On 24 March, Parliament’s Special Committee on the Housing Crisis will host a conference with the Commission to discuss ways to ensure EU citizens can access affordable housing.
Parliament’s International Trade Committee approved two proposals on Thursday to offer Jordan and Egypt loans worth €500 million and €4 billion respectively.
Speaking to leaders, Parliament President Metsola reiterated that in a world of rising single powers, Europe must step up its political ambition: on defence and competitiveness.
Accredited journalists are invited to an under-embargo briefing on a new survey on what the public think about the EU and its priorities.
In this press kit, you will find a selection of the European Parliament’s press releases reflecting MEPs’ priorities for topics on the summit agenda.
The EU Talent Pool should be open to workers of all qualification levels and ensure fair treatments of jobseekers, the Civil Liberties Committee agreed on Wednesday.
Plenaire vergadering
On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted human rights resolutions on Thailand, Sudan and Azerbaijan.
Plenaire vergadering
Thursday, 13 March
Plenaire vergadering
De EU staat voor een keerpunt en "business as usual" is niet langer een optie tegen de bedreigingen en aanvallen op de Europese veiligheid.
Plenaire vergadering
Parliament urges the EU and members states to support Syria’s transitional forces and calls on Damascus to end historical alliances with Tehran and Moscow.
Plenaire vergadering
In de resolutie zegt het Parlement dat de EU nu de belangrijkste strategische bondgenoot van Oekraïne is en het land moet helpen het recht op zelfverdediging te handhaven.
Plenaire vergadering
On Wednesday, MEPs adopted two resolutions outlining their priorities for the next cycle of economic and social coordination between member states.
Plenaire vergadering
On Wednesday, MEPs adopted a proposal by the Conference of Presidents (EP President Metsola and political group leaders) for Parliament’s 2026 calendar.
Plenaire vergadering
MEPs have endorsed an agreement on transferring passenger name record (PNR) data from the EU to Canada, and on processing this data.
Plenaire vergadering
Wednesday, 12 March
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Wekelijkse agenda:Volgende gebeurtenissen
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