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EASE Policy Final

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EASE Policy Final

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ERITREAN AFAR STATE IN EXILE (EASE) "Restoring the dignity of Red Sea Afar People democratically"

Alternative, Sustainable, Federated and Autonomous


Preamble: ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Our Vision: .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Our Mission: .................................................................................................................................................. 4 The Way Forward: The Samara Declaration ................................................................................................. 5 ERITREAN AFAR STATE in EXILE..................................................................................................................... 6 1. A. B. C. D. 2. 3. 4. E. F. 5. G. H. I. J. K. 6. 7. Governance: ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Ethnic Federalism .......................................................................................................................... 6 Rule of Law .................................................................................................................................... 7 Democracy .................................................................................................................................... 7 Afar State, Self-Rule and Autonomy ............................................................................................. 8 National Unity and Sovereignty of Eritrea ........................................................................................ 8 The Constitution of Eritrea................................................................................................................ 9 Uphold Human Rights for all: .......................................................................................................... 12 Human Rights Violations ............................................................................................................. 13 Ethnic Cleansing of Red Sea Afar Above and Beyond .............................................................. 14 Indigenous Rights Policy: ................................................................................................................ 20 Language, Education and Cultural Rights ................................................................................... 21 Afar Indigenous Way of Life ........................................................................................................ 21 Traditional Law............................................................................................................................ 21 Customary Law............................................................................................................................ 22 Environmental Law ..................................................................................................................... 23 Economic Policy .............................................................................................................................. 23 Resource Management in Dankalia: Land, Territory and Natural Resources ................................. 26

Executive Committee .................................................................................................................................. 28

The Afar People are one of Africa's linguistic and culturally homogenous indigenous people who have lived for over 2,000 years in what is now known as Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti. Most of the approximate three million Afar continue their traditional way of life as indigenous pastoralist nomadic people engaged in animal husbandry, fishing, trade and salt mining. The northern region of the Afars traditional homeland is known as Dankalia which lies along the strategic and resource rich coastline of the Red Sea in what is now known as Eritrea. The people in Dankalia region are known as the Red Sea Afar people. The Red Sea Afar successfully shielded themselves and protected their land from foreign colonization and internal occupation by controlling and governing Dankalia for centuries. Since the independence of Eritrea in May of 1991, the indigenous population of approximately 800,000 Afar living in Dankalia have faced unprecedented persecution and prolonged tyranny from the Eritrean regime. Led by President Isaias Afwerki's dictatorial ruling junta, the Peoples Front for Justice and democracy (PFDJ), the regime has systemically removed the historic presence of the Red Sea Afar from their ancestral homeland, robbed them of their indigenous identity, denied them the right to own and live off their traditional land and territories, destroyed the basis of the Red Sea Afar economy such as fishing and animal husbandry, and confiscated Afar businesses. Afwerki and his Generals grip on power has been facilitated by exploiting Dankalias people and resources. Moreover, the current Eritrean regime has and continues to displace the Red Sea Afar from their homeland in Dankalia and re-colonizing it with others. Afwerkis use of mass murder, terror, intimidation, rape, persecution and other forms of violence have been widely documented. Tens of thousands of Afar families have fled their homeland into nearby Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan and Djibouti. Those who aren`t captured or shot by Eritrean security (who have orders to shoot Afar on sight) wind up in UN refugee camps, which are bursting at the seams with men, women, children and elders. Many others who aren't able to flee are subjected to daily humiliations, misery and sufferings. The Eritrean police state's humanitarian crimes against the Red Sea Afar people not only put at risk regional peace and stability They have also pushed the Red Sea Afar to the brink of extinction from Dankalia in order to inherit the wealth and strategic significance of Afar Land. The Eritrean AFAR State in Exile (EASE) calls for regime change followed by the creation of a reformed and just Eritrean constitution based on liberal democratic principles, the rule of law, a federal governance structure and the protection of ethnic, indigenous and minority rights. EASE promotes unity amongst all Eritreans, regional security and peace, justice and good governance, and economic prosperity for all stakeholders.

Our Vision:
The establishment of a democratically elected Red Sea Afar state of Dankalia within a democratically reformed federal state of Eritrea that is based on the principles of freedom, rule of law and equality for all ethnic nationalities; the development of the human capital of the Red Sea Afar people through education and sustainable economic growth; and the creation of an economic environment and foreign policy that encourages international investment and development.

Our Mission:
The Eritrean AFAR State in Exile (EASE) is a political organization that advocates for the Red Sea Afar people living inside Eritrea. EASE is committed to charting a new way forward in defending the rights of its people in Dankalia (the traditional coastal Afar homeland inside Eritrea) where the indigenous Afar are subject to marginalization, persecution and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Eritrean regime. EASE is preparing the necessary groundwork for a transitional phase leading to the self-government and self-determination of the Afar State of Dankalia within a federated Eritrea that upholds fundamental rights and freedoms and democracy as its core principle of governance. EASE works jointly with those who share the common interests and aspirations of a pluralistic and just society for a stable and prosperous Eritrea for all Eritreans. Our mission is to: 1. 2. Strive to end forcible displacement, end human rights violations, achieve capacity building, and enable the right of return for the displaced Red Sea Afar. Create a governance model for the Red Sea Afars indigenous people of the region, while recognizing the diversity of Eritrea and respect all of its ethnicities, its social, religious, economic, political and ecological factors. Exercise our peoples right to self-determination and to have the right to autonomy and selfgovernment in matters relating to our internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions. Grow human potential of Red Sea Afar people by promoting, protecting, and fulfilling the human rights of women and men to ensure their economic, social and cultural wellbeing. Develop macro-economic policies that give adequate attention to the empowerment of the Red Sea Afar people and contribute to the economic growth through trade and employment. Motivate the investment in education and public information to provide indigenous people the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations. Preserve and promote Afar Language (Qafar-Af) as official language of Afar State, to promote Red Sea Afars Cultural diversity and its impact on local economic development.


