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A medical examination in Lisle, Ill., April 6, 2016. Canakinumab, a drug that fights inflammation, can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in people who have already had a heart attack, a new study finds.
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Podcast: Ghost of a Chance

Reporter Eric Roper's journey to trace the lives of a Black couple who owned his house in 1917 reveals a history of race in Minneapolis.





Coming February 3


Coming February 10

Greater Minnesota

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Alexandria High's boys basketball team recently defeated one of Minnesota's top teams after previously losing to three of the state's top teams on the road.

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A woman and her parents are seated in a restaurant with a colorful backdrop.

As more Americans decide against having kids, their parents are feeling the sadness of not becoming grandparents.

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A beating pig heart at the University of Minnesota's Visible Heart Lab in Minneapolis
At the University of Minnesota, researchers keep hearts alive outside the body for hours. Medtronic uses them to develop blockbuster devices.
A beating pig heart at the University of Minnesota's Visible Heart Lab in Minneapolis
Record 50 degrees possible in the metro today - couple of minor snow events Saturday into Monday
Officials 'don't believe there are any survivors' of D.C. plane-helicopter collision
Israeli hostage handed over to Red Cross in northern Gaza


Ameriprise Financial, Minneapolis. ] David Denney Star Tribune 7/24/2013

Minnetonka-based Onward Investors paid $6.25 million to add the 31-story office building to its growing downtown Minneapolis portfolio. It most recently sold for $200 million in 2016.

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