiness) of…

  • Chapter 2

    Chapter 2

    Most data is dirt at first, says Josep Ferrer. But with structured exploratory data analysis, we can turn this "dirt"…

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انضم الآن لعرض كل النشاط


  • رسم بياني Expo City Dubai

    Expo City Dubai

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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  • Executive Education / Stanford Graduate School of Business


    The Stanford LEAD Certificate in Corporate Innovation is a year-long, 8-course program on key business fundamentals: finance, strategy, and critical thinking, as well as elective options such as design thinking and the innovation process, designing organisations for creativity and innovation, negotiation strategies, and leading effective teams collaborate on projects with small teams of like-minded, like-motivated peers, and engage with world-renowned Stanford GSB faculty, Silicon Valley…

    The Stanford LEAD Certificate in Corporate Innovation is a year-long, 8-course program on key business fundamentals: finance, strategy, and critical thinking, as well as elective options such as design thinking and the innovation process, designing organisations for creativity and innovation, negotiation strategies, and leading effective teams collaborate on projects with small teams of like-minded, like-motivated peers, and engage with world-renowned Stanford GSB faculty, Silicon Valley leaders, coaches, thought leaders, and luminaries through regular live events, discussions, and facilitated feedback.

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    الأنشطة والجمعيات:Class Representative in the sophomore and the final year, Member of the Students Union Council, Member of the College Magazine in the year 2002, Co-ordinator of the Students year book and video for the year 2002, Active member of the Foriegn Students Chapter.

    Presented Seminars on Steganography and its application in securing information.
    Presented Seminar on use of Data Mining to improve Business intelligence.

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التراخيص والشهادات

الدورات التعليمية

  • Computers



  • English

    إجادة كاملة

  • Tamil

    إجادة اللغة الأم أو إجادة لغتين إجادة تامة

  • Hindi

    إجادة تامة على المستوى المهني


  • American Society for Artificial Intelligence


    ⁩ - الحالي
  • isaca


    ⁩ - الحالي

التوصيات المستلمة

المزيد من أنشطة Mohanaselvan

عرض ملف Mohanaselvan الشخصي الكامل

  • مشاهدة الأشخاص المشتركين الذين تعرفهم
  • تقديم تعارف
  • تواصل مع Mohanaselvan مباشرة
انضم لعرض الملف الشخصي الكامل

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