4. 5. 6.

The Way Forward: The Samara Declaration

(July 26, 2010)

We, the Red Sea Afar People, the Red Sea Afar diaspora, the political and the military leaders of the Red Sea Afar, Red Sea Afar elders and Cultural leadership, Red Sea Afar Women's Organizations, Red Sea Afar Youth League and the Afar Refugees from our homeland in Eritrea, assembled in Conference today of 1,500 people together declare to the World the solemn will of the Afar People as follows: 1. WE REAFFIRM the Principles of the Samara Declaration to which the Leaders of the Afar People solemnly committed in Samara on 26 July 2010; 2. WE CONDEMN the Murder, Torture, Rape, Disappearances, Expulsions, Forcible Confinements and Aggression against our Afar People in our ancestral homeland in Eritrea; 3. WE EXTEND OUR HANDS to our brother and sister nationalities in Eritrea to establish with them a liberal democratic federation based on the principles of Freedom , Autonomy and Equality for all nationalities; 4. WE NOW DECLARE that it is the solemn will of the Afar People to participate in a reformed Eritrea on the basis of these principles: a. The rule of law; b. Democracy; c. The equality of each nationality; d. That each nationality shall exercise the rights of self-government and selfdetermination in a federated autonomous region; e. That the rights of freedom of religion, conscience, political opinion, expression, assembly, equality, mobility, association and liberty shall be guaranteed; f. That the people of all nationalities shall be secure in their persons, shall be free from arbitrary search, seizure, arrest, detention, and charge; g. That no conviction shall occur except by due process of law; h. That the judicial branch shall be independent and secure in its tenure; i. That each nationality shall, through the governments that they freely elect, have the right to own and control their lands and resources including surface and sub-surface resources, sea coasts, fisheries and air space and shall enjoy the profits there from under conditions established by law. j. That each nationality shall, through the governments they freely elect, have the right to protect and preserve the vitality of their language, culture, way of life and economy; k. That each nationality shall enjoy the right of self-determination up to and including the right of secession; l. That the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities shall be guaranteed and protected; m. That Afar refugees that the refugees of all nationalities of Eritrea who have fled Eritrea shall have the right of return to their homes and properties in Eritrea and to Eritrean citizenship;

n. That all Afar People shall have the right of return to their ancestral homeland in Dankalia and to have Eritrean citizenship; and o. That Dankalia shall have its traditional borders restored to those to which the Afar People enjoyed in 1991. We, by our names, signatures and marks as set out below, pledge our commitment and resolve to these solemn principles. (Available in the archives of EASE in Canada)


1. Governance:
The Red Sea Afar identity has evolved with its own cultural values, social customs and traditional beliefs since time immemorial. As indigenous peoples we must define our own form of governance as well as our own customary laws and traditions. This collective perspective represents the Afar peoples right to leverage their lands and resources as collective assets. With federal control of resources in the Afar region of Eritrea and control of the sea, we chart a new beginning for the Red Sea Afar People that will coexist and promote the diversity of Eritrea while advancing as a civilization. WE EXTEND OUR HANDS to our brother and sister nationalities in Eritrea to establish with them a liberal democratic federation based on the principles of Freedom, Autonomy and Equality for all nationalities; this can be accomplished through:

A. Ethnic Federalism
Eritrea is a deeply diverse nation. The current Eritrean regime agenda is racist and is systemically designed to destroy the unity of Eritreans and its social fabric. The Red Sea Afar people are bearing the brunt of the present regime and are being stripped of their identity which has evolved historically from semi-nomadic pastoralists into a strong self-sustaining society. The Red Sea Afar people are ready for a Multi-Ethnic Federalism in Eritrea where its ethnic identity, recognition and self-administration as a people is preserved at the federal government level. Ethnic federations have proven to work in Africa and elsewhere in the world for nations and nationalities much larger and more diverse which have succeeded in maintaining their national unity and sovereignty. Samara Declaration: That each nationality shall exercise the rights of self-government and self-determination in a federated autonomous region; the equality of each nationality; that each nationality shall enjoy the right of self-determination up to and including the right of secession;

B. Rule of Law
Eritreans from all walks of life, regions and ethnic background sacrificed their lives and struggled for more than 30 years to eventually realize their right to self-determination to finally become a sovereign state. However a new tyrannical regime brought horrors, atrocities and depravities to the region marking the saddest story in the modern history of the Horn of Africa and the history of the AFAR. The country was turned into a repressive, murderous police state. The Red Sea Afar people are calling for the building of a new foundation for Eritrea. A strong future for Eritrea is built on laws that free its citizens and protect them. The rule of law empowers its people and enables them to be masters of their own destiny. The security of the people guarantees growth and continuity. Samara Declaration: That no conviction shall occur except by due process of law; That the people of all nationalities shall be secure in their persons, shall be free from arbitrary search, seizure, arrest, detention, and charge; That the judicial branch shall be independent and secure in its tenure;

C. Democracy
The future of Eritrea is dependent on establishing new democratic governance that is based on political independence of its national stakeholders, the sovereignty of all of its states and respect of their cultural and ideological beliefs and aspirations. The framework of the new democratic governance to secure true Eritrean national unity should be based on the rule of law, peace and security, respect for all human rights including the right to development, gender equality and overall commitment to a just and democratic society for development. The authoritarian PFDJ regime declared the country will be ruled with no democratic governance or free elections for the next forty years. The Red Sea Afar of Eritrea demand a democratic system to achieve their indigenous rights and aspirations for self-determination and self-rule, their territorial integrity, their right to develop their own resources to eradicate poverty and hunger, and an equitable power sharing with the other Eritrean nationalities. The new Afar state is committed to the countrys democratic institutions and its security to safeguard the Eritrean national cohesion under a representative leadership maintaining Eritrean diversity and democracy. Samara Declaration: That each nationality shall, through the governments that they freely elect, have the right to own and control their lands and resources including surface and sub-surface resources, sea coasts, fisheries and air space and shall enjoy the profits there from under conditions established by law.

