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Recent Georgia Court Decisions: Emails & Contracts

Two recent court cases, Georgia v. Federal Defender Program, S22A1099 (Ga. December 20,2022) and Justice v. Georgia Department of Public Safety, A23A0160 (Ga. Ct. App. June 30,2023) affirm that fundamental principles of contract law apply to electronic communications, including email. Essentially, email exchanges can give rise to a legally binding “written” contract, provided that certain essential elements of a contract are present.1

The Office of Legal Affairs is a unit within the Office of the General Counsel. The office supports the academic and research mission of the Georgia Institute of Technology through development of solutions designed to minimize Georgia Tech's legal exposure, while advancing the goals and programs of Georgia Tech.

In its support of Georgia Tech's mission, Legal Affairs provides recommendations and legal advice in a variety of areas.  Many of the issues and agreements that the Office of Legal Affairs is asked about are listed in the “Legal Topics” section of this site.  Links to our Standard Form Agreements are located within the "Forms" section. If you have an area of interest or concern that is not listed, or if you need further information, please contact us at [email protected]

This central address will ensure timely and efficient assignment of your question to an attorney.


Employment & Litigation

We guide the Institute through complex employment and litigation matters, championing its core values, and assist colleagues with responding to records requests, cybersecurity issues and related challenges.

Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI)

We exemplify excellence, champion innovation and ethics and ensure efficient resource management while continuously adapting to the dynamic landscape of GTRI research.

Student Life & Academic Affairs

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Transaction & Administration

We embody service excellence, embrace diverse perspectives, and through collaborative stewardship and a solutions-driven approach, advance Institute initiatives with integrity and efficiency. Our creed: Turning Impossibilities into Realities: Integrity in Every Transaction.