Davi Garcia

Davi Garcia

Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
4 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


A self-motivated and organized professional with strong communication skills in multiple…


  • Gráfico Amazon Web Services (AWS)
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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Rio de Janeiro Area, Brazil

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    Rio de Janeiro Area, Brazil

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    Rio de Janeiro Area, Brazil

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    Rio de Janeiro Area, Brazil

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    Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil

Formação acadêmica

  • Gráfico UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


    Atividades e grupos:Member of Computer Security Incident Response Team of DCC (GRIS-DCC/UFRJ), Founder of GNU/Linux User Group of UFRJ (GUL-UFRJ), Teacher’s Assistant for Computer Programming classes using Python.

    Final project titled “Avaliação de Desempenho da Rede de Interconexão do Cluster HPC Netuno” [pt-BR], 2012. Oriented by DSc. Gabriel P. Silva, from DCC/IM-UFRJ.

Licenças e certificados

Experiência de voluntariado

  • Student Volunteer (SCinet)

    International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis

    - 3 anos

    Ciência e tecnologia

    Created each year for the Conference, SCinet brings to life a very high-capacity network that supports the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC Conference. SCinet will link the Convention Center to research and commercial networks around the world. In doing so, SCinet serves as the platform for exhibitors to demonstrate the advanced computing resources of their home institutions and elsewhere by supporting a wide variety of bandwidth-driven applications…

    Created each year for the Conference, SCinet brings to life a very high-capacity network that supports the revolutionary applications and experiments that are a hallmark of the SC Conference. SCinet will link the Convention Center to research and commercial networks around the world. In doing so, SCinet serves as the platform for exhibitors to demonstrate the advanced computing resources of their home institutions and elsewhere by supporting a wide variety of bandwidth-driven applications including supercomputing and cloud computing.

    Volunteers from academia, government and industry work together to design and deliver the SCinet infrastructure. Industry vendors and carriers donate millions of dollars in equipment and services needed to build the local and wide area networks. Planning begins more than a year in advance of each SC Conference and culminates in a high-intensity installation in the days leading up to the Conference.

    I was part of this incredible team during SC'09 (Portland), SC'10 (New Orleans), SC'11 (Seattle) and SC'12 (Salt Lake). I hope to join them again in the future!

    Reference: http://www.supercomputing.org/


  • Advanced Developing on AWS

    Amazon Web Services

  • Architecting on AWS

    Amazon Web Services

  • DevOps Engineering on AWS

    Amazon Web Services

  • Developing on AWS

    Amazon Web Services

  • Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Computing - DCUCI

    Cisco Internal

  • Implementing Cisco Data Center Unified Fabric - DCUFI

    Cisco Internal

  • Implementing Cisco Storage Networking Solutions - ICSNS

    Cisco Internal

  • Kepner-Tregoe Analytic Trouble Shooting Workshop

    Cisco Internal

  • OpenStack Cloud Architecture and Deployment [LFS520]

    Linux Foundation

  • RHCE Rapid Track Course – RHEL6 [RH299VT]

    Red Hat

  • Red Hat System Administration I (RH124)

    Red Hat University

  • Red Hat System Administration II (RH134)

    Red Hat University

  • Red Hat System Administration III (RH254)

    Red Hat University

  • Systems Operations on AWS

    Amazon Web Services

  • VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage (4.1)


  • VMware vSphere: What´s New (5.1)

    Cisco Internal


  • English

    Nível avançado

  • Spanish

    Nível avançado

  • Portuguese

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • French

    Nível básico

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