Books for review: second time round!

We've just been checking our records and have noticed that there are currently four books which JIPLP has received for review, but for which no offers to review have come in.  Accordingly we are re-posting the invitation to review these "orphans".  If you are interested, please email Sarah Harris at [email protected] and tell her of your interest, ideally by close of play this Friday, 27 February. If you are not yet known to JIPLP as a contributor or reviewer, do send us your CV or tell us why you think you are the right person to review the book you are are requesting. Don't forget: if you review the book, you get to keep it.

These are the books in question:

The Ownership Problems of Overlaps in European Intellectual Property
Author: Nuno de Araújo Sousa e Silva
Publisher: Nomos
Intellectual Property rights are expanding and, thus, overlapping more than ever before. This poses challenges to a system devised as comprising a set of isolated compartments, each with its defined purpose. The diverging rules concerning ownership and entitlement can lead to different rights on the same object being owned by different persons. What happens then?

This question is addressed under European law, focusing on the existing corpus of EU primary and secondary legislation and jurisprudence and the national laws of France, Germany and the UK.

Five specific cases are considered: trade marks and designs, trade marks and copyright, designs and copyright, data-base sui generis right and copyright and copyright and patents in the field of computer programs. Some solutions to the problem, namely convergence of ownership rules, avoidance of overlaps, prevalence of the closest regime, abuse of rights, implied licences, and expanding copyright solutions by analogy, are analysed.
Further information concerning this title can be obtained from the book's web page here

Title: Open Source Software and Intellectual Property Rights 
Author: Vikrant Narayan Vasudeva 
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
Debate is raging as regards intellectual property and software. Neither copyright law nor patent law seem to satisfy the requirements of software protection. This legal uncertainty has led to the laws becoming subject to exploitation by corporate and other entities for vested agendas. The resentment towards the inadequacies of laws and practices and their subsequent exploitation is highlighted by the emergence of alternative development models, most notably by the open source software model. This book proposes a sui generis model for software, following the pattern of recently developed technological distinctions in such fields as database protection, integrated computer circuits, plant breeders’ rights, and the recognition given to collective rights like collective trademark, geographical indication, and traditional knowledge.
Further information concerning this title can be obtained from the book's web page here 


Innovation And Intellectual Property In China: Strategies, Contexts and Challenges

Editors: Ken Shao and Xiaoqing Feng
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
China is evolving from a manufacturing-based economy to an innovation-based economy, but the delicate context behind this change has not been properly understood by foreign governments, companies and lawyers. This book is an insightful response to ill-conceived notions of, and mis-assumptions regarding, the Chinese innovation economy. It represents an effort to marry a variety of “insiders’ perspectives” from China, with the analysis of international scholars.  
With contributions from leading authors - including Dr Kong Xiangjun, President of the Intellectual Property Tribunal at the Supreme People’s Court of China - this book is the first comprehensive response to a highly controversial and largely under-developed field of inquiry. It seeks to unveil and understand the complexities and challenges that confront China’s innovation economy, setting out the cultural and historical context, the strategies that form the basis for this evolution, and the measures China has at its disposal to protect intellectual property. 
Further information is available from the book's web page here


Information Environmentalism: A Governance Framework for Intellectual Property Rights
Author: Robert Cunningham
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Information Environmentalism applies four environmental analytical frameworks to the information commons. The book neatly captures the metaphorical relationship between the physical environment and the information environment by alluding to the environmental philosophy of ‘social ecology’ and the emergent informational discourse of ‘cultural environmentalism’. Robert Cunningham builds upon the proposition that the success of the environmental movement can be traced directly to these four analytical frameworks. He develops, refines and integrates the theoretical foundations of ‘cultural environmentalism’ and applies them to the digital age, in which the regulation of information will have a critical impact upon the manner in which human beings conduct their lives, and the manner in which society functions more generally.
Further information about this title can be obtained from the book's web page here

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