Past events
19:00 – 21:00 UTC
19 March 2025
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current
topics are digital autonomy, Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the
wiki page of this event.
Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
18:00 – 22:00 UTC
17 March 2025
We are a group of Free Software enthusiasts, who meet once a month in Bonn to talk about Free Software (aka Open Source). The Bonn
FSFE community meetings take place at 7pm on the second Monday of each month. We meet in the pub ‘The Quiet Man’, Heerstraße 121, 53111 Bonn. Come along and join us!
Treffen der lokalen Gruppe in Berlin, Deutschland
17:00 – 19:00 UTC
13 March 2025
The Berlin group of the FSFE meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at Kieztreff Undine (Hagenstraße 57, 5 minutes from Lichtenberg U+S station). Anyone interested in Free Software is welcome to attend the meetings.
* When: 13.03.2025, 18:00 h
* Where: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Lichtenberg station)
18:30 – 20:00 UTC
27 February 2025
The Berlin local group of the FSFE is meeting for their online meetup at the 4th Thuesday of each month to discuss topics around Free Software in the educational sphere.
16:00 – 17:30 UTC
15 February 2025
📖 Educational-training activity “They are young + they need code” at the Tiraboschi library (BG) - second edition
The BgLUG, in collaboration with il circolo dei narratori club and following the Call to mobilisation will propose for the second time the didactic-training activity “They are young + they need code” promoted by FSFE (read the report of the first public reading held in Dalmine).
The event will be held at the Tiraboschi library on 15 February 2025 at 16:00.
The target audience of the activity are children and young people aged 6 to 12.
This activity is part of the broader range of initiatives promoted by the BgLUG and FSFE to popularise and promote free software, freeing people from the shackles of proprietary software.
Free admittance. The event will be held in italian.
⌛ Schedule (February 15, 2024)
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM - Book reading
to follow - Practical electronics workshop for children (construction of a paper circuit)
📍 Where
Central public library “Antonio Tiraboschi” - Bergamo (San Bernardino street, 74, Bergamo)
The library does not have an internal car park. Click below on the openstreetmap to see the location of all car parks in the area.
13:30 – 17:30 UTC
15 February 2025
Our post I Love Free Software Day celebrations will take place in Este organised by the EsteLug on the 15th of February. Everybody is welcome and you find more information on our
event webpage. We will be in the centre of Este during the market and in the afternoon at the Patronato SS. Redentore to
share a moment together about what free software is, discuss what software, social and technology is today, present hidden projects, play quizzes + video games and award whoever
scores the most points. The meeting is run by ILS Este, is open to all and free of charge.
When: 15.02.2025, 14:30 till 18:30 (CET)
Where: Patronato Ss. Redentore primo piano, Este (PD)
We look forward to seeing many of you on the 15th of February for our post-celebrations ♥ ♥ ♥ !
10:00 – 13:00 UTC
15 February 2025
Beyond celebrating I Love Free Software Day, we will also use this event as an opportunity to present our ongoing work for the Public Money, Public Code campaign. Our efforts are aimed at ensuring that publicly funded software is released as free software, benefiting citizens, businesses, and public administrations alike.
With Albania’s 2025 general elections approaching, LibreLabs is actively working to make digital sovereignty and transparency a key issue in the public discourse. Our campaign, detailed in our recent
blog post, highlights why government-funded software should serve the public good, rather than being locked away under proprietary licenses.
When: 15/02/2025, 11:00 (CET)
Where: KubFranceTirana, Pyramid of Tirana, Tiranë, Albania
What: Talks and networking
Presentation of LibreLabs
Talks on I Love Free Software Day and why it matters
Presentation of the Public Money, Public Code campaign and the progress so far
Open discussion with free software advocates
18:30 – 23:00 UTC
14 February 2025
ILoveFS Netherlands is open for everybody and we are happy to welcome all Free Software enthusiasts. We are happy to discuss the future of Free Software, and network with other
community members over pizza and drinks. More information is on our webpage!.
18:00 – 23:00 UTC
14 February 2025
Join the local "Rhein-Main" group in Frankfurt am Main celebrating "I ❤️ Free Software Day" on Friday, February 14, 2025, starting at 7:00 PM (CET) at the Chaos Computer Club Frankfurt e.V.,
located at Hohenstaufenstraße 8, 60327 Frankfurt am Main.
The evening will feature lightning talks and a pizza party, providing an excellent opportunity to connect with fellow Free Software enthusiasts.
More information is available on the events page.
16:00 – 22:00 UTC
14 February 2025
We often underestimate the power of a simple thank you. Everyone who contributes to or supports free software does valuable work for our society and deserves to be recognised.
‘I Love Free Software Day’ on 14 February is an opportunity to show your gratitude with a “Thank you for being part of free software!”. On ‘I Love Free Software Day’, we create
a day that recognises and appreciates all this volunteer work by saying ‘Thank you ♥’ to all the people behind the free software projects and those who are committed to it. With a
simple thank you on 14 February, we show that we appreciate the efforts of the contributors to free software.
We will celebrate together with you at HTBLuVA Villach, Tschinowitscher Weg 5, 9500 Villach, Austria, from 16:00 (CET) till 22:00 (CET).
Free Software is not just any kind of software: it represents a community. Free Software empowers us to use, understand, share, and improve the software.
Let’s build a community for Free Software together — a community that values and welcomes each other — by celebrating the software that empowers us. That is why you’re invited
to join our event the “I ♥ Free Software Day - Carinthia”. We’ll host a small installation party featuring F-Droid, Linux, and more, we express our thanks to maintainers, and
enjoy good coffee and cake together. It’s the perfect setting to chat about Free Software topics and also to install some! :)
13:00 – 15:00 UTC
14 February 2025
- When: 14 February 2025, 2 to 4 pm (CET)
- Where: Bezirkszentralbibliothek Spandau, Carl-Schurz-Str. 13 (Not far from Spandau railway station)
- What: Lectures, Linux and other Free Software to try out
Please note: The event will be held mostly in German but many of the attendees can switch to English.
The Berlin group of the Free Software Foundation Europe will meet for the I Love Free Software Day this year in the seminar room of the Spandau District Central Library.
In addition to saying Thanks! together, there will be lectures on Free Software and hands-on notebooks with Linux for those interested in trying out Free Software. Details about
the programme can be found on the page of the Berlin group in the FSFE wiki.
Afterwards we want to look for a pizzeria nearby: if you want to join us, you are welcome to register without obligation so that we can make a reservation in advance if necessary.
18:00 – 22:00 UTC
13 February 2025
‘I Love Free Software Day’, marks the day in the year on which we take a moment to express our gratitude to the countless individuals who contribute to Free Software—whether through development, maintenance, or advocacy. A simple "thank you" can make a huge difference in motivating others to continue their important work and can help build a more inclusive, welcoming community for newcomers and potential contributors.
The I Love Free Software Day 2025 Barcelona event is open for everybody and we are happy to welcome all Free Software enthusiasts from Catalonia.
Where: AKASHA Hub Barcelona, Carrer de la Verneda, 19, Local 1
When: 13.02.2025, 19:00 (CET)
What: There will be talks and networking with Pizza and drinks.
18:00 – 22:00 UTC
13 February 2025
‘I Love Free Software Day’, marks the day in the year on which we take a moment to express our gratitude to the countless individuals who contribute to Free Software—whether through development, maintenance, or advocacy. A simple "thank you" can make a huge difference in motivating others to continue their important work and can help build a more inclusive, welcoming community for newcomers and potential contributors.
The I Love Free Software Day 2025 Madrid event is open for everybody and we are happy to welcome all Free Software enthusiasts from Spain. There will be talks and networking with pizza and drinks.
Where: Makespace de Madrid (C/ Ruiz Palacios 7) 28020 Madrid, Spain
What: There will be talks and networking with Pizza and drinks.
When: 13.02.2025, 19:00 (CET)
17:00 – 22:00 UTC
13 February 2025
Every year, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) celebrates ‘I Love Free Software Day’ together with many other organisations, companies and people. On this day, we thank all supporters of Free Software. Together we put the spotlight on their work on Free Software. This year we are celebrating ‘I Love Free Software Day’ together with you, Icinga, openSUSE and the Geeko Foundation.
Where: NETWAYS Kesselhaus, Deutschherrenstraße 15-19, 90429 Nuremberg (5 minutes from Plärrer)
When: 13/02/2025, 18:00 to 22:00 (CET)
What: Talks, networking and pizza
We want to celebrate with you, eat pizza and spend a fun evening together. We look forward to seeing you there in large numbers. Please let us know if you are planning to come.
You can find more information about the ‘I Love Free Software Day’ on our activity page.
I Love Free Software Day in Poznań, Poland
17:00 – 22:00 UTC
13 February 2025
Each year, the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) celebrates I Love Free Software Day with various organizations, companies, and individuals. This day is an opportunity to thank all those who support Free Software and to highlight their contributions to the movement. This year, we will be marking I Love Free Software Day together with you.
