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Participating Libraries

Participating libraries and their abbreviations used in the online catalogue.

NB! With specific questions related to any particular library (opening hours, (book) renewals, etc.) please contact the library whose service you use.

Arvo Pärt Centre LibraryAPC[email protected]+372 604 0470
Baltic Defence College LibraryBDC[email protected]+372 717 6030
Archival Library of the Estonian Literary MuseumELMAL[email protected]+372 737 7710
Estonian Academy of Arts LibraryEAAL[email protected]+372 626 7334
The Art Museum of Estonia LibraryAMEL[email protected]+372 602 6037
Estonian Naturalists’ Society LibraryENS[email protected]+372 734 1935
Estonian Theatre Union libraryETL[email protected]+372 5615 4538
Estonian University of Life Sciences LibraryEULSL[email protected]+372 731 3141
EULS Institute of Agricultural and Environmental SciencesEULSL[email protected]+372 731 3774
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre LibraryEAMTL[email protected]+372 667 5751
EAMT Drama School LibraryEAMTL[email protected]+372 667 5802
Fenno-Ugria Organisation libraryFUAR[email protected]+372 644 5119
Eesti Pank LibraryEPL[email protected] 
Estonian National Museum LibraryENM[email protected]+372 736 3020
National Library of EstoniaNLE[email protected]+372 630 7100
Estonian Mother Tongue SocietyEMTS[email protected]+372 644 9331
Estonian Defence Forces LibraryEDF[email protected]+372 717 1196
National Archives of Estonia. LibraryNAE[email protected]+372 738 7531
+372 693 8037
Estonian Academy of Security Sciences LibraryEASS[email protected]+372 612 6809
Finnish Institute LibraryFinst[email protected]+372 742 7319
Tallinn Botanic Garden LibraryTBG[email protected]+372 606 2669
Tallinn LibrariesTlnL[email protected]+372 683 0917
Tallinn City Archives LibraryTCA[email protected]+372 645 7417
Tallinn City Museum LibraryTCM[email protected]+372 615 5182
Tallinn Health Care College LibraryTHCC[email protected]+372 671 1735
Tallinn Zoo LibraryZOO[email protected]+372 694 3316
TTK University of Applied SciencesTTK UASL[email protected]+372 666 4529
Academic Library of Tallinn UniversityTUAL[email protected]+372 665 9431
Tallinn University of Technology LibraryTalTech[email protected]+372 620 3553
TalTech Estonian Maritime AcademyTalTech[email protected]+372 613 5573
TalTech Kuressaare CollegeTalTech[email protected]+372 452 4033
TalTech Department of Software ScienceTalTech[email protected], [email protected]+372 620 4208
+372 620 4209
Tartu 2nd Music SchoolT2MS[email protected]+372 746 1709
Tartu Art Museum LibraryTAM[email protected]+372 5881 7811
Pallas University of Applied Sciences and Tartu Art School LibraryPallas[email protected]+372 730 9828
Tartu Public LibraryTartu PL[email protected]+372 736 1382
University of Tartu LibraryUTL[email protected]+372 737 5702
University of Tartu subject libraries