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Request and Place Hold on Items

Request - provides a self-service opportunity to REQUEST items or PLACE HOLD on items via online catalogue.

By requesting an item that is available in the library, you will reserve this item for you. By requesting an item that is currently checked out, you will place hold on this item.


In online catalogue ESTER you can request items from:

Academic Library of Tallinn University for checking out and on-site use;
Estonian Defence Forces Library for checking out;
Estonian Literary Museum Archival Library on-site use;
Estonian National Museum Library on-site use;
Eesti Pank library for checking out;
Library of the Estonian University of Life Sciences for checking out;
National Archives of Estonia. Library on-site use;
National Library of Estonia for checking out and on-site use;
Tartu Public Library for checking out from the main library and branches (except journals and magazines). Items can be ordered from the main library to any branch and vice versa;
Tallinn University of Technology Library collection for checking out;
University of Tartu Library main collection for checking out and on-site use.

You cannot request copies which are being processed, have the status of "unspecified" or "lost", or if there are no copies.

To request an item:

  • search the desired title and check if a copy is available in your library for requesting
  • click on the Request button next to the title
  • select the library in whose user status you wish to end the request
  • enter your username and password or log in with your ID-card/Digi-ID, Mobile-ID, and in some libraries also via TAAT service.(If you have already logged in to My ESTER you will not be asked this information.)
  • choose the pickup location
  • click on SUBMIT
  • choose the copy (volume), observing its location and status
  • click on Request selected copy
  • the system displays a confirmation that your request has been submitted.

Place Hold on Items

You can place hold on items that are currently checked out (a due date DD.MM.YY is displayed together with item information?) from:
Archival Library of the Estonian Literary Museum;
Estonian Academy of Security Sciences Library;
Estonian National Museum Library;
Estonian Defence Forces Library;
Library of the Estonian University of Life Sciences;
National Archives of Estonia. Library;
National Library of Estonia;
Tallinn Zoo Library;
Tartu Public Library;
University of Tartu Library.

Options for placing hold on item(s) in libraries / online catalogue ESTER


You can
place hold on...

How to place hold on items

Notification of the item when available...

Items is held in your name

In the library / online catalogue ESTER By phone By email
Academic Library of Tallinn University Books currently checked out or displayed at the exhibition of recent acquisitions (in the library's 2nd floor reading room)

In the library +372 665 9431 [email protected]
by filling out hold on items form
By email or SMS 5 days
Archival Library of Estonian Literary Museum Books currently checked out In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER

[email protected] By email 3 days
Estonian Academy of Arts Library Books currently checked out or displayed at the exhibition of recent acquisitions In the library +372 626 7334 [email protected] By phone or e-mail 7 days
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Library Books and sheet music currently checked out or displayed at the exhibition of recent acquisitions In the library +372 6675 751 [email protected] By email 7 days
Estonian Academy of Security Sciences Library Books currently checked out In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER
tel: +372 696 5324 [email protected] By email 5 days
Estonian Art Museum Library Books currently checked out or displayed at the exhibition of recent acquisitions In the library +372 602 6037 [email protected] By email 3 days
Estonian National Museum Library Books currently checked out or displayed at the exhibition of recent acquisitions In the library - [email protected] By email 3 days
Estonian Defence Forces Library Books currently checked out In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER
+372 717 1196

[email protected] By email 5 days
Library of the Estonian University of Life Sciences Books currently checked out In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER
+372 731 3141 [email protected] By email 7 days
National Archives of Estonia. Library Books currently checked out In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER
+372 738 7531 [email protected] By email or Phone 5 days
National Library of Estonia Books and serials currently checked out In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER
+372 630 7100 [email protected] By email or Phone 3 days
Tallinn Central Library Books, CDs, DVDs, etc. currently checked out (except periodicals). You can place a hold on maximum 5 items In the library   [email protected]
or contact directly the relevant service point / branch library holding the required item
or submitting an electronic request form
By email or phone
(the cost of the phonecall shall be paid by the user)
2 working days
Tallinn Zoo Library Books currently checked out In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER
+372 694 3316 [email protected] By email 7 working days
Tallinn University of Applied Sciences Library Books and serials currently checked out In the library +372 666 4529 [email protected] By email 4 days
Tallinn University of Technology Library Books currently checked out or displayed at the new arrivals exhibition. You can place a hold on max 10 items. In the library +372 620 3555 [email protected]
or submitting an electronic request form
By phone 3 days
TalTech EMERA branch Books currently checked out or displayed at the new arrivals exhibition. You can place a hold on max 10 items. In the library +372 613 557 [email protected] By phone 3 days
TalTech Department of Software Science Books currently checked out In the library +372 5328 4117 [email protected] By email 3 days
Tartu Public Library Books, CDs, DVDs, etc. currently checked out (except periodicals) In the library,
Via online catalogue ESTER
- By email, SMS and phone
(the latter 2 shall be paid by the user)
3 days
University of Tartu Library Books currently checked out In the library on the basis of a call slip,
Via online catalogue ESTER
- By email 3 days

More information at your library's website.