D. Afar State, Self-Rule and Autonomy

The Eritrean government continues to commit serious human rights violations against ethnic Afar citizens including arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, mass killings, rapes and forced labour. The Afar region (Dankalia) has been divided into two parts without their consent and renamed by the present regime as southern red sea zone and northern red sea zone. Governments across the globe condemn Eritrea for its human rights records including the U.S. State Department, the E.U. and the A.U. which have all unanimously condemned the ongoing violation of human rights in Eritrea. The UN Security Council (UNSC) has recently placed two sanctions on Eritrea for exporting instability and terrorism into the Horn of Africa. The Red Sea Afar people in Eritrea and the refugees in neighbouring countries along with the Afar diaspora are announcing the formation of an alternative, sustainable, federated and autonomous Afar State of Dankalia in Eritrea. This is a key step in the delivery of national salvation for Eritrea. EASE in exile vows to create a new Afar state within a liberal democratic federation of Eritrea based on the principles of freedom, autonomy and equality for all nationalities. Samara Declaration: That each nationality shall exercise the rights of self-government and self-determination in a federated autonomous region; That the rights of freedom of religion, conscience, political opinion, expression, assembly, equality, mobility, association and liberty shall be guaranteed; That Afar refugees that the refugees of all nationalities of Eritrea who have fled Eritrea shall have the right of return to their homes and properties in Eritrea and to Eritrean citizenship; That all Afar People shall have the right of return to their ancestral homeland in Dankalia and to have Eritrean citizenship; and That Dankalia shall have its traditional borders restored to those to which the Afar People enjoyed in 1991.

2. National Unity and Sovereignty of Eritrea

Eritreans from all walks of life, regions and ethnic backgrounds sacrificed their lives and struggled for more than 30 years to eventually realize their right to self-determination to finally become a sovereign state. What a distant dream that was. The current Eritrean Government and the ruling clique (PFDJ) have used Eritrea's national unity and sovereignty as a pretext to marginalize, subjugate and suppress the legitimate grievances of smaller nationalities wanting to preserve their rights to self-

determination and self-rule under a national framework. In some quarters of Eritrean population the present regime and its policies are accepted as preserving national unity when in fact other nationalities and other quarters in Eritrea consider them illegal and demonizing. Democracy is about more than elections; it needs to address the concerns of all citizens and ensure that the voices of all Eritreans are heard and represented by their government. How could the regime justify the exploitation of the Red Sea Afar and the property, territory and resources of Kunama, Saho, Nara and other smaller nationalities in the name of national unity? Unitary structure is discriminatory and a threat to the very heart of promoting pluralism and diversity amongst all Eritrean nationalities as well as a threat to Eritrea's sovereignty and the peace and stability of the entire region. Contrary to distorted propaganda by the regime, the Red Sea Afar people consider themselves an integral part of Eritrean society. While each nationality shall enjoy the right to self-determination up to and including the right of secession, Eritrean Afar State in Exile (EASE) and Afar People are not a secessionist movement. EASE is committed to the sovereignty and unity of Eritrea. EASE rejects the false notion and fear-mongering against Eritrea's Border States under the guise of nation-building and Eritrean nationalism. EASE will play its part to protect the nation's interests, unity and sovereignty provided the reformed Eritrea is founded on the principles of genuine democracy, equality of all nationalities and respect for self-rule, human rights and dignity of the Red Sea Afar people and all Eritreans. Samara Declaration: WE EXTEND OUR HANDS to our brother and sister nationalities in Eritrea to establish with them a liberal democratic federation based on the principles of Freedom, Autonomy and Equality for all nationalities;

3. The Constitution of Eritrea

The unimplemented 1997 Constitution was born in a triumphalist spirit. Eritreas leaders were jubilant, intoxicated with the idea that they could do anything and imbued with the Marxist tenets that had carried them through their thirty year struggle for liberation. One of these ideas, built upon Stalinist concepts, was that Eritrea should build an allembracing Eritrean identity. The proposed constitution of the day was designed for majority ruling class, for the benefit of the ruling class, excluding the others from participating in the development of the country. Eritrea's ruling class (PFDJ) has used the motto of building unity and defending Eritrean sovereignty instead disguised its policy of Racism and Marginalization of Afar Eritreans of 23 years and counting.


Following are a few details concerning minority rights in Eritrea under the 1997 constitutional framework: The 1997 Constitution contains no chapter on minority rights.

The rights of the national communities are nowhere guaranteed. The Constitution neither provides for any measures for autonomy or self-government of the nationalities, nor does the Constitution provide for guarantees for the small nationalities to participate in central institutions of the state. Art. 31 of the Constitution ensures Eritreas central institutions will be dominated by large nationalities as they are now. The 1997 Constitution contains no guarantees for the autonomy or rights of the regional authorities. Art. 1(5) gives the Central Authorities full control over the regions, with carte blanche over Afar economies, resources, governing structures and societies. Centralized power has been used to reorganize the regions and depreciate their powers and territories. Dankalia, for example, has been reduced in size and parts of it subjected to rule by others. The reality of the 1997 Constitution is that the excessive centralization of Art 1(5) creates and makes Eritreas small nationalities dependent on the large nationalities. Art 23.2 of the 1997 Constitution declares "All lands and all natural resources below and above the surface of the territory of Eritrea belong to the State. The interests citizens shall have in land shall be determined by law. This article expropriates the indigenous rights of Afar people to the soil, contrary to international law. It allows the central authorities to appropriate the traditional lands and resources of the Afar pastoralists and sell them to foreign resource extraction companies. It allows the large nationalities to displace the small nationalities from their rightful and guaranteed traditional lands and pursuits. For the reasons stated above, the 1997 Constitution is deeply problematic for Afar people. Suffice it to say here that the Afar will not accept the 1997 Constitution without modifications tailored to Afar concerns. Eritrea is a deeply diverse polity. It contains ten nationalities, two of which are large and dominant, eight of which are small and marginalized (deeply marginalized in the Afar case). Eritreas nationalities are distinguished by ancient and distinct languages, which are superimposed on cleavages of religion, economy, culture and more generally way of life. The ten nationalities are old, rooted in ancient histories and cultures. Eritrea, by contrast, is a new political construct, fashioned in 1993.