The event will take place at the /Poznan University of Technology/ and is co-organized with /PUT Request/ (the Student Research Circle). The plan is to have a series of 20-minute talks about Free Software projects, followed by some pizza.
When: 13 February 2025, 18:00 (CET)
Where: Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications - Poznań University of Technology, Polanka 3, Poznań, room P101
For more information visit our webpage
17:00 – 22:00 UTC
13 February 2025
ILoveFS Luxembourg is open for everybody and we are happy to welcome all Free Software enthusiasts where you get the chance to:
Express your gratitude for Free Software
Discuss the future of Free Software
Network with other community members over pizza and drinks
Reserve your spot NOW!
When: 18.02.2025, 18:00 (CET)
Where: Level 2 Hackerspace 87 route de Thionville L-2611 Luxembourg, Europe
16:00 – 22:00 UTC
13 February 2025
I Love Free Software Day Zürich will celebrate all supporters, organizations, companies and people that make Free Software possible!
Where: Hackerspace Chaos Computer Club Zürich (third floor), Neue Hard 12, 8005, Zürich, Switzerland
When: 13.02.2025, 17:00 (CET)
What: Talks, networking, pizza
Visit the events webpage for more information.
17:00 – 23:00 UTC
12 February 2025
We're celebrating the ‘I Love Free Software Day’ with Free Software Foundation Europe's (FSFE) and Warsaw Hackerspace.
The celebrations will be on the 12th of February 2025, 18:00 (CET) at the Warsaw Hackerspace, Hackerspace address: Żelazna 103A, 01-017 Warsaw.
This year we're focusing on discovering hidden/less known projects to the audience. Agenda and more information coming soon.
18:30 – 23:00 UTC
11 February 2025
Are you up for a pre-"I Love Free Software Day" party? Then come and join us at the FSFE Pottieries "I Love Free Software Day" gathering. On the 11th of February,
from 6:30 pm (GMT) onwards we will meet upstairs at the KPA Clubhouse, 97 Horwood Road, Keele University,
Keele, Staffordshire. Everyone is welcome, so bring along your friends, significant other, or family of all ages! Even if they've never heard of Free Software before, it'll be a
good way to introduce them to the topic. However, please let us know when you want to join us for "I Love Free Software Day". Either
by subscribing to our mailing list and sending us a message there or by sending us an
email to
We look forward to seeing many of you on the 11th of February for our pre-celebrations ♥ ♥ ♥ !
08:00 – 13:00 UTC
11 February 2025
With I Love Free Software Day around the corner the Italian local FSFE group is taking up the challenge to organise a lovely I Love Free Software Day celebration in Sicilia. Everybody is welcome to join us in
celebrating our love for Free Software and in reaching out to all Free Software contributors to acknowledge their work for Free Software.
When: 11.02.2025, 09:00 till 14:00 (CET)
Where: Via Leone XIII 48/d, 93100, Caltanissetta (CL), Sicilia
We look forward to seeing many of you on the 11th of February for our pre-celebrations ♥ ♥ ♥ !
19:00 – 22:00 UTC
10 February 2025
With I Love Free Software Day around the corner the Bozen-Bolzano Linux User group is organising an I Love Free Software Day celebration to remember. It will be fun and everybody is welcome
to join us in celebrating our love for Free Software. Step by and let Free Software contributors know how grateful you are for their work.
When: 10.02.2025, 20:00 till 23:00 (CET)
Where: Spazio77, via Dalmazia 77 - Dalmatienstraße 77 - Bozen-Bolzano - Italy
We look forward to seeing many of you on the 10th of February for our pre-celebrations ♥ ♥ ♥ !
14:0006 February – 23:00 UTC
07 January 2025
On February 6-7, 2025 in Washington, DC, the Knight-Georgetown Institute (KGI) and the Yale Tobin Center’s Digital Economy Project will co-host "DMA and Beyond", a policy and research conference exploring the lessons, challenges, and opportunities of competition regulation and enforcement in digital markets.
Jithendra Palepu, FSFE volunteer, and Lucas Lasota from the Weizenbaum Institute will present a comprehensive study on how Apple's restrictive interoperability policies in the context of the DMA harm Free Software.
FOSDEM '25 - Keynote - How we are defending Software Freedom against Apple at the EU's highest court in Brussels, Belgium
15:00 – 15:50 UTC
02 February 2025
Apple is one of the largest and most powerful companies in the world. Its unbalanced power spans over software and devices, trapping end-users and developers in tight lock-ins. This approach has prevented Free Software to flourish in environments controlled by Apple.
The EU has reacted to Apple's monopolistic practices by passing the Digital Markets Act - a law containing several anti-monopoly obligations against big tech. By designating Apple as a "gatekeeper" of digital markets in the EU, the DMA, the company has now to comply with several rules regarding sideloading, enabling of alternative app stores and interoperability of its operating systems. Apple has put forward an aggressive policy against the DMA. The company started litigation against the Euopean Commission to dodge DMA obligations.
Due to the high risks against software freedom, the FSFE was granted right to intervene in the case. By demonstrating that Apple is being regulated in light of public interest, the FSFE is proving to the court that interoperability and software freedom are compatible with human rights.
09:10 – 09:35 UTC
02 February 2025
The fourth edition of the FSFE's programming competition, Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, is now open for registration!
Youth Hacking 4 Freedom invites European teenagers aged 14 to 18 to showcase their creativity and programming skills. Participants will have the opportunity to bring their project ideas to life, supported by expert mentors from the Free Software community.
Join Bonnie Mehring, FSFE's Project Manager, in this talk to learn all about the competition, including how to participate and make the most out of it!
FOSDEM 2025 is taking place on 1 and 2 February at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels
08:10 – 16:00 UTC
02 February 2025
The FSFE is co-organizing this debuting track that wants to bring together developers, maintainers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, donors and funders to explore various getting paid models and mechanisms that ensure the longevity and security of FOSS projects.
Find the devroom schedule here
FOSDEM 2025 is taking place on 1 and 2 February at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels
08:00 – 09:00 UTC
02 February 2025
A workshop on installing custom Android ROM's in line with the FSFE's Upcycling Android Campaign.
Demonstration phones are available.
07:30 – 09:00 UTC
02 February 2025
Join us for this informal and relaxed meeting to connect with other QWLINTA*s around you and discuss Free Software and how to create a more welcoming space for QWLINTA*s in the movement. If you are planning to come, please fill in this form so we can reserve an appropriate space according to our needs.
*QWLINTA: Queer, women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender
14:30 – 15:00 UTC
01 February 2025
Tobias Diekershoff, a FSFE System Hacker and core developer of the Friendica project, along with Michael Vogel, also a core member of the Friendica development team, will provide a concise introduction to Friendica. They will highlight its unique features and explain how it stands apart from other systems.
FOSDEM 2025 is taking place on 1 and 2 February at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels
09:30 – 18:00 UTC
01 February 2025
One more time, the FSFE, together with our co-hosts, is proud to organize the Legal and Policy Issues devroom, a popular track focused on the political and legal challenges in the realm of software freedom.
This devroom will include the participation of FSFE staff members such as Matthias Kirschner, FSFE President; Alexander Sander, FSFE Senior Policy Consultant; and Lucas Lasota, FSFE Legal Project Manager.
Find the devroom schedule here
FOSDEM 2025 is taking place on 1 and 2 February at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels
19:00 – 21:00 UTC
29 January 2025
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are digital autonomy, Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
20:00 – 21:00 UTC
20 January 2025
Why don't universities run their own Mastodon or Friendica instances in addition to their own email servers - for organisational units, professors and students? Why don't students get a Mastodon handle along with their email address when they enrol? Why don't universities host lecture videos in Fediverse via PeerTube? This is what some people at the Universtiy of Innsbruck asked themselves several months ago. So they made it happened.
At this FSFE Women's Meeting, we are delighted to welcome Melanie Bartos, who led the initiative to establish a Mastodon instance and a Fediverse presence at the University of Innsbruck. Melanie will share her experience in persuading the university's management and IT staff to support the project, as well as the challenges she encountered along the way.
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
10:00 – 16:00 UTC
18 January 2025
On January 18th 2025, from about 10 to 16 o'clock we will be available with a FSFE-booth at the national NLLGG meeting, Gerrit Rietveld College, Eykmanlaan 1200, 3571 KH Utrecht, the Netherlands. We are looking forward to have a chat with you about Free Software!
18:00 – 20:00 UTC
16 January 2025
In the next meeting the group will discuss the agenda outlined in the wiki. We meet online from 18:00 to 20:00. The meeting is held in German. You are welcome to join!
38c3- Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany
08:0027 – 16:00 UTC
30 December 2024
For another year, the FSFE will be present at the Chaos Communication Congress, as part of the Bits & Bäume habitat, a space that welcomes all creatures! At our assembly, we will have a booth and a common space for FSFE members, friends and supporters to discuss, meet, hack and organise. There, we will have some workshops and our traditional Free Software song singing.
