Dukes, R. (2025) Trade Unions and the British Industrial Relations Crisis: An Intellectual Biography of Hugh Clegg by Peter Ackers [London: Routledge, 2024, 239 pp, ISBN 9781032422099]. Industrial Law Journal, 54(1), pp. 199-201. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwaf001)[Book Review]
Doorey, D. J. and Dukes, R. (2024) What is Human Resources law? Industrial Law Journal, (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwae047) (Early Online Publication)
Cornell, A. B. and Dukes, R. (2024) Strikes and the struggle for democracy. International Labour Review, (Accepted for Publication)
Dukes, R. and Kirk, E. (2024) Legal change and legal mobilisation: what does strategic litigation mean for workers and trade unions? Social and Legal Studies, 33(4), pp. 479-500. (doi: 10.1177/09646639231204942)
Dukes, R. (2024) Das Streikrecht im Vereinigten Königreich: eine Tragödie in vier Akten? Soziales Recht, 14(3), pp. 78-84.
Coutu, M., Dukes, R. and Murray, G. (2024) Labour law and industrial relations: towards a renewal? Revue Relations Industrielles = Industrial Relations, 78(4), (doi: 10.7202/1111504ar)
Dukes, R. and Kirk, E. (2024) Industrial relations and labour law: recovery of a shared tradition? In: Hodder, Andy and Mustchin, Stephen (eds.) The Value of Industrial Relations: Contemporary Work and Employment in Britain. Bristol University Press: Bristol, pp. 103-113. ISBN 9781529236958 (doi: 10.51952/9781529236972.ch009)
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2023) Labour law after neoliberalism? Journal of Law and Society, 50(2), pp. 165-184. (doi: 10.1111/jols.12423)
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2022) Democracy at Work: Contract, Status and Post-Industrial Justice. Polity Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781509548989
Carolan, J., Dukes, R. and Kirk, E. (2022) Decent work in Scotland – a charter for change. In: Gall, Gregor (ed.) A New Scotland: Building an Equal, Fair and Sustainable Society. Pluto Press: London, pp. 160-170. ISBN 9780745345062 (doi: 10.2307/j.ctv2k4fx0w.20)
Dukes, R. (2022) The politics of method in the field of labour law. In: Bartl, Marija, Cebulak, Pola and Lawrence, Jessica (eds.) The Politics of European Legal Research: Behind the Method. Series: Elgar Studies in Legal Research Methods. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 45-59. ISBN 9781802201185
Dukes, R. (2022) Authoritarian liberalism: a labour law perspective. European Law Open, 1(1), pp. 150-157. (doi: 10.1017/elo.2022.5)
Dukes, R. (2022) On demand work as a legal framework to understand the gig economy. In: De Stefano, Valerio, Durri, Ilda, Stylogiannis, Harry and Wouters, Mathias (eds.) A Research Agenda for the Gig-Economy and Society. Series: Elgar research agendas. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781800883505
Dukes, R. and Kirk, E. (2022) Trade Unions, strategic litigation and legal mobilisation in the UK: a research agenda. In: Senatori, Iacopo and Spinelli, Carla (eds.) Litigation (Collective) Strategies to Protect Gig Workers' Rights: a Comparative Perspective. Series: Fondazione Marco Biagi (15). G. Giappichelli: Torino. ISBN 9788892167490
Bertolini, A. and Dukes, R. (2021) Trade unions and platform workers in the UK: worker representation in the shadow of the law. Industrial Law Journal, 50(4), pp. 662-688. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwab022)
Dukes, R. , Ioannou, G. and Kirk, E. (2021) Special issue, work on demand: editorial introduction. Industrial Law Journal, 50(4), pp. 503-505. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwab023)
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2021) Post-industrial justice: normativity and empiricism in a changing world of work. In: van Seters, Paul (ed.) The Anthem Companion to Philip Selznick. Series: Anthem companions to sociology. Anthem Press. ISBN 9781785278259
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2021) From social norms to legal norms: regulating work in post-neoliberal political economies. In: Kaneff, Deema and Endres, Kirsten W. (eds.) Explorations in Economic Anthropology. Berghahn Books, pp. 134-144. ISBN 9781800731394
Ioannou, G. and Dukes, R. (2021) Anything goes? Exploring the limits of employment law in UK hospitality and catering. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(3), pp. 255-269. (doi: 10.1111/irj.12329)
Dukes, R. (2021) A forward-looking history of the German works constitution. Rechtsgeschichte, 29, pp. 373-375. (doi: 10.12946/rg29/373-375)[Book Review]
Dukes, R. (2021) Il lavoro e la costituzione. In: Caruso, Corrado and Valentini, Chiara (eds.) Grammatica del Costituzionalismo. Il Mulino. ISBN 9788815294227
Dukes, R. and Kirk, E. (2021) Law, economy and legal consciousness at work. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 72(4), pp. 741-770.