The present Eritrean regime and the unimplemented 1997 Constitution both undermine the Afar and other minority nationalities and the Afar will not accept the status quo or the 1997 Constitution being imposed on them. They have so resolved by the thousands in solemn declarations by their leaders and backed unanimously by the Afar people in particular the Samara Declaration of 2011. We believe that any attempt to impose the 1997 Constitution on the Afar without modifications tailored to Afar concerns will lead to prolonged instability in Eritrea. We believe this action will bring about a new form of Eritrean conflict between the large nationalities and the small. For the 1997 Constitution to become acceptable to the smaller nationalities, it will have to contain reliable and durable guarantees for minority rights, for national and regional autonomy and for indigenous land and resource rights. These are traditional concerns which the International Community and its authoritative actors have recognized as contributing to the stability of states and which to some extent are expressed in the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. Samara declaration: WE NOW DECLARE that it is the solemn will of the Afar People to participate in a reformed Eritrea on the basis of these principles: The rule of law; Democracy; The equality of each nationality; That each nationality shall exercise the rights of self-government and self-determination in a federated autonomous region; That the rights of freedom of religion, conscience, political opinion, expression, assembly, equality, mobility, association and liberty shall be guaranteed; That the people of all nationalities shall be secure in their persons, shall be free from arbitrary search, seizure, arrest, detention, and charge; That no conviction shall occur except by due process of law; That the judicial branch shall be independent and secure in its tenure; That each nationality shall, through the governments that they freely elect, have the right to own and control their lands and resources including surface and sub-surface resources, sea coasts, fisheries and air space and shall enjoy the profits there from under conditions established by law. That each nationality shall, through the governments they freely elect, have the right to protect and preserve the vitality of their language, culture, way of life and economy; That each nationality shall enjoy the right of self-determination up to and including the right of secession; That the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities shall be guaranteed and protected; That Afar refugees that the refugees of all nationalities of Eritrea who have fled Eritrea shall have the right of return to their homes and properties in Eritrea and to Eritrean citizenship; That all Afar People shall have the right of return to their ancestral homeland in Dankalia and to have Eritrean citizenship; and That Dankalia shall have its traditional borders restored to those to which the Afar People enjoyed in 1991.


4. Uphold Human Rights for all:

The Red Sea Afar people inside Eritrea are in crisis. The current Eritrean regime is displacing them from their homeland in Dankalia, which they have inhabited for more than 2,000 years, and re-colonizing it with others. Eritrea is achieving this using mass murder, terror, intimidation, rape, persecution and other forms of violence. The Afar people have filed allegations of gross human rights violations against Eritrea to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The Special Rapporteur, Sheila Keetharuth, was appointed by the Human Rights Council and in her May 28, 2013 Report (see below) strongly condemned Eritrea for its human rights violations of Afar people and other minorities. The Eritrean regime is destroying the basis of the Red Sea Afar economy, namely fishing and animal husbandry, and confiscating Afar businesses. Afar families are fleeing their homeland by the tens of thousands into nearby Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan and Djibouti for safety. Those who aren`t captured or shot by Eritrean security (who have orders to shoot Afar on sight) wind up in UN refugee camps, which are bursting at the seams with men, women, children and elders. The Afar homeland is known to contain vast resources, including large potash deposits, gold and other metals. Dankalia's coast is significant geopolitically as it includes the country's two main port cities of Assab and Massawa which are economically strategic to the regimes continuation. Member states of the United Nations General Assembly and the International Criminal Court must hold the president of Eritrea, Issayas Aferwiki and his regime to be accountable for their crimes against the Afar people and other minorities in Eritrea and must face the full extent of the law. These crimes against an entire ethnic group, whose case has now been sustained by a special U.N. committee and a Special Rapporteur report, has now enabled the world community to act decisively to prevent the Afar people from being wiped out in their homeland in Eritrea. In addition, we want the international community to stand along our side to stop the progression of this ethnic cleansing of the Red Sea Afar people. The Human Rights Commission of the United Nations stands up for the human rights of people and stands against governments that work against their own people. We expect the United Nations Human Rights Commission to stand with us on the right side of history and speak out against the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Afar people by the Eritrean regime. In this day and age where the world stands up for human rights, equal justice, democracy and the rule of law, it is unbelievable that the people of the Red Sea Afar are facing extinction while the world stands aside. History will judge those who say nothing on this issue; moral conscience should rise to action.


The Afar people have a long history. They are the cradle of the human race. The African Union must understand the Red Sea Afar are part of Africa and belong to Africa. We want prosperity, development, justice, peace and tranquility for all. We are a very peaceful people who wish all the best for our neighbours and fellow citizens. We are the people who are extending our arms out for peace and tranquility so that all ethnic groups in Eritrea may live in harmony with equal justice under the rule of law. We ask the African Union to stand with us to denounce the atrocities of ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the Eritrean regime against the Red Sea Afar people. EASE is asking the United Nations Higher Commission for Refugees to help the Red Sea Afar refugees who have fled to neighbouring countries, including Ethiopia, Djibouti, Yemen and Sudan.