Whether you're a Free Software enthusiast or just enjoy the company of friendly geeks, our assembly is for you!. Join us and engage in lively discussions, collaborate on projects, and connect with a diverse community passionate about technology and the values of Free Software.
19:00 – 21:00 UTC
20 December 2024
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
19:00 – 20:30 UTC
19 December 2024
👉 What will we talk about?
What is "I Love Free Software Day"?
Why is it important to show appreciation in the Free Software community?
How can you actively participate in the campaign and celebrate your favorite projects or contributors with creative and positive messages or by organizing a dedicated event?
Two testimonials from people who have already organized events for the campaign:
A company-focused event.
A public event.
We'll hear about their experiences, what inspired them, and the results they achieved.
In our community, we often report bugs, request new features, and provide feedback on Free Software projects, but it's equally important to take a moment to say Thank You to those who selflessly work for all of us.
❤️ Join us to discover how we can make February 14th a special day for the Free Software community!
19:00 – 21:00 UTC
18 December 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and software in education.
We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
18:00 – 22:00 UTC
17 December 2024
IMPORTANT! Please RSVP or ask questions via the FSFE Potteries mailing list (or e-mail us) before coming.
Mailing list:
E-mail: [email protected]
For it's second year running, we bring back "Flörgåsbord"... our annual tenpin bowling evening for the groups of FSFE Potteries, StaffsLUG, and ORG Stoke.
This year it'll be on Tuesday 17th December from 6:00pm onwards (although most will arrive around 6:30pm)
Stuff to know...
The room - For this evening we have privately booked a room in the centre of Newcastle-under-Lyme, that can hold up to 40 people and comes complete with 4 full size ten pin bowling lanes. The room also has plenty of comfortable seating booths for people get a drink or eat food (with ordering possible via QR code). This room is located upstairs from the Vue cinema... and you can find exact directions in the 'How to find us' section.
It's FREE - We're pickup up the bill for the bowling all evening!
All the games are free and unlimited! - All 4 bowling lanes will be on unlimited free play for the whole evening, 6 people at most to a lane.
It's a social - Just like any of our past socials, there will be places to sit and just have a quiet chat (no loud music if you don't want it!). Not everyone will be bowling anyway... so don't feel like you have to.
There is food and drinks - The venue has a kitchen serving hot food (so you don't need to eat before coming out) as well as offering drinks. Please follow the hyperlink (related to this event that you're reading) to see the details of the food and drink offered by the venue ...and you can now order everything by using the QR codes shown on the tables of their new seating booths!
Open to all in the FSF, LUG, and ORG - So a great mix of people in one social... but you're also welcome to bring friends and family too. The only thing we ask is that you RSVP if you're coming as we need to be sure it'll be under 40 people. So don't worry if it doesn't look like many are coming, as this has gone out to other groups too.
It's a veritable Flörgåsbord! - Forgive the silly name! It comes from trying to merge the acronyms FSF/LUG/ORG that then got us "Florg" which then turned into Flörgåsbord... kind of like Smörgåsbord (a Swedish buffet)... so basically people from lots of different local technology groups!.
It's a Christmas thing! - We like running these at Christmas time... so you can consider this as a more fun way to get together... rather than a Christmas meal every year!
Travel - Plenty of way to get to Newcastle-under-Lyme town centre (including buses... as it's got it's own bus station). If you're parking then you can either use the Vue cinema park car, or one of the council ran car parks.
⏰ 6:00pm doors open
📍 Lymelight Lanes, 98-104 High Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 1PT.
17:30 – 19:30 UTC
16 December 2024
As in previous years, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Media and Computer Science, abbreviated to ‘EMI’, is organising the EMI Forum. As part of these events, experts from industry and the university shed light on current developments in electrical engineering, media and computer science. The aim is to present relevant topics for students, university members and the interested public. We look forward to stimulating discussions. The EMI Forum is supported by the City of Amberg.
On 16 December we will discuss Free Software together. Bonnie Mehring will talk about the "Public Money? Public Code!" initiative of the Free Software Foundation Europe and shows why "Public Money? Public Code!" affects more than just public administration. A special focus will be placed on the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises. The event starts at 17:30 and is open to all interested parties free of charge.
14:15 – 16:15 UTC
04 December 2024
Hearing on "Open Source" in the German Bundestag, German only. Alexander Sander, FSFE's Senior Policy consultant, is invited as expert and will present our position. Stream will be provided.
11:00 – 17:00 UTC
01 December 2024
On the first Advent, there is a neighbourhood Christmas market at the Lichtenberg town hall in Berlin. This year, the Berlin group of the FSFE will be there with an information stand. The market will be open from 13 to 18h, entrance is free.
12:00 – 12:35 UTC
30 November 2024
We will present the main pillars of the FSFE, its activity, mission and vision.
08:30 – 12:30 UTC
30 November 2024
Every year, 1.5 billion smartphones are produced worldwide are manufactured and thrown away after an often short period of use. We can help to reduce electronic waste if we continue to use our current phone instead of buying a new one. If just one in three people used their cell phone for 1 year longer, the raw materials for the production of 100s of millions of cell phones could be saved.
With Upcycling Android the Free Software Foundation Europe shows how, with the help of free software operating systems, phones can be given a second life. Phones will also be provided to try these free software operating systems out or can be flashed by the participants themselves. In the meantime, we will answer questions about flashing and try to help participants with flashing their own phones.
18:30 – 20:00 UTC
28 November 2024
Online meetup of the Berlin Group
German Premiere of the "Ada & Zangemann" movie in Essen, Germany
10:00 – 11:30 UTC
27 November 2024
The premiere will take place on Wednesday, 27 November from 10:00h. to 11:30h. in Germany's largest cinema hall at Lichtburg Essen, in cooperation with the Junior Uni Essen.
More than 700 primary school children from Essen will attend the premiere as guests. The film focuses on digital self-determination from the perspective of young people and will be available after the premiere under a Creative Commons licence as free educational material, also for use in schools and other educational institutions.
09:00 – 16:00 UTC
23 November 2024
On Saturday November 23 we will host a FSFE-booth at the Open Source Event in LocHal public library in Tilburg the Netherlands. We will combine this with a presentation about the FSFE and an Ada & Zangemann book reading. We are looking forward to have a chat with you about Free Software!
08:00 – 17:00 UTC
23 November 2024
The FSFE will have a booth for the 7th edition of Campus du Libre, an event around Free Software organized by people from academia. Campus du Libre will take place at the "Manufacture des Tabacs" campus, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 in Lyon from 9am to 4pm.
19:0021 November – 21:00 UTC
24 October 2024
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
10:0021 – 16:00 UTC
22 November 2024
Lucas Lasota and Jitendra Palepu, FSFE's legal project managers will present the outcome of a study related to interoperability obligations of the Digital Market Act (DMA) from the perspective of Free Software.
The paper provides a perspective that combines an analysis of the compliance approaches from gatekeepers in relation to Art. 6(7) DMA with a report over the experiences from free and open source software projects (FOSS) in requesting interoperability. The study concentrates on Apple as gatekeeper and portray diverse challenges involved in granting interoperability. The article concludes with lessons learned from regulatory activity over interconnection of terminal equipment (routers and modems) as examples of liberalization processes involving interoperability and end-user devices for internet connection.
The Symposium "DMA enforcement: Trends and gaps in the first year of application" has been organised by Art. 19 together with several universities.
19:00 – 21:00 UTC
20 November 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
09:00 – 15:00 UTC
16 November 2024
On November 16, 2024, from about 10 to 16 o'clock we will be available with a FSFE-booth at the national NLLGG meeting, Gerrit Rietveld College, Eykmanlaan 1200, 3571 KH Utrecht, the Netherlands. We are looking forward to have a chat with you about Free Software!
18:00 – 20:00 UTC
14 November 2024
In the next meeting the group will discuss the agenda outlined in the wiki. We meet online from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is held in German. You are welcome to join!
Treffen der lokalen Gruppe Berlin in Berlin, Deutschland
17:00 – 19:00 UTC
14 November 2024
The Berlin group of the FSFE meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at Kieztreff Undine (Hagenstraße 57, 5 Minuten vom U+S Bahnhof Lichtenberg). Everybody interested in Free Software is welcome to the meetings. This month we want to discuss the Apple Litigation court case.
* When: 12.09.2024, 18:00 Uhr
* Where: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Bhf Lichtenberg)
10:40 – 10:55 UTC
09 November 2024
The Fediverse is a decentralised social network. But what does that mean?
In this talk Tobias Diekershoff from the FSFE will give a short introduction to the Fediverse of 2024 and how it started to evolve in 2008. He will explain the basic concepts of ActivityPub as the protocol of the Fediverse and how the use of this open protocol has enabled a diverse group of Free Software projects to build a social network of (micro) blogging, video streaming, podcasting and event organising. A network where users can share and interact with each other regardless of the platform they use. What will be possible in the Fediverse of 2024? And how can you get started today?
