BCPL(Basic Combined Programming Language),是一種電腦程式設計語言,1966年由劍橋大學的馬丁·理察斯(Martin Richards)所發展出來的。
LET FUNC foo(a) = VALOF { b := a + 1 RESULTIS b }
- C語言改良自BCPL
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("%d", i); doTask(i); }
BCPL又源自更早的CPL(Combined Programming Language)語言。Richards試著移除了CPL中最複雜的組成,第一支BCPL compiler在IBM 7094電腦中完成。
下列是馬丁查理斯的 BCPL distribution.
Printing factorials:
GET "libhdr" LET start() = VALOF { FOR i = 1 TO 5 DO writef("fact(%n) = %i4*n", i, fact(i)) RESULTIS 0 } AND fact(n) = n=0 -> 1, n*fact(n-1)
GET "libhdr" GLOBAL { count:200; all:201 } LET try(ld, row, rd) BE TEST row=all THEN count := count + 1 ELSE { LET poss = all & ~(ld | row | rd) UNTIL poss=0 DO { LET p = poss & -poss poss := poss - p try(ld+p << 1, row+p, rd+p >> 1) } } LET start() = VALOF { all := 1 FOR i = 1 TO 12 DO { count := 0 try(0, 0, 0) writef("Number of solutions to %i2-queens is %i5*n", i, count) all := 2*all + 1 } RESULTIS 0 }
- Martin Richards, The BCPL Reference Manual (Memorandum M-352, Project MAC, Cambridge, July, 1967)
- Martin Richards, BCPL - a tool for compiler writing and systems programming (Proceedings of the Spring Joint Computer Conference, Vol 34, pp 557-566, 1969)
- Martin Richards, Arthur Evans, Robert F. Mabee, The BCPL Reference Manual (MAC TR-141, Project MAC, Cambridge, 1974)
- Martin Richards, C. Whitby-Strevens, BCPL, the language and its compiler (Cambridge University Press, 1980) ISBN 0-521-28681-6