E. Human Rights Violations

ARTICLE 1 OF THE UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES PROVIDES FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT BY INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF ALL HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS AS RECOGNIZED IN THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAW. 1. Special Rapporteur to the UN confirms Human Rights Violation in Eritrea According to the information collected by the Special Rapporteur, Sheila Keetharuth, on behalf of the UN Human Rights Council under resolution 20/20, human rights violations committed in Eritrea include, but are not limited to, extrajudicial killings; the ruthless implementation of a shoot-to-kill policy of persons attempting to cross borders; enforced disappearances and incommunicado detention; arbitrary arrests and detentions; widespread torture, both physical and psychological, during interrogation by the police, military and security forces; inhumane prison conditions; compulsory national service of an unspecified and extended duration; no respect for civil liberties, including the freedoms of expression and opinion, assembly, association, religious belief and movement; discrimination against women, and sexual and gender-based violence; violation of child rights, including conscription, which has a profound impact on education; and precarious living conditions. These violations were cited as reasons for pushing a constant stream of Eritreans to cross the borders. 2. Mass Murder and Extrajudicial killings The Afar are subjected to extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture and rape, as well as the destruction of their traditional means of subsistence and livelihood and businesses. They have also been forced into displacement from their traditional territory. The Afar consider they are targeted as a community, given the Afar homeland is known to contain vast resources including large potash deposits and precious metals. Dankalia's coast is significant geopolitically. Evidence of Eritreas mistreatment of the Afar is in our archives collected from interviews of former Eritrean government officials and eye witness testimonies of many victims who survived the murder, torture, and


disappearances of their loved ones. Eritrea is removing the Afar people from Dankalia by mass murder, extra-judicial killings, terror, and violence and by destroying the Afar economy. 3. Rape and Torture of Afar The evidence collected to date unanimously details the terror experienced by the Afar people in Eritrea which caused them to flee the country for their own safety. The deponents exemplified the fear felt across Afar society by men, women and children. Dankalia region is now a highly fortified military zone for Eritrea resulting in the abduction of Afar men, enlisting of the Afar youth and the widespread rape of Afar women. The Afar are tortured. They have been jailed in holes in the ground, countless ones have disappeared. It is fear of this treatment that motivates the Afar people to abandon Dankalia and flee Eritrea. The men, women and children who have been able to escape from Eritrea still fear for the women, the weak and the hardships faced by those who remain behind as they are subjected to torture, disappearances and mass murder. The deponents describe the systematic mass murder of the Afar. Afar men are kidnapped, killed and tortured, leaving the women widows and their children without fathers. Eye witnesses testified to mass murders and executions committed by the Government of Eritrea first-hand. They have witnessed the murder of their family members, friends, and Afar leaders. Torture at the hands of the Government of Eritrea is used to suppress any Afar who speaks out against the Government.

F. Ethnic Cleansing of Red Sea Afar Above and Beyond

Ethnic cleansing committed by Eritreas present regime is executed systematically by demographic change aimed at rewriting the history of the Red Sea Afar. Their heinous activities include destroying their language, eliminating Afar people through deportation, forcible displacement and mass murder, threatening them, and expropriating their businesses and economy that deprives them of their way of life. The intent is to create a territory inhabited by people of a homogeneous or pure ethnicity, religion, culture, and history. In the 21st century, the world must not sit idle and allow President Isaias Afwerkis ethnic cleansing regime to remove every physical and cultural evidence of the Afar in the region through the destruction of their homes, social centres, farms and infrastructure, and by the desecration of everything that is sacred to the indigenous Afar people. The country has been turned into a repressive, murderous police state. The current tyrannical regime has brought horrors, atrocities and depravities to the region since 1991, marking the saddest chapter in the modern history of the Horn of Africa and the proud history of the Afar. While the world is changing for the better, democratically and demographically, and the region as a whole is focused on an all-inclusive high growth path with an emphasis on diversification and commercialization encouraging the transformation from rural to urban


and agricultural economy to renewed and new economies, from an enclosed region to a world participant, Eritrea is disfiguring and dividing its demographic, ethnic and diverse fabric. The Eritrean regime is assimilating, displacing, excluding and eliminating to the point of extinction the Red Sea Afar and other minorities instead of preserving its demographic and diverse society. An all-inclusive strategy would have seen Eritrea become a major player in the regional growth path being charted. 1. Targeted eliminations of Afar leadership as Ethnic Cleansing Hundreds of unarmed Red Sea Afar civilians are murdered by hand grenades and machine guns, including community elders, children and women. Afar leaders, including members of the former regional parliament of Dankalia have been executed. Countless Red Sea Afar have disappeared or been incarcerated in other Eritrean prisons. This is the continuation of the ethnic cleansing plan against the Red Sea Afar people. The Red Sea Afar people paid a huge price during the war for independence. They paid with their sweat, wealth and blood. They sacrificed their young. The leading Red Sea Afar fighters who fought with the Shaabiya regime for independence are still being eliminated one by one. They have been targeted because they were capable of organizing and mobilizing the Red Sea Afar people, which was not in the best interests of the Eritrean regime dominated by the Tigrigna ethnic group. The Afar leaders killed were in the highest ranks of the independence movement.

2. Demographic Change of Dankalia

Dankalia, the historic homeland of the Red Sea Afar people as it was known internationally, has been disfigured and divided in two. The current government renamed Dankalia and divided it into two separate regions and renamed them Southern Red Sea region (Debubawi -Kayihbahri) and the Northern Red Sea Region (SeminawiKayihbahri). Historically, the Red Sea Afar people had never been divided and were a homogenized people. There were no other ethnic residents in this indigenous community. To deprive the Red Sea Afar of this unity and homogeneity was a strategy devised to divide the Afar people.