09:40 – 10:35 UTC
09 November 2024
“Knitting Our Internet” (KOI) is a workshop that explores the history of the Internet, and offers a perspective for a collective re-imagination of participatory, decentralized networks. The workshop aims at questioning the very essence of today’s social media, exposing the critical limits posed by centralization, monopoly, and surveillance capitalism.
During the activity, Tommaso Marmo will be using a yarn his grandmother gifted him to simulate centralized and decentralized networks, employing concrete metaphors to actively involve the participants. Every individual attending the workshop will be given a quote or an image relevant in the early and contemporary history of the Internet, and they will be asked to share it as the story unfolds.
09:20 – 12:00 UTC
09 November 2024
Are you interested in discussing the most pressing issues surrounding Free Software in Italy? Whether you want to hear about the latest developments from Free Software associations or share your own success stories, this is the perfect opportunity!
💬Join us at the Italian Community Meeting, supported by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE), where we’ll learn from one another, find inspiration, and tackle future challenges together.
As a volunteer, you have a platform to share your story, discuss your achievements and challenges surrounding Free Software, and connect with fellow enthusiasts. We encourage you to collaborate with the community on common initiatives and work together to forge new paths forward.
👍Let’s come together to strengthen our community and advance the cause of Free Software in Italy! Will you be there?
🕐 Sat. 9th of November, from 10:20-13:00 - Seminar 3 & you can join also in Hybrid form.
🎫 Join & register for free:
Laguage of the event will be Italian.
08:20 – 09:20 UTC
09 November 2024
In this workshop we will dive into the possibilities of encouraging women*, especially girls, to thinker and to code. With tools such as the Free Software Foundation Europe’s (FSFE) illustrated book “Ada & Zangemann” The book tells the story of Ada, a girl who loves to experiment with hardware and software. Ada realises how crucial it is to control technology and decides to stand up to the mighty inventor Zangemann. This workshop will also intend to explore ways to promote diversity and gender equity in the Free Software community and beyond.
Together we will identify the challenges women face in participating in such communities and discuss how we can create more inclusive environments, especially for the future generations. We encourage you to join us to share your experiences, ideas and perspectives, and collaborate in creating a more inclusive and diverse future in the Free Software community for all.
*women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
16:40 – 16:55 UTC
08 November 2024
Today it is impossible to imagine daily life without software. The majority of us can’t spend a single day without using it. People use software in the workplace, on laptops, and on mobile phones. Software is also found in less obvious places however: in trains, cars, televisions, washing-machines, fridges, and many other devices. None of these devices could function without software. Without software we couldn’t write e-mails, make phone calls, go shopping, or travel as we are accustomed to. Software is our society’s central tool. How do we ensure that the next generation is motivated and capable of shaping technology for society’s benefits?
Learn more about the experiences how the FSFE sparks children’s and teenagers interest to tinker, experiment and program. Furthermore you will see how fulfilling those activities can be for yourself.
16:20 – 17:00 UTC
08 November 2024
In this BOF (Birds of a Feather) meeting, we will discuss strategies for fostering community growth and enhancing member involvement. We will explore optimal settings and practices that support sustainable community development. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences and insights, providing an opportunity to learn from one another and collaborate on best practices.
15:40 – 15:55 UTC
08 November 2024
We often underestimate the power of a simple Thank You. Free Software contributors do important work for our society and the “I Love Free Software Day” on 14 February is the perfect opportunity for you to express your special gratitude. Since 2010, we have celebrated this wonderful annual event with an ever-growing and diverse community.
15:00 – 15:15 UTC
08 November 2024
Companies that produce and sell Free Software face a problem: some competitors use unethical and destructive means to compete, making their products cheaper and winning bids. Destructive practices include marketing proprietary software under the guise of being Free Software, whether by using free/open wording, by introducing new licenses that falsely appear to be free, or by imposing additional barriers that make it more difficult to use the freedoms offered by Free Software. For some players, there seems to be no limit to their creativity when it comes to undercutting competitors and winning bids.
The Free Software Foundation Europe has been analysing these and other problematic market practices over the last few years. In this talk Johannes Näder will take a closer look at them and show why they harm Free Software manufacturers and the Free Software ecosystem. We will then discuss ways to limit the success of such practices.
13:40 – 13:55 UTC
08 November 2024
During the summer the European Commission made the decision to stop funding Free Software projects within the Next Generation Internet initiative (NGI). This decision results in a loss of €27 million for software freedom. Since 2018, the European Commission has supported the Free Software ecosystem through NGI, that provided funding and technical assistance to Free Software projects. This decision unfortunately exposes a larger issue: that software freedom in the EU needs more stable, long-term financial support. The ease with which this funding was excluded underlines this need.
This talk shows the urgent need for sustainable, long-term financial support for Free Software to ensure Europe’s technological independence.
13:20 – 13:35 UTC
08 November 2024
The role of Deputy Coordinator Italy within the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) was born in 2022 out of the need of re-establishing the presence of the Foundation on the territory. I designed this three years experimental project together with the Free Software Lab of NOI Techpark with the value proposition of (re)designing the FSFE Italian Community.
The project followed a human centric approach, moving along the five core stages of design-thinking. The goal of Marta Andreoli from the FSFE is to describe the FSFE Italy project and the design-thinking approach adopted.
13:00 – 13:15 UTC
08 November 2024
The FSFE is a consortium member of the EU’s Next Generation Internet initiatives ( As part of our work there over the past 6 years, we have looked at hundreds of participating Free Software projects, to assist them with their legal and licensing questions, as well as to help them become REUSE compliant.
Lina Ceballos from the FSFE will speak about some simple trends in Free Software legal and licensing that we’ve observed over the years in independent Free Software projects and their developers, and how these affect aspects of the Free Software ecosystem.
11:40 – 11:55 UTC
08 November 2024
Our smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other connected devices are general purpose computers. However, device manufacturers, vendors, and internet platforms have been restricting software freedom by exercising their monopolistic control over end-user equipment. Basic freedoms such as installing and uninstalling software are being unfairly limited by these companies, commonly referred to as “gatekeepers”, because of their monopolistic control over devices.
Lucas Lasota from the FSFE will present Device Neutrality as a policy solution to enable end-users to bypass gatekeepers in order to run Free Software independently of the control exercised by hardware manufacturers, vendors, and platforms. Device Neutrality can enable end–users to regain control over their devices.
10:40 – 10:55 UTC
08 November 2024
With CRA and PLD liability rules for software have been introduced with a broad exception for Free Software. After long and intense debates individual developers and non for profit work are safeguarded. In the future, individual developers and non-profit development of Free Software will be exempt from the CRA and the PLD. Nevertheless, the wording in both the regulations are different and a standardisation processes and guidelines are still being drawn up.
In this talk Alexander Sander from the FSFE will discuss what this new regulation means for software freedom in future and what happens at this stage and how to be involved in implementation.
09:00 – 09:15 UTC
08 November 2024
The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and the Linux User Group Bozen-Bolzano-Bulsan (LUGBZ) jointly honour outstanding Free Software developers who have significantly advanced the spread and advocacy of Free Software across Europe.
The European SFS Award recognizes individuals who have made remarkable contributions to fostering a Free Software culture, and it is presented during the SFSCON conference.
18:00 – 19:00 UTC
29 October 2024
The importance of the topic of technology control explained to children in a very simple way through a fairy tale.
Join us to explore all about the FSFE: mission, vision, values and activities! And to discover more about the book Ada&Zangemann.
Read more here:
10:00 – 10:45 UTC
26 October 2024
Tobias Diekershoff, system administrator at FSFE, will give an introduction to the decentralised social network Fediverse as part of a Bits & Bäume workshop at the LCOY24 climate conference in Berlin.
When: Saturday, 26 October 2024, 12 to 12:45 pm
Where: LCOY24, Berlin Charlottenburg, Schillerstr. 120
09:00 – 17:30 UTC
26 October 2024
The Milan Linux Day 2024 takes place on October 26 in Milan, Bicocca University. The FSFE will participate with a talk and a reading of "Ada and Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream".
At 09:30 (room U6-39) Dario Presutti, FSFE policy project manager, will give a talk on the "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign.
At 16:00, in the same room, a public reading of "Ada and Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream" will take place.
The event will take place at the Bicocca University of Milan.
Address: Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1, 20126 Milano - Building U6, first floor
15:0025 – 15:30 UTC
27 October 2024
FSFE will be present with a information booth at Jesień Linuksowa.
Jesień Linuksowa (Linux Autumn) is a social event for enthusiasts of the Free Software and the GNU/Linux that is organized by the Polish Linux Users Group (PLUG). The program includes official talks, semi-official panel discussions as well as social meetings and recreation elements. The aim of the conference is to create the possibility of meeting for the Free Software community members, to enable the contact among the members as well as the exchange of skills and ideas.