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2020) From Industrial Citizenship to Private Ordering? Contract, Status, and the Question of Consent. MPIfG Discussion Paper 20/13. [Research Reports or Papers]
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2020) Labour constitutions and occupational communities: social norms and legal norms at work. Journal of Law and Society, 47(4), pp. 612-638. (doi: 10.1111/jols.12254)
Bogg, A. and Dukes, R. (2020) Statutory interpretation and the limits of a human rights approach: Royal Mail Group Ltd v Communication Workers Union. Industrial Law Journal, 49(3), pp. 477-492. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwaa013)
Dukes, R. (2020) The liberal socialist tradition in UK labour law. In: Bogg, A., Rowbottom, J. and Young, A.L. (eds.) The Constitution of Social Democracy. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781509916573
Dukes, R. (2020) Regulating gigs. Modern Law Review, 83(1), pp. 217-228. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2230.12485)
Dukes, R. (2019) The economic sociology of labour law. Journal of Law and Society, 46(3), pp. 396-422. (doi: 10.1111/jols.12168)
Christodoulidis, E., Dukes, R. and Goldoni, M. (Eds.) (2019) Research Handbook on Critical Legal Theory. Series: Research handbooks in legal theory. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. ISBN 9781786438881
Dukes, R. (2019) Critical Labour law: then and now. In: Christodoulidis, Emilios, Dukes, Ruth and Goldoni, Marco (eds.) Research Handbook on Critical Legal Theory. Edward Elgar. ISBN 9781786438881
Dukes, R. (2019) Insiders, outsiders and conflicts of interest. In: Ashiagbor, Diamond (ed.) Re-Imagining Labour Law for Development: Informal Work in the Global North and South. Hart. ISBN 9781509913152
Dukes, R. (2018) From the labour constitution to an economic sociology of labour law. Jurisprudence, 9(2), pp. 418-423. (doi: 10.1080/20403313.2018.1451443)
Dukes, R. (2018) Introduction to Special Issue, Labour Laws and Labour Markets: New Methodologies. Social and Legal Studies, 27(4), pp. 407-413. (doi: 10.1177/0964663918758514)
Dukes, R. (2017) Identifying the purposes of labour law: Discussion of Guy Davidov's A Purposive Approach to Labour Law. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 16(1), pp. 52-67. (doi: 10.1093/jrls/jlx017)
Bogg, A. and Dukes, R. (2017) Article 11 ECHR and the right to collective bargaining: Pharmacists’ Defence Association Union v Boots Management Services Ltd. Industrial Law Journal, 46(4), pp. 543-565. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwx012)
Dukes, R. (2017) Otto Kahn-Freund: A Weimar Life. Modern Law Review, 80(6), pp. 1164-1177. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2230.12307)
Doorey, D. and Dukes, R. (2017) Labour law and its last generation. In: Archer, S., Drache, D. and Zumbansen, P. (eds.) The Daunting Enterprise of the Law: Essays in Honour of Harry W. Arthurs. McGill-Queens University Press. ISBN 9780773548909
Dukes, R. (2017) International labour rights: legitimising the international legal order? University of Toronto Law Journal, 67(4), pp. 544-568. (doi: 10.3138/utlj.67.4)
Dukes, R. and Cannon, C. (2016) The role of social partners. In: Bogg, Alan, Costello, Cathryn and Davies, A.C.L. (eds.) Edward Elgar Research Handbook on European Labour Law. Series: Research handbooks in European law series. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 89-113. ISBN 9781783471119
Dukes, R. and Kountouris, N. (2016) Pre-strike ballots, picketing and protest: banning industrial action by the back door? Industrial Law Journal, 45(3), pp. 337-362.
Dukes, R. (2016) Conflict and the crisis in labour law. In: Kjaer, Poul F. and Olsen, Niklas (eds.) Critical Theories of Crisis in Europe: From Weimar to the Euro. Series: Reinventing Critical Theory. Rowman and Littlefield. ISBN 9781783487455
Bogg, A. and Dukes, R. (2016) The contract of employment and collective labour law. In: Freedland, M. (ed.) The Contract of Employment. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780191826191 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198783169.003.0005)
Dukes, R. (2016) Costello, C. and Freedland, M. (eds.), Migrants at Work: Immigration & Vulnerability in Labour Law. Modern Law Review, 79(3), pp. 519-523. (doi: 10.1111/1468-2230.12196)[Book Review]
Dukes, R. (2016) A. Bogg., C. Costello, A.C.L. Davies, and J Prassl (eds.); The Autonomy of Labour Law. Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 37(1), pp. 223-229. [Book Review]
Dukes, R. (2016) ¿Una constitución laboral global? = [A global labor constitution?]. Derecho y critica social, 2(2), pp. 195-235.