Pre 1991 demographic representation of political and ethnic Eritrea

Demographic change by present regime in Eritrea


3. Rewriting History Additional ethnic cleansing strategies implemented by the Eritrean regime include the destruction of the history, the culture, the language, and the rule of indigenous law. The Red Sea Afar people and their history have been systemically excluded from school curriculum thereby suppressing any knowledge of historic resistance to colonization, including the defence of the homeland during the Ottoman Empire and the Italian attempt to occupy the Red Sea Afar region. Historic Afar leaders have been written out of history. The Eritrean regime strategy is to further enable the systematic ethnic cleansing of the Red Sea Afar. The contemporary Eritrean government will not be held accountable morally or physically in the international community if there is no history of their crimes. As already mentioned, changing the name of the Red Sea Afar region, Dankalia, and excluding archaeological finds in the Red Sea Afar homeland have been two means of altering history. There is a pattern of not only destroying Red Sea Afar regional history and the resilience of the people, but also history is being manipulated, changed and re-recorded as a nonAfar history on national television, radio and other media. The Afar land, schools, buildings and other structures are being renamed after Eritrean officials using Tigrigna names. 4. Destruction of the Afar Language as Ethnic Cleansing The Red Sea Afar people have a rich history and culture and their own indigenous rule of law which they lived by for centuries. The systematic ethnic cleansing is aimed at preventing Red Sea Afar language from being included in schools, court systems, newsprints, journals or any publication. Equality in protection of languages through its use in mass media or in public institutions is non-existent. When people are deprived of using their language, they have no means of expressing their opinion fairly. The whole world is being kept in the dark as to what is happening to the Red Sea Afar people. In 1986 prior to taking power in Eritrea, the EPLF rebels, which are the current regime, began the process of changing the Afar alphabet. The policy was designed to break down the solidarity and communications among Afar people beyond Eritrea's new borders including Djibouti and Ethiopia. The current Eritrea regime has successfully implemented that policy. Today the Afar alphabets in Eritrean have different meanings in writing and pronunciations, creating confusions in Afar communities and undermining their unity. EASE on behalf of its people, the Red Sea Afar, rejects the current Eritrean governments use of language as a political tool and calls on the United Nations to stand by its declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to protect the Afar and their use of their language as stated in the following UN articles: Article 13.1-Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalize, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions,


philosophies, writing systems and literatures, and to designate and retain their own names for communities, places and persons. Article 14.1- Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning. EASE will enforce the use of Afar language in Dankalia as the official language of the state. 5. Internal Colonization and Displacement of Afar Eritrea is attempting to colonize the Afar territory through internal migration. Tigrinaspeaking Eritreans from the highlands have been moved into Afar traditional territory, rendering the Afar political, social and economic system a minority in their ancestral homeland. These land transfers are part of an official policy of the Eritrean regime to re-settle approximately 1.5 million Highlanders on the Afar homeland of the Red Sea coast. The highlands are thought to be no longer able to support a large and growing population. The plan includes the creation of a tourism industry in several towns including Galalu, Tio and Ingle Island (Dassie) after displacing the indigenous Afar. Behind this illegal, discriminatory and catastrophic plan lies the Eritrean regimesunspoken policy: "The Afar are illiterate. They are backward. They are using old fishing practices. They are not modern. We'll stop them because the industry has no hope of modernizing if they control it". 6. Deprivation of Assembly, Movement and Association Eritreas border policy also prohibits the Afar from exercising their right under article 36 of the Declaration to maintain contacts and relations with the Afar people in Ethiopia and Djibouti. This is most visible in border communities such as BureRahayta and Dabaysima. The limitations to the Afar peoples rights and freedoms are discriminatory and are not in accordance with international human rights obligations found in 46(2) of the Declaration. 7. Destruction of Afar Economy and Way of Life The Eritrean regime has systematically targeted the Red Sea Afar economy in order to remove them from their homeland of Dankalia along the Red Sea. This area is known to contain vast potash deposits and other precious metals. The Eritrean government is now selling and/or leasing these resource-rich lands to mining companies such as South Boulder Mines Ltd. of Australia (potash) without the consent, recognition or knowledge of the Afar people. Dankalia's coast is significant geopolitically as it includes the country's two main port cities of Assab and Massawa. These ports have been out of business since Eritrea initiated aggressive border wars with neighbouring Ethiopia and Djibouti, severely curtailing the local Afar economy as a result.


The Red Sea Afar people are active in animal husbandry, fishing, trades and salt mining. The systemic ethnic cleansing includes excessive and unaffordable fines on fishermen which results in the confiscation of their daily catch and ultimately their boats. These fishermen are charged with crimes imposed according to extrajudicial laws and then judged in kangaroo courts where fines are enforced at the whim of navy generals. As an example, the revenues and traditional economic activities in the Afar salt fields in Assab region which have been a great source of local economic have been confiscated and destroyed. The nomadic pastoralists have a very unique way of life and culture. Their daily life consists of tending livestock including goats, camels, and cattle. The Afar people are very dependent on the livestock as part of their way of life. This is part of the systemic ethnic cleansing; the government is bankrupting the businessmen into causing them to vacate their homeland and ultimately forcing them into exile. The systemic destruction of the nomadic way of life is being done in the following ways: individual Red Sea Afar people are being robbed by the Eritrean army; freedom of movement is disallowed which prevents the herders from following the rains for grazing land; indigenous trees have been uprooted for Eritrean army use. Afar are cross-border traders but they are prevented from trading animals to Yemen, Djibouti and other parts of the Middle East. Working people are being forced into poverty or bankruptcy. This economic deprivation has led thousands of Red Sea Afar women, young and elderly, into starvation. According to eye witness reports available in our archives, there is no adequate medical care; indeed the clinics are not treating the people but are purposely infecting them to hasten the ethnic cleansing process. 8. Refugees and Displacement of Afar People from their Homeland The exodus of Red Sea Afar people from their ancestral homeland in Dankalia continues with nearly 200,000 having already fled to neighbouring countries Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Yemen from the tyrannical regime in Eritrea. This has been the saddest chapter in the once proud and resilient African peoples recent history. Afar are fleeing Dankalia by the tens of thousands. Many Afar have perished trying to escape Eritrea as the security personnel have orders to shoot to kill the Afar as they attempt to cross the border to places of refuge. The UNHCR in Ethiopia has documented tens of thousands of Afar now living as refugees in Ethiopia, Sudan, Yemen and other states. Samara Declaration: That each nationality shall, through the governments they freely elect, have the right to protect and preserve the vitality of their language, culture, way of life and economy; That the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities shall be guaranteed and protected; That Afar refugees that the refugees of all nationalities of Eritrea who have fled Eritrea shall have the right of return to their homes and properties in Eritrea and to Eritrean