The event is intended for both professionals and people who have become interested in the GNU/Linux or Free Software recently. Thanks to the diversified program, the conference gives you the possibility of consolidating or expanding your knowledge in the presented areas. Generally, it's the only larger meeting concerning exactly Linux-related and FLOSS subjects, held by PLUG.
07:00 – 15:00 UTC
25 October 2024
- Information day about Linux and Free Software in general;
- DigiPass in Orvieto, at the library, from 9 to 17 on 25 October 2024;
- Free entry, no registration or ticket purchase required;
- Several members of the Orvieto Linux User Group Association and some guests;
- The event will be entirely in Italian;
The programme of the day:
09:00 Iris Biondi, Leonardo Picchiami, Marco Ciammella - Welcome address
09:30 Jonathan Gaddi Giomini - Introduction to Linux and the Open Source world
10:00 Emilio Ugo Giuffrida - Important and curious news from the world of FLOSS
10:30 Marcello Arcangeli - Introduction to Open Street Map
11:30 Gabriele Ponzo - The FSFe, Ada & Zangemann and geeking out on Arduino
12:00 Arcade game machine using RaspBerry PI 3B+ and RetroPie
12:15 Smart ecosystems: Tiny ML & Physical Computing for Sustainable Innovation
18:00 – 20:00 UTC
23 October 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CEST until about 22:00 CEST. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
16:00 – 18:00 UTC
10 October 2024
In the next meeting the group will discuss the agenda outlined in the wiki. We meet in the Bitwäscherei in Zurich from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is held in German. You are welcome to join!
Treffen der lokalen Gruppe Berlin in Berlin, Deutschland
16:00 – 18:00 UTC
10 October 2024
The Berlin group of the FSFE meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at Kieztreff Undine (Hagenstraße 57, 5 minutes from Lichtenberg U+S station). Anyone interested in Free Software is welcome to attend the meetings.
* When: 12.09.2024, 18:00 h
* Where: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Lichtenberg station)
09:00 – 18:00 UTC
10 October 2024
The LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 takes place from 10 to 12 October in Luxembourg. The FSFE will participate wtih a talk and a workshop:
- Matthias Kirschner, President of the FSFE, will give a talk entitled "The long way to software freedom".
- Alexander Sander, FSFE senior policy consultant, will host the workshop "How to advocate for Public Money? Public Code!"
Premiere of the "Ada & Zangemann" movie on Ada Lovelace Day in Online, Germany
17:30 – 18:30 UTC
08 October 2024
The FSFE is celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on October 8 with a special event for its supporters: the global English premiere of the animated film 'Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream'. Originally a highly successful illustrated book, now available in 10 languages and counting, the story has been adapted into a film and is licensed as an open educational resource.
What: Ada & Zangemann English Premiere
When: 8 October, from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM CEST
Who: FSFE Supporters + Contributors to the movie + their families
Where: Online (FSFE supporters have already received the link)
16:30 – 18:00 UTC
27 September 2024
📖 1st proposal of the educational activity “They are young + they need code” at DALMINE BGLUG, in collaboration with the Bergamo Narrators’ Circle and following the Call to Mobilization, will propose for the first time the educational activity “They are young + they need code” suggested by FSFE. The event will take place at the Dalmine Library on September 27, 2024 at 4:30 PM.
The target audience is children and young people aged 8 to 12 and the book will be read in ITALIAN.
This activity is part of the broader range of initiatives promoted by BGLUG and FSFE to raise awareness and promote free software, liberating people from the chains of proprietary software.
⌛ Schedule (September 27, 2024)
4:30 PM - 5:10 PM - Book reading
From 5:10 PM onwards - Creative workshop for boys and girls
📍 Where
Biblioteca “Rita Levi Montalcini” - Dalmine (Piazza Matteotti 6, 24044 Dalmine(BG))
The library has a small parking lot (30 spaces, including four with charging stations) in front, and some parking spaces on the adjacent road and square. The UNIBG engineering department is also nearby.
Map showing the location of Dalmine Library
Free admittance, no registration required.
⚒️ People Behind the initiative
Andrea Laisa, organizer
Andrea Fiori, BGLUG coordinator
Candelaria Romero, Bergamo Narrators’ Circle coordinator
Carlo Milanesi, reader and BGLUG member
Carmen Cornali, reader from the Loreto Narrators’ Circle, second reader
Omar Lazzari, organizer
📒 Contacts
BGLUG email: [email protected]
Telegram Andrea Laisa: @amreoboo
17:30 – 19:00 UTC
26 September 2024
The Berlin local group of the FSFE is meeting for their online meetup at the 4th Thuesday of each month to discuss topics around Free Software in the educational sphere.
12:00 – 15:00 UTC
21 September 2024
Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software. In Berlin the local group of the FSFE will celebrate together with the LUG "Linux Works" at the Kieztreff Undine at 21.09.2024 with a informative program of presentations about what is Free Software. Between 14h and 17h on Saturday. You can find the Kieztreff Undine at Hagenstraße 57 next to U+S Station Lichtenberg. Entrance is free.
Planned program: Erika Piric "What is Free Software" (EN), Tobias Diekershoff "How to run an NGO on Free Software" (EN or DE), DxU "Introduction to Logseq, the flexible note taking app" (DE). In addion there will be information about the social network Fediverse as alternative to X, Instagram and TikTok.
10:00 – 16:00 UTC
21 September 2024
On September 21, 2024, from about 10 to 16 o'clock we will be available with a FSFE-booth at the national NLLGG-meeting, Gerrit Rietveld College, Eykmanlaan 1200, 3571 KH Utrecht, the Netherlands. We are looking forward to have a chat with you about Free Software!
10:00 – 23:59 UTC
21 September 2024
The Free Software Foundation Europe will be present at this year's Datenspuren with two talks:
- 21.09., 12:00, Seminarraum: micu, FSFE volunteer, will be presenting the Youth Hacking 4 Freedom (YH4F) coding contest. Registration for the next round of the competition has just opened -- if you're under 18 years old and like to code, this is your chance to find out all about the competition and how to get involved. micu has been on the YH4F jury for the first 3 rounds and will also give the audience a glimpse into some of the exciting projects that have been submitted over the years.
- 21.09., 14:30, Kabinett: Johannes Näder, FSFE Policy Project Manager, will give a talk on openwashing, presenting the results of the FSFE's community survey and some ideas on how to deal with openwashing.
Both talks will be held in German. Datenspuren take place at Zentralwerk, Riesaer Straße 32, 01127 Dresden-Pieschen.
See you in Dresden on #SoftwareFreedomDay!
09:0021 – 18:00 UTC
22 September 2024
Bits&Bäume is a movement and a set of conferences about sustainability and software.
This one will take place in Saarbrücken:
There will be an FSFE booth.
08:00 – 15:00 UTC
21 September 2024
Software Freedom Day 2024 in Cologne in
Language: German by default, switch to english on request.
Start: 10:00
End: 17:00
Event Schedule:
10:00 Welcome
10:15 Talk 1: howto living with max amount of free software and the climate benefits (inspired by two woldwide climate demo on 20.09.2024)
11:30 Talk 2 cologne group
12:30 Break
14:00 Talk 3 cologne/bonn group
15:15 Talk 4 Free Software projects in dingfabrik
16:15 Lightning Talks : currently one speaker who could use up the whole time slot, additional speakers always welcome
17:00 Close (Inspired by ;)
Inspired by
20:00 – 21:00 UTC
20 September 2024
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
Software Freedom Day in Tallinn! in Tallinn, Estonia
09:00 – 16:00 UTC
20 September 2024
Software Freedom Day in Tallinn will be celebrated in collaboration between TalTech University and K-Space!
The first part of the event will take place in TalTech IT College (Raja 4C, Tallinn) room ICO-221 on Friday, September 20, 2024 from 12:00 to 15:30 (UTC+03:00). Event is planned IN ESTONIAN language. Topics will be related to cybersecurity:
The second part of the event will be an informal gathering at K-Space (, starting from 16:00, and it will be welcoming non-Estonian-speakers, too! The meeting will be held in ENGLISH, and we will discuss new developments of Software Freedom, read Ada & Zangemann ( and potentially host a workshop about decentralization and the Fediverse (
18 September 2024
We'll discuss how to build our daily software infrastructure on Free
Software only, using decentralized and self-hosted or comunally-hosted
alternatives - i.e., things like NextCloud, Mastodon (and Pixelfed etc.
- Fediverse in general), Matrix, free Android distributions, etc.
Everyone is welccome 🙂 It will likely be in Danish unless some
non-Danish speakers turn up, in that case we'll switch to English.
11:00 – 18:00 UTC
14 September 2024
The Berlin Fediverse Day is a conference about the free social network "Fediverse". It is aimed at people interested in alternatives to X, Instagram, Facebook and so on; but also at institutions, universities, media, NGOs, political actors and companies who want to exchange information in an open and free environment. Admission is free.
Tobias Diekershoff, FSFE System-Hacker and co-maintainer of the Friendica project, will give a talk about "The Fediverse in Europe".
