Philip III Arrhidaeus (Person, Concept)

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Philip III Arrhidaeus (en), Philipp III. Arrhidaios (de), Filippo III Arrideo (it), Philippe III de Macédoine (fr), Filipo III de Macedonia (es), Φίλιππος Γ΄ της Μακεδονίας (el)Additional labels
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Philip III (en)


Philip III Arrhidaeus (Ancient Greek: Φίλιππος Γ' ὁ Ἀρριδαῖος; ca. 359 BC – December 25, 317 BC) was the king of Macedonia from after June 11, 323 BC until his death. He was a son of King Philip II of Macedonia by Philinna of Larissa, allegedly a Thessalian dancer, and a half-brother of Alexander the Great. Named Arrhidaeus at birth, he assumed the name Philip when he ascended to the throne.

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