Participants in the Invisible Markup Community Group
More on how to choose chairs-
Steven Pemberton
adeel ahmad
Individual CLA commitment
Terry Badger
Individual CLA commitment
David Birnbaum
Individual CLA commitment
Kurt Cagle
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Chapman
Ben Damman
Aliens From The Future Inc.
Micah Dubinko
Individual CLA commitment
John Dziurlaj
The Turnout LLC
Michael Gryk
University of Illinois
Aleksei Guzev
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with VIAcode
Tomos Hillman
eXpertML Ltd
Dorothy Hoskins
Individual CLA commitment
Gerrit Imsieke
le-tex publishing services GmbH
Jean Kaplansky
Individual CLA commitment
Vincent Lizzi
Taylor & Francis Group
John Lumley
Individual CLA commitment
David Maus
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg
Dimitre Novatchev
Individual CLA commitment
Fredrik Öhrström
Individual CLA commitment
Liam Quin
Individual CLA commitment
Hans-Jürgen Rennau
Individual CLA commitment
Adam Retter
Individual CLA commitment
Jim Saiya
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Pearson plc
Larry Swanson
Elless Media
Bethan Tovey-Walsh
Individual CLA commitment
Nico Verwer
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Rakensi
Norman Walsh
Fridolin Wild
The Open University
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with INNOVIMAX