Dukes, R. (2015) Wedderburn and the theory of labour law: building on Kahn-Freund. Industrial Law Journal, 44(3), pp. 357-384. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwv015)
Dukes, R. , Novitz, T. and Bogg, A. (2015) Legislative Comment: pre-strike ballots and the Trade Union Bill 2015: denying workers the right to strike? Employment Law Bulletin, 129, pp. 2-4.
Dukes, R. (2014) The Labour Constitution: The Enduring Idea of Labour Law. Series: Oxford monographs on labour law. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780199601691 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199601691.001.0001)
Dukes, R. (2014) Review of Moore, S., McKay, S. and Veale, S.; Statutory Regulation and Employment Relations: The Impact of Statutory Trade Union Recognition. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 2014(35), pp. 214-216. (doi: 10.3828/hsir.2014.35.10)[Book Review]
Dukes, R. (2014) A Global Labour Constitution? Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 65,
Dukes, R. and Bogg, A. (2013) The European social dialogue: from autonomy to here. In: Countouris, N. and Freedland, M.R. (eds.) Resocializing Europe in a Time of Crisis. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 9781107041745 (doi: 10.1017/CBO9781107300736.028)
Dukes, R. (2012) Systems of employee representation at the enterprise: UK report. In: Blanpain, R., Nakakuo, H. and Araki, T. (eds.) Systems of Employee Representation at the Enterprise: A Comparative Study. Series: Bulletin of comparative labour relations (81). Kluwer. ISBN 9789041140807
Dukes, R. and Christodoulidis, E. (2012) Habermas and the European social dialogue: deliberative democracy as industrial democracy? International Union Rights Journal, 18(4), pp. 20-21.
Dukes, R. (2011) The right to strike under UK law: something more than a slogan? Industrial Law Journal, 40(3), pp. 302-311. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwr012)
Dukes, R. (2011) The Constitutional Function of Labour Law in the European Union. In: Walker, N, Tierney, S and Shaw, J (eds.) Europe's Constitutional Mosaic. Hart Publishing. ISBN 9781841139791
Dukes, R. (2011) Hugo Sinzheimer and the constitutional function of labour law. In: Davidov, G. and Langille, B. (eds.) The Idea of Labour Law. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199693610
Dukes, R. (2010) The Right to Strike Under UK Law: Not Much More than a Slogan? Industrial Law Journal, 39(1), pp. 82-91.
Dukes, R. and Christodoulidis, E. (2010) Dialogue & Debate: Labour, Constitution and A Sense of Measure: A Debate with Alain Supiot. Social and Legal Studies, 19(2), pp. 217-252.
Dukes, R. (2009) Otto Kahn-Freund and collective Laissez-Faire: an edifice without a keystone? Modern Law Review, 72(2), pp. 220-246. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2009.00741.x)
Dukes, R. (2009) The Democratic Aspects of Trade Union Recognition, Alan Bogg: Review. Modern Law Review, 73(4), pp. 691-693. [Book Review]
Dukes, R. (2009) Douglas Brodie, 'The Contract of Employment': Review. Edinburgh Law Review, 13(1), pp. 153-154. (doi: 10.3366/E1364980908001108)[Book Review]
Dukes, R. (2008) Constitutionalizing Employment Relations: Sinzheimer, Kahn-Freund and the Role of Labour Law. Journal of Law and Society, 35(3), pp. 341-363. (doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2230.2009.00741.x)
Dukes, R. (2008) Consultation with workers. In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.) New Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199290543
Dukes, R. (2008) The Statutory Recognition Procedure 1999: No Bias in Favour of Recognition? Industrial Law Journal, 37(3), pp. 236-267. (doi: 10.1093/indlaw/dwn010)
Dukes, R. (2008) Voluntarism and the Single Channel: the Development of Single Channel Worker Representation in the UK. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 24(1), pp. 87-121.
Dukes, R. (2008) Works councils. In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.) New Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780199290543
Dukes, R. (2008) Book Review: P. Davies and M. Freedland, Towards a Flexible Labour Market (OUP 2007). Social and Legal Studies, 17(2), pp. 287-289. [Book Review]
Dukes, R. (2008) Codes of Practice in Employment Law. In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. (eds.) The New Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford University Press: Oxford, p. 150. ISBN 978-0199290543
Dukes, R. (2007) The ICE Regulations. Pre-Existing Agreements and Standard Provisions: a Warning to Employers. Industrial Law Journal, 36(3), pp. 329-340.
Dukes, R. (2005) The Origins of the German System of Worker Representation. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, 19, pp. 31-62.