citizenship; That all Afar People shall have the right of return to their ancestral homeland in Dankalia and to have Eritrean citizenship; and that Dankalia shall have its traditional borders restored to those to which the Afar People enjoyed in 1991.

5. Indigenous Rights Policy:

There is general agreement that the Afar people have a distinct cultural and linguistic identity of their own and inhabit a well-defined territory in the Afar Triangle which is divided between Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti. The Afar peoples social, cultural and economic conditions distinguish them from others in the Horn of Africa. Their status must be regulated by their own customs, traditions and special laws and regulations. This definition of the Afar as indigenous peoples was provided by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples. They form at present non-dominant sectors of society and are determined to preserve, develop and transmit to future generations their ancestral territories and their ethnic identity as the basis of their continued existence as peoples in accordance with their own cultural patterns, social institutions and legal systems. EASE will preserve the Afars cultural distinctiveness. The Afar have their own distinctive language, the origins of which may be traced as far as five millennia ago. They maintain their nomadic pastoralist life, which means their close connection with the land is an integral part of their identity. They also have distinctive economic pursuits such as the extraction of salt from the Red Sea coast which they trade around the region. Their religion is a form of Islam combined with more traditional beliefs in contrast to their predominantly Christian neighbours. They have their own political structures including clans as well assultanates which exert authority over large parts of their territory. Of course their language, religion and traditional political institutions contribute a long way to the recognition of their distinctive identity. Afar people must not be forced to integrate in the Eritrean mainstream for the benefit of a select dominant ruling class. Red Sea Afar will not be Eritreans at the margins. Their geographical and cultural distinctiveness enables them to propel forward in the new Eritrea with an attitude towards adopting a cautiously optimistic modernization policy that does not infringe on their indigenous identity. EASE in the new constitution makes Dankalia the new Self-Governing Afar State within Eritrea. EASE will advance the protection of indigenous Afar people in the new Eritrea as one of its key pillars of strategic governance. EASE will work closely with international indigenous organizations and local indigenous communities to strengthen indigenous Afar rights in Eritrea. The goal is to maintain and develop their political, economic and social systems and institutions, to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development, and to engage freely in all their traditional and other


economic activities. The new Eritrea must sign the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and uphold and be counted as protector of the international rights of its indigenous people.

G. Language, Education and Cultural Rights

One of the Eritrean governments strategies to further alienate the Eritrean Afar from the Afar now in Djibouti and Ethiopia was to change the Latin-scripts of the Afar alphabets used for decades among the Afar people across the Horn region. EASE reaffirms the United Nations Declaration that Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalize, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literatures, and to designate and retain their own names for communities, places and persons. Afar people have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages (Afaraf) in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning. EASE shall work to provide Eritrean Afar children access, when possible, to an education in their own culture and provided in their own language. Through education and public information the dignity and diversity of Afar cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations will be preserved.

H. Afar Indigenous Way of Life

Eritreas policies also compromise the Afars ability to live off of their traditional land and resources (Economic and Cultural). The Afar people are victims of assimilation through Eritreas one-state policy, which aims to create a new brand of Eritrean nationalism with little or no understanding of diversity. Afar Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain their way of life by manifesting, practising, developing and teaching their spiritual and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies. EASE shall protect the Afars right to establish their own media in their own languages and to have access to all forms of non-indigenous media without discrimination. EASE shall take effective measures to ensure that Dankalia State-owned media duly reflect indigenous cultural diversity. States, without prejudice to ensuring full freedom of expression, encouraging privately owned media to adequately reflect Afar indigenous cultural diversity.

I. Traditional Law
Afar traditional law and governance has been the integral part of Afar consciousness, self-rule and identity for thousands of years. Prior to European colonialism "Age of Discovery at the beginning of the 15th century, and later followed by the Scramble for Africa", at the end of the 19th, the Afar leadership exerted an impressive amount of


authority over much of their land and the territories. Afar Sultanates of (AWSA, RAHAYTA, BIDRU, TADJOURA and GOBAD) served as traditional rulers and governors of Afar territory throughout the region in Ethiopia and pre-independence States of Djibouti and present Eritrea. The Afar Sultanates were custodians of Afar ancestral and community land, culture, customary laws and traditions including history. Their customary laws (BuriliMadqa, Budduto-barih-Madqa, and Debnek-Weeimah-Madqa ) were instrumental to maintaining law and order including presiding over and settling criminal civil disputes, land disputes and with the exception of the Eritrean State attempt to erase them, these laws continue even up to this day. The current Eritrean government is violating and undermining any rights and authority by Afar Sultans and implementing legislative and administrative rules and measures without due respect to the customs, traditions and land tenure systems of the indigenous Afar people. EASE will re-instate the Traditional Law and Afar Sultans as historic representatives and actors of indigenous Afar State. EASE policy offers an alternative Eritrean Afar State identity with Dankalia having its traditional borders restored to those which the Afar People enjoyed in 1991. And EASE calls on the re-instating of Afar traditional customary laws unimpeded by the current regimes alien court and legal system that turned into an instrument of repression, oppression, and a means of breaking Afar culture and customs. Dankalia State shall take effective measures to ensure this right is protected and also ensure that indigenous peoples can understand and be understood in political, legal and administrative proceedings, where necessary through the provision of interpretation or by other appropriate means. Furthermore and contrary to distorted propaganda by the regime and its tools, the Red Sea Afar people consider themselves an integral part of Eritrean society. While the Afar people wish to enjoy the right of self-determination, it continues to promote the integration of all nationalities under one righteous and unified Eritrea. EASE shall take effective measures, in consultation and cooperation with the Afar indigenous peoples concerned, to combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination and promote tolerance, understanding and good relations among indigenous peoples in the region and internationally and all other segments of Eritrea.