The Berlin Fediverse Day takes place at the c-base in Berlin (Rungestraße 20 near U+S station Jannowitzbrücke) between 13 and 19h, Saturday 14.09.2024 with talks and workshops.
18:00 – 21:00 UTC
12 September 2024
In the next meeting the group will discuss the agenda outlined in the wiki. We meet online from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is held in German. You are welcome to join!
Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Deutschland
16:00 – 18:00 UTC
12 September 2024
The Berlin local group of the FSFE is meeting every 2nd Thursday of a month at the Undine (Hagenstraße 57, 5 minutes from U+S station Lichtenberg). Everybody interested in Free Software is welcome to the meeting. We want to dedicate the meeting in September mostly to the plannings of the Software Freedom Day event on Sept. 21st, but other Free Software related topics are welcome as well.
* When: 12.09.2024, 18:00 Uhr
* Where: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Bhf Lichtenberg)
10 September 2024
Hello again! (no, you're not experiencing Déjà vu!)
The summer meetup has been rescheduled and will now be...
At the KPA Clubhouse on Tuesday 10th September from 6:30pm (BST, UK time).
Please note the time listed on the FSFE site is UTC which is currently one hour ahead of the UK which is in BST right now.
If anyone wants to get any food from there, then they serve food until 8pm, and they will close up completely at 11pm (we've got assurances in email!). Feel free to get there earlier if you prefer to eat in peace before chatter commences!
I've had a good amount of replies, and (as usual for socials) I've made this a joint event between FSFE Potteries, ORG Stoke, and StaffsLUG all in one place :) The previous attempt at organizing this social had about 20+ people coming, so hopefully you'll all try joining us again!
Will be great to have a catch up, especially if the weather holds!
Below are links to find the venue... a guide to Keele car parks (best to use E2 which is free after 5pm)... and bus information (coming from either Crewe/Nantwich or Newcastle/Hanley direction).
25 bus (First):
85 bus (D&G):
Berlin local group online meeting (online)
17:30 – 19:00 UTC
22 August 2024
The Berlin local group of the FSFE is meeting for their online meetup at the 4th Thuesday of each month to discuss topics around Free Software in the educational sphere.
Where: BBB of the FSFE at
18:00 – 20:00 UTC
21 August 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CEST until about 22:00 CEST. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
17 – 18 August 2024
FSFE will be present at the Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon) with a booth, several talks and a reading:
- 17.08, 16:30h, HS8: Johannes Näder, FSFE policy project manager, will give a talk on "It's not just about money!" ("Geld ist nicht alles!'"), explaining approaches for better Free Software procurement.
- 17.08, 17:45h, HS8: Right afterwards, Bernhard Reiter will encourage voluntary payments for Free Software in his talk "Just pay for it!!? - your Free Software!" ("Bezahlt sie doch einfach!!? - eure Freie Software").
- 17.08, 14:00h, HS6: as part of the children's programme, Bernhard Reiter and Johannes Näder will read Matthias Kirschner's book "Ada and Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream".
- Guido Günther will give a Phosh status update in the "FOSS on mobile" project room (C117).
- 17.08., 15:00h: At the FSFE booth, we will answer all your questions about the NGI Zero applications during our NGI0 Open Consultation Hour.
Most of the conference will be in German. You do not need to buy a ticket or register. Just drop by!
19:00 – 20:00 UTC
16 August 2024
Mid-August is FrOSCon time! The local FSFE group in Bonn is hosting a community get-together the evening before the big event. We will have some visitors from far away (does Berlin count as far away?).
This is also an opportunity if you can't make it to FrOSCon but still want to hang out. You are welcome either way!
See you from 19.00 at Café Bistro Pendel - reservation under Liv Dywan in case you can't find us!
16:00 – 19:00 UTC
08 August 2024
In the next meeting the group will discuss the agenda outlined in the wiki. We meet on the 3rd floor of the Bitwäscherei Zürich from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is held in German. You are welcome to join!
Berlin local group meeting in Berlin, Deutschland
16:00 – 19:00 UTC
08 August 2024
The Berlin local group of the FSFE is meeting every 2nd Thursday of a month at the Undine (Hagenstraße 57, 5 minutes from U+S station Lichtenberg). Everybody interested in Free Software is welcome to the meeting.
In August Irakli will present his Bachelor thesis with the title "Die technischen Hürden beim Übergang von Windows zu Linux" (Technical difficulties during the switch from Windows to Linux) and the results of his work. After the presentation we can discuss the results.
* When: 8.08.2024, 18:00 o'clock
* Where: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Bhf Lichtenberg)
00:4503 – 09:00 UTC
04 August 2024
Two of our volunteers will run a booth to promote Free Software at COSCUP, the Conference for Open Source Coders, Users & Promoters. They will both also give a talks about "REUSE - Making Licensing Easy for Everyone", "On corporate control of Free Software Projects… systemic community lessons from IBM & Red Hat", and "Free and Open Source Licensing Basics for Developers". If you have the time, feel free to stop by and say hello to Simon and Florian; they will be happy to talk to you and answer any questions you might have.
17:30 – 19:00 UTC
25 July 2024
The local group of FSFE in Berlin meets for its edu meeting on every fourth Thursday of the month.
All those interested in Free Software are welcome. The meeting takes place from 7:30pm online at BBB server of the FSFE. This time we don't have a specific topic for the meeting.
Bring a good mood.
FSFE Zurich local group meeting (online)
11 July 2024
In the next meeting the group will discuss the agenda outlined in the wiki.
We meet online from 18:00 to 21:00.
The meeting is held in German. You are welcome to join!
FSFE local group Berlin meeting in Berlin, Germany
11 July 2024
The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting on the second Thursday of July. At this meeting we want to review our activities this year so far and plan upcoming events. Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome at the Kieztreff Undine in Hagenstraße 57 not far from S+U-Lichtenberg station.
The meeting will be held between 18h and 20h. German will be the main language, but English can be spoken as well.
Bring good vibes with you.
Zooom Workshop: Cybersecurity, Digital Autonomy and Individual Empoweremt in Berlin, Germany
26 June 2024
Monopolisation of cyberspaces negatively impacts cybersecurity and our digital rights. In this workshop we will meet, install and try several alternatives to most of our essential software used on the daily basis.
Dr. Lucas Lasota, FSFE's Legal Programme Manager, will conduct a workshop at the Law Faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin for master and bachelor students of the course "Law & Tech in the Age of Mass Democracy".
Admission is free. Places are limited. The workshop will be held in English.
When: 26.06.24 at 14:00
Where: Law Faculty of Humboldt University of Berlin - Unter den Linden, 9 - Berlin
22 June 2024
Tübix is a yearly event around GNU/Linux and Free Software. Its seventh
incarnation takes place on 22 June 2024 from 9:30 to 19:20 in the rooms
of Wilhelm Schickard Institute for IT, auf dem Sand, Tübingen, Germany.
Admission is free.
In room V2 at 14:00, Reinhard Müller will read the book
& Zangemann - Ein Märchen über Software, Skateboards und
Himbeereis“, and at 15:00 Uhr in the same room, Florian Snow
gives a talk about banks and Freie Software. Both talks are in German.
Besides that, FSFE will also present information about its work, a rich
assortment of
promotion material,
and the current FSFE fashion
at an information booth.
"They are young, + need the code", FSFE's Format to bring Free Software in the schools (online)
19 June 2024
FSFE's project “They are young + they need the code” is inspired from the work Ada&Zangemann by Matthias Kirschner, president of the Free Software Foundation Europe, who wrote this book to explain to his children the value of Free Software. Also involved in the project is Sandra Brandstaetter, a famous artist and illustrator of children's fairy tales who enriched the book with her valuable illustrations.
FSFE designed the educational format “They are young + they need the code” that, through reading the book and manual activities, can make children understand the importance of freedom and control of technology.
This format will be presented online in Italian at the FSFE BBB at 6pm on June 19th 2024
Danish local group meeting in Aarhus, Denmark
19 June 2024
Danish local group monthly meeting, from 19.00 to 20.30 in the rooms of PROSA in Aarhus. Open to all interested in free software.
The meeting will be in Danish.
Detailed agenda to follow.
In the meantime we have a call for speaker(s)! - We would love to hear from any participants with free software-related material to share. Please send your talk-idea to:
Every 3rd meeting is primarily physical. This is one of those!
The other two meetings are online via BBB. Link will be sent out via the mailing list.
FSFE Infobooth at Suppe and Mucke in Berlin, Germany
15 June 2024
The Berlin group of the FSFE will be represented with an informationbooth at the Friedrichshain soup festival ‘Suppe und Mucke’ on the RAW grounds on Saturday 15 June between 2 and 8 pm.
When: 15.06.2024, 14 bis 20 Uhr
Where: RAW Gelände Tor 1, Revalerstr. 99, Berlin
13 June 2024
Together, with the book author Matthias Kirschner, we will read "Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream" . This illustrated book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realises how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.
