Versions² offers the best way to work with
Subversion on the Mac. Thanks to its clear-cut
approach, you'll hit the ground running.
Don't panic. Versions makes Subversion easy. Even if you're new to version control systems altogether. Commit your work, stay up to date, and easily track changes to your files. All from Versions' pleasant, true to the Mac interface.
File syncing services work well for sharing files, but they are not meant for two people editing the same file. With Version Control one person changing a file can never unknowingly overwrite changes made by another person.
Versions received the first bold user interface refresh in 10 years. From a new app icon, a revamped toolbar to support for the gorgeous Dark Appearance, Versions² fully embraces modern macOS.
While Subversion offers many features, your typical workday consists of only executing the same few actions over. Versions² offers those, right when you need them, right where you need them.
Versions² is optimized for smooth operation on new Macs with M-series chips and also includes an up-to-date Subversion library for optimum security and fidelity.
Your repository is the central spot for all of your project's files. To work on them, you checkout a local working copy to your Mac. There can be many working copies per repository.
A working copy looks just like any regular folder. You can make sub-folders in it and use any applications you want to create and edit files in there. Text, images, code, anything goes.
When you're happy with your work, you commit it. This creates a new revision in the repository. You can also add new files, and delete files to remove them from the repository.
After you commit, everyone in your team can see the new revision, and update their working copies to get the latest changes. Later, it's also easy to figure out who commited what and when.
Keep it clear with Versions' polished interface. Quickly scan through revisions and review commit logs, added, deleted and modified files in the Timeline. Work on your working copies in the Browse view and instantly see the status of every file and folder. Review local changes with your favorite file comparison app and commit, update and revert with ease.
Versions puts the power of Subversion at your fingertips. Heading back in time to revert to an earlier revision? Done. Trying to figure out who changed that line of code? Also done. Want to lock some files to prevent conflicts, or need to see every revision they're changed in? Double done. When you are ready, all of the advanced features you need are waiting for you.
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