J. Customary Law
The Afar have always been governed under their own Customary Laws, including criminal law. The Eritrean regime has now introduced a court and legal system which has destroyed Afar Customary Law. The new laws and the new criminal justice system are instruments of repression, oppression, and a means of breaking Afar culture and customs. The current Eritrean government has imposed external Afar clan chiefs on the wrong clan. The central government has taken Afar clan chiefs from one region, and forced


them to go to another region where they have no Afar-developed or traditional authority. This is intended to break down clan structure and traditional structures of Afar governance and divide the Afar People amongst themselves. EASE shall strengthen and revitalize the Indigenous Afar Customary Laws (MADQA) governing the day to day activities of an Afar individual. The most widely accepted and adhered to are Burilimadqa, Buddutobarihmadqa and Debnek-weeimamadqa.

K. Environmental Law
EASE believes that Dankalias indigenous traditional indicators of impending or imminent disasters such as drought, volcanic activities or anything that requires Early Warning Systems in place are more than suitable for the protection of its people. Under a self-governed and determined State of Dankalia, communities are informed (by making use of traditional indicators) about the risks they face, their knowledge of anticipating the effects of hazards based on the following major factors: Afar Early Warning (Astronomical) - movement and location of the stars (constellation); Environmental factors (rainfall, pasture/browse, water, crops, availability and incidence of pests and diseases); and Livestock factors (body condition, reproduction, milk production and incidence of diseases);

EASE adopts the formal UN definition describing the term Early Warning as: The provision of timely and effective information, through identifying institutions, that allow individuals exposed to hazard to take action to avoid or reduce their risk and prepare for effective response. Indigenous Afar systems in place are effective and have survived the cruelest place on earth for five millennia.

6. Economic Policy
The Afar region is severely underdeveloped in comparison to other Eritrean regions. Dankalia is aggravated by systemic neglect, malnutrition, diseases and inadequate health care, access to health centres and education coupled with food insecurity and malnutrition and diseases. The Afar people have the least life expectancy, the highest rates of maternal mortality (MMR) during pregnancy and the highest infant death in the country. The ruling class (PFDJ) declared in 1997 all land and resources of Afar region (Dankalia) belong to the state of Eritrea. This policy has placed the Afar people among the poorest of the poor in Eritrea and the world. These conditions are the result of the present regimes economic subjugation. The laws and actions imposed on the Afar people have rendered Afar landless and impoverished. Instead of building the new nations capacity for economic growth for all nationalities, the wealth of Afar region (Dankalia) and control over its natural resources is


generating revenues for the elites of PFDJ and Eritrean Generals. The exploitation of natural resources of Dankalia for personal enrichment is helping build a political base for the ruling class and support terrorism and instability in the region. The Eritrean government policy and actions have dispossessed Indigenous Afar people of their lands, territories and resources. EASE is committed to putting an end to that exploitation policy and marginalization and will fight poverty of Afar and Eritreans. EASE supports economic growth. EASEs economic vision and policy is to leverage the re-instating of Dankalia state within a federated Eritrea under a peaceful coexistence among all nationalities in the region; enabling the development of the human potential of the Red Sea Afar people by education and economic expansion; and creating an economic environment and foreign policy that encourages international investment and development. EASEs economic policy is pro-development and about social justice combined with sustainable growth. EASE promotes open, non-discriminatory and equitable trading systems that will enable all nationalities in Eritrea to improve their economic structures and improve the standard of living of their people through sustained economic development. EASE will combine modern thinking and leveraging our strategic ports and create industries and will leverage Afar social, indigenous and traditional way of life especially our extensive knowledge of our economic environment and region. This can be accomplished through: 1. Develop macro-economic policies that give adequate attention to the empowerment of the Red Sea Afar people and contribute to the economic growth through trade and employment. 2. Leverage the proximity of the Red Sea to international trade routes and harness the economic value of present and future developments, roads, infrastructure, ports and refineries. 3. Harness the Red Sea Afar peoples experience as seamen, traders and businessmen while preserving the traditional pastoralist way of life. 4. Further develop the support of the Diaspora Afar communities because of the instrumental role that they can, and will be willing to play, in the future of their Red Sea Afar People and State. 5. Encourage international investment that enables economic prosperity, targeting development assistance and foreign aid. 6. The Red Sea Afar Economy will depend on strong Self-Sustaining Communities 7. Salt Mining and the Afar salt fields are a significant source of revenue and output - over 100,000 metric tons per year and millions of dollars for indigenous Afar economy. EASE will pursue Afar entrepreneurs and Afar businessmen and women to re-invest back into the Red Sea Afar region. 8. Animal husbandry and agro-pastoralism are another focus area for the majority of Afar people as nomadic pastoralist and semi-agro-pastoralist and a great deal of


their way of life and economic wellbeing depends on pastoralism. International institutions look to the Red Sea Afar region as a potential for the development of sustainable and profitable integrated cropping, feedlot and abattoir to produce export quality live animals as well as meat while achieving international quality standards. In addition, the pursuit of these objectives in the Afar region will have a significant social impact resulting in better nutrition for residents and livestock which is the main source of wealth. Some members of the international community have identified as their highest corporate priority the delