Economic resilience starts with an

At Metrix Learning, our priority is people!

Over 800,000 learners served

3.5 million training hours completed

7,000+ available courses

Training for industry certifications

A Workforce Learning Trailblazer... In your corner!

Laptop with Bridge on Screen

Metrix Learning’s eLearning portal is designed to strengthen job prospects. Our goal is simple: to promote career pathways that drive economic prosperity. Metrix Learning provides:


Working directly with state and local governments, non-profits, businesses, and corporations, Metrix Learning understands that each community has a unique economic DNA with diverse needs. Each partner relationship is individually served with a tailored plan.

Custom-built training plans for each unique workforce and worker demand palette

Upskilling methodology that leans on labor market data to streamline strategic goals

Deep dive into target industries, prioritizing an effective and efficient workforce

Metrix Learning delivers proven results through our online learning platform with current and future needs in mind. Around-the-clock access and self-directed courses offer plentiful career pathways to accommodate any life circumstance.

Parents, families juggling childcare, and adult care schedules

Barriers in accessing brick and mortar classrooms

Transportation-deficient jobseekers

Our eLearning platform serves as a support system for those transitioning into the workplace. In addition to offering more than 7,000 skills development courses, Metrix Learning prepares the worker with essential soft skills to successfully navigate life as a working individual.

Dynamic Solution that Drives Results

Metrix Learning partners with organizations to deliver workforce development training and virtual career services through an engaging, cost-effective online solution. Use the ROI (return on investment) calculator to see how Metrix Learning compares to classroom costs.

Purchase low-cost annual licenses to distribute to your community. Subscriptions starting at $6,600 for 100 licenses.

All-Inclusive solution

  • Custom website with your logo
  • Access to our entire catalog with more than 7,000 courses
  • Training for over 100 industry certifications
  • Free certificate of completion for every course
  • Career exploration and skill gap analysis with our career pathways tool
  • Annual user license, unlimited activities
  • Unlimited accounts for administrators/staff – free professional development!
  • Automated monthly reports
  • Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST customer support
  • Weekly training webinars for learners and staff