Matthias Kirschner will briefly share experiences from readings, and we will discuss concepts how to engage with younger audiences about Free Software. The goal is to enable each participant to better connect with young audiences about technology and together further develop a reusable tool kit for such readings.
DevConf.CZ is taking place in Brno from 13 to 15 June.
12 June 2024
For the June meeting of the Berlin local group of the FSFE we've invited our friend Kai from Zerocat to present his newest project the "Zerocat Mini Machine". The presentation will be in English except German is explicitly required by the audience.
When: 12.06.2024, 7 p.m.
Where: xHain, Grünberger Str. 16, 10243 Berlin
Zerocat Mini Machine: Put the fun back into hardware development!
In respect to electronic hardware development, fun is gone as soon as the tools and the development process take your freedoms away, and bind you to proprietary concepts and business models. Zerocat Mini Machine will be different! While being an interesting hardware project by itself, targeting 100% integrity of text processing towards encrypted Morse code, it offers a rock-solid free license concept right from the start.
All software tools of the development chain, e.g. 3D-CAD, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), PCB layout editing, and so on are fully qualified free software, provided in reproducible environments by means of the GNU Guix System.
12 June 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CEST until about 22:00 CEST. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
10 June 2024
We're a group of free software enthusiasts who meet once a month in Bonn to chat about free software (aka Open Source) and related topics.
Our meetings take place at 19.00 every second Monday of the month.
Ada & Zangemann reading in Offenburg, Germany
07 June 2024
On 7 June, Matthias Kirschner will read the book 'Ada & Zangemann - A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream' at the to more than 200 third graders in Offenburg's largest cinema. The reading will be opened by Offenburg's major. Afterwards there will be discussions with the pupils about software, hardware, tinkering, ideas for their inventions and of course their favourite ice cream.
This illustrated book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realises how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.
07 – 08 June 2024
FSFE participated in the Trento Open Festival conference held at the School of Innovation, University of Trento in Trento, Italy.
Niharika Singhal, Project Manager gave a talk on “AI Licensing Realities: Proliferation of licenses with behavioral restrictions”
* When: June 08, 2024 from 12:00 am to 12:30 pm CET
FSFE, being a consortium member of the Zooom project also participated in a panel discussion on the 3Os and innovation ecosystems, along with other Zooom partners. Lucas Lasota, Legal Programme Manager moderated the panel.
* When: June 08, 2024 from 12:30 am to 13:15 pm CET
Marta Andreoli, Deputy Coordinator Italy participated and chaired a panel discussion on Open Software and Open Communities in Italian.
* When: June 08, 2024 from 11:30 am to 13:00 pm CET
Marta also ended the day with a reading of the book 'Ada & Zangemann: a Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream' by Matthias Kirchsner in Italian to a chirpy crowd of young kids.
The talks were held in English and witnessed the presence of many students, young children, developers, companies and start-ups. More details can be found on the event page.
Follow-up meeting on the Umweltfestival Berlin, Germany
03 June 2024
The Berlin Group, Bits&Bäume Berlin and KDE Eco invite you to a workshop evening at c-base on 3 June (6 to 9 pm) to discuss the topics from our joint stand at the environmental festival in greater depth.
Topics of the evening (depends on the demand during registration):
- Consultation hour on sustainable IT with free software
- Certification of software with the Blauer Engel
- Upcycling Android with CustomROMs
- The Fediverse (decentralised social networks)
- Linux installation workshop
In order to be able to plan better and not to exceed the capacities of the venue, we ask for a non-binding registration.
Location: c-base, Rungestraße 20 (U+S station Jannowitzbrücke)
01 – 02 June 2024
FSFE will participate in this year's community-driven T-DOSE 2024 conference with an information booth and two presentations:
- Saturday June 1st, 13:00 - 13:50 CEST, Carmen Bianca, project manager of the REUSE initiative, will give a talk " REUSE: best practices for copyright and licensing"
- Sunday June 2nd, 12:00 - 12:50 CEST, Nico Rikken, coordinator Netherlands, will hold a Ada & Zangemann book reading
Meet us at the booth for stickers and merchandise, to discuss topics like router freedom, banking apps and software en education, and to view our progress on the Ada & Zangemann book translation.
Admission is free. More details can be found on the conference page. We look forward to seeing you there.
25 May 2024
Vincent Lequertier will read the book "Ada & Zangemann Un conte sur les logiciels, le skateboard et la glace à la framboise".
This illustrated book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realises how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.
24 – 25 May 2024
The esLibre Congress takes place this year in Valencia on 24 and 25 May! FSFE is present this year with a talk in English entitled 'RA & PLD: liability rules and software freedom' and two talks in Spanish: one about Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, FSFE coding competition for young Europeans, and a talk about why everyone should care about Free Software.
And of course, our team will come with stickers!
22 May 2024
Online meeting of the Danish FSFE local group (20:30 to 21:30).
21 May 2024
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
18 May 2024
Deputy Coordinator BNL André Ockers will present (in English) the Free Software Foundation Europe at WikiconNL 2024, from 11.15 to 11.45 o'clock, in room "BenG Lab 2", Media Parkboulevard 1.
16 – 17 May 2024
FSFE will participate in this year's DORS/CLUC 2024 conference.
Niharika Singhal, Project Manager will give a talk on "Making AI Really Open: The Current Landscape of Free Software and AI Licensing"
* When: May 16, 2024 from 11:35 am to 12:05 pm CET
Lucas Lasota, Legal Programme Manager will give a talk on "When our routers are not free: the challenges for an Open and Neutral Internet"
* When: May 17, 2024 from 11:00 am to 11:30 am CET
The talks will be held in English and will be recorded and live streamed on Youtube. More details can be found on the event page. We look forward to seeing you there.
15 May 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CEST until about 22:00 CEST. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
13 May 2024
We are a group of friends of Free Software who meet once a month in Bonn to talk about Free Software (aka Open Source).
13.5. 19.00 Uhr
The Quiet Man, Heerstraße 121, 53111 Bonn
FSFE Berlin meets gnuHU Berlin, Germany
07 May 2024
The Berlin group of the FSFE will meet with the gnuHU group of Humboldt University for a joint evening about Free Software, to get to know the groups and their work on 7 May, 6 to 8 pm, in the Signallabor at Georgenstraße 47 (2nd floor, room 2.26).
28 April 2024
How can we make digitalisation sustainable?
The Berlin group of the FSFE wants to show an answer to this question at the Environmental Festival 2024 together with Bits&Bäume Berlin and KDE Eco. Come to our booth to learn more about the sustainable use of computers with Free Software. We will also have information about Upcycling Android, Public Money, Public Code and the Fediverse available at our booth.
On April 28th we will be on Straße des 17. Juni between the Siegessäule and the Brandenburg Gate. Come by and talk with us about Free Software!
25 April 2024
Like every 4th Thursday of the month the local Berlin group of the FSFE will meet on April 25th to their EDU meeting to discuss "Free Software in Education". This time we will meet at the restaurant "Kartoffelkeller" near Friedrichstraße station, starting at 5 p.m..
22 April 2024
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
This month Sophie Küster is joining us to talk about "One of the Lads – Things I’m Tired of Hearing about Women in Tech".
20 April 2024
FSFE is present with an information and merchandise booth at the 20th
Linux-Infotag Augsburg. The event takes place on 20 April 2024 from
9:30 to 17:00 at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences.
Admission is free.
17 April 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CEST until about 22:00 CEST. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
15 – 16 April 2024
The conference will be held on April 15 - 16 at Chalmers Conference Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.
It will be a local, face-to-face event.
Meeting of FSFE supporters Berlin/Brandenburg in Berlin, Germany
11 April 2024
On 11.4.2024 the Berlin supporters group of the FSFE will meet again at Kieztreff Undine from 6 pm. Theman could be the environmental festival on 28.4. and the XZ gap.
All Free Software and FSFE interested parties are cordially invited to watch on Thursday at Kieztreff Undine, right by the Lichtenberg underground station (U5) and plan and palavern.
- When: 11.04.2024, 6 pm
- Where: Kieztreff Undine, Hagenstraße 57 Berlin (S/U Bhf Lichtenberg)
04 April 2024
The heroine of this tale is a role model for encouraging young girls to take up technical subjects. Bilingual reading (German and French) of the story with projection of the illustrations.
20 March 2024
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
This month we are having an open conversation with any topics that participants are interested in!
20 March 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation and banking apps.
We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
16 March 2024
On March 16th, 2024, from about 10 to 16 o'clock we will be available with a FSFE-infobooth at the national NLLGG-meeting, Gerrit Rietveld College, Eykmanlaan 1200, 3571 KH Utrecht, the Netherlands. We are looking forward to have a chat with you about Free Software!
16 – 17 March 2024
The Chemnitzer Linux Days is one of the largest Free Software conferences in Germany. It is a long-standing event for education about Linux and Free Software. The event includes workshops, lectures and beginners' talks in the central building of the Chemnitz University of Technology.
The FSFE will be present with an information booth. On Saturday at 09:30, the FSFE's Policy Project Manager Johannes Näder will present Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, the Free Software competition for young people aged 14-18, currently in its 3rd year.
14 March 2024
The FSFE local group Berlin is having its regular monthly meeting on the second Thursday of March.
Anyone interested in software freedom is welcome at the Kieztreff Undine in Hagenstraße 57 not far from S+U-Lichtenberg station.
The meeting is starting at 18h and mostly in German but English can be spoken as well.
Bring good vibes with you.
08 – 10 March 2024
FSFE will participate in this year's Circonomia Fano 2024 festival!
Dario Presutti will hold three readings (in Italian) of “Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream”. Tommaso Marmo will host a workshop on the Fediverse. Join us with friends and family if you are around!
March 8 - Corte Malatestiana/Spazio Wooden Houses
15:30 Reading of “Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream”
17:00 “Rete (In)Sostenibile”, Fediverse workshop
March 9 - Corte Malatestiana/Spazio Wooden Houses
15:30 Reading of “Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream”
17:00 “Rete (In)Sostenibile”, Fediverse workshop
March 10 - Corte Malatestiana/Spazio Wooden Houses
15:30 Reading of “Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream”
17:00 “Rete (In)Sostenibile”, Fediverse workshop
21 February 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are Ada & Zangemann book translation, elections and IT in educational sector.
We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
14 February 2024
Together we celebrate our love and appreciation for Free Software at the I Love Free Software Day on the 14th of February 2024, at the Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden (CCCWI), Sedanplatz 7, Wiesbaden. This event is open for the public and we would be more than happy to welcome you from 19:00 (CET) till open end at the CCCWI.
We will have to lightning talk sessions, with short inputs around 5 minutes. If you would like to participate with a lightning talk from your side about your favourite Free Software please send an email to weeman(at)
* When: Wednesday, 14.02.2024, 19:00 Uhr
* Where: Chaos Computer Club Wiesbaden e.V., Sedanplatz 7, 65183 Wiesbaden
14 February 2024
The Berlin local group of the FSFE is celebrating the I Love Free Software day 2024 at xHain.
When: 14.02.2024, 18:00h till 21:00h
Where: xHain, Grünberger Str. 16 10243 Berlin
14 February 2024
We love Free Software, do you? Join us to express our love and appreciation to the people behind Free Software at the I Love Free Software Day on the 14th of February 2024.
Hack42 Arnhem kindly hosts this gathering, at a 15 minute bus ride from the central railway station. We will start with a show-and-tell about the software you love. Later we will take the time to express our thanks by writing postcards and sending email. It will be a fun and informal meeting.
Food will be provided. Please respond so we account for you and your preferences.
We'll start at 19:00 CET with food and doors open at 18:30. Earlier by agreement.
Please register ahead of time so we can accommodate for you with food.
14 February 2024
FSFE and BgLUG celebrate together the "I Love Free Software"! The meeting is at 6 pm at the POLARESCO SPACE, in via del Polaresco, 15 in Bergamo. It will be an evening to meet and celebrate Free Software with old and new friends, music and good food. The event is open to everyone, young and old, friends and relatives! Please, register to the event link. We can't wait to see you there ♥
14 February 2024
We invite you to celebrate the "I ♥️ Free Software Day" of 2024 and to show your gratitude to free software contributors, who do an essential work for our society.
Together, we recognize the importance of their efforts and their dedication to creating a free and open digital world for everyone.
We look forward to seeing you:
19:00 h: Welcome
19:15 h: playful and informative introduction to Free Software, by Xavi de Blas
19:45 h: Celebration and networking
Come and share this special day with us! There will be food and drink for all attendees.
Xavier de Blas in the mid-2000s gave 111 lectures-show on free software. Upon reaching this number, he decided to reorient his efforts to programming. For the “I ♥️ Free Software Day” 2024 he will discuss some fun anecdotes of that time and offer us a new small format show called “ManipulaSo” where he will play with sensors and free software and hardware tools that he develops daily.
Please note, that the presentation about Free Software will be held in Catalan.
14 February 2024
For the first time live, TWC study groups return.
Free software has a fundamental value for the economy of the technological supply chain. Without FOSS the startup model would be fundamentally different, or would not really exist. In spite of this, FOSS methodologies promote a collaborative model, rather than competitive, of design and production of digital technologies, thus helping to establish alternative technology design practices to Big Tech.
Most of the challenges we encounter in building distributed collaboration networks are organizational, non-technical: the software is compared to a stream, a stream, with an original source that can branch into different flows where necessary. For example, some centralized software communities tend to recreate the power structures of the physical world through member distribution and audience choice. Does it make sense to continue developing free software as we have done in recent decades? Where can we learn from our mistakes? How to build free software communities we so much hope?
As a better opportunity for Free Software Foundation Europe’s I Love Free Software Day to thank all people working on the ecosystem with a study group on the future and present of FOSS. Synware: free syndicates software is a collection of essays on the use, creation and collective maintenance of digital technologies in techno-syndicalist optics.
We are waiting for you on February 14 in Bologna to discuss together the future of FOSS.
13 February 2024
Are you up for a pre-"I Love Free Software Day" party? Then come and join us at the FSFE Pottieries "I Love Free Software Day" gathering. On the 13th of February, from 6:30 pm (GMT) onwards we will meet upstairs at the KPA Clubhouse, 97 Horwood Road, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire. Everyone is welcome, so bring along your friends, significant other, or family of all ages! Even if they've never heard of Free Software before, it'll be a good way to introduce them to the topic. However, please let us know when you want to join us for "I Love Free Software Day". Either by subscribing to our mailing list and sending us a message there or by sending us an email to
We look forward to seeing many of you on the 13th of February for our pre-celebrations ♥ ♥ ♥ !
Ada & Zangemann reading at Altenmünster primary school in Crailsheim, Germany
07 February 2024
On 7 February, Matthias Kirschner will read the book 'Ada & Zangemann - A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream' at the Altenmünster primary school. Afterwards there will be discussions with the pupils about software, hardware, tinkering, ideas for their inventions and of course their favourite ice cream.
Ada & Zangemann reading at Rollhofschule primary school in Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany
06 February 2024
On 6 February, Matthias Kirschner will read the book 'Ada & Zangemann - A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream' to two third classes at the Rollhofschule. Afterwards there will be discussions with the pupils about software, hardware, tinkering, and of course their favourite ice cream.
Ada & Zangemann reading at Grundschule am Langen Graben in Schwäbisch-Hall, Germany
06 February 2024
On 6 February, Matthias Kirschner will read the book 'Ada & Zangemann - A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream' to two second and two third classes at the "Grundschule am Langen Graben". Afterwards there will be discussions with the pupils about software, hardware, tinkering, and of course their favourite ice cream.
03 – 04 February 2024
It is that time of the year again. FOSDEM will take place in Brussels on 3 and 4 February 2024. The Free Software Foundation Europe will be there with most of its staff and some of our volunteers!
You can find a detailed overview of FSFE organized dev rooms and workshops in this news item.
We hope to see you at FOSDEM!
31 January 2024
Wednesday, Jan. 31, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the library: an exta-ordinary reading for children (over age 6) and adults: a book that is a tale of the importance of having free software.
This illustrated book tells the story of the famous inventor Zangemann and the girl Ada, a curious tinkerer. Ada begins to experiment with hardware and software, and in the process realises how crucial it is for her and others to control technology.
Come listen to the story and color its characters together!
25 January 2024
The local group of FSFE in Berlin meets for its edu meeting on every
fourth Thursday of the month. All those interested in Free Software
are welcome. The meeting takes place from 7:30pm online at BBB server
of the FSFE. Bring a good mood.
24 January 2024
FSFE Netherlands meets every month online to discuss relevant news, practical problemen and opportunities for software freedom and actions to improve the situation. Current topics are elections, banking apps and IT in educational sector.
We meet from 20:00 CET until about 22:00 CET. The meeting will be in English if not all participants speak Dutch. More details of can be found on the wiki page of this event. Minutes of previous meetings are also available on the wiki.
FSFE Local Group Meeting in Aarhus in Aarhus, Denmark
24 January 2024
The next meeting in our network will be next Wednesday at 19:00 at PROSA, Søren Frichs Vej 38K th., 8230 Åbyhøj.
It is not far from Magenta's office on Silkeborgvej, where we have had meetings before.
If you can't attend physically, you can also participate virtually at this link:
The agenda is a general resumption of our work - and I would especially like to talk about what we can do to get Ada&Zangemann published in Danish.
20 January 2024
This is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together online once a month to chat, give talks about topics we care about and discuss recent developments.
The group is women-centric and open to all women, inter, trans and non-binary people.
Topics for this call are:
- Increase Inclusivity FSFE Italy
- Gimp for Noobs
- I love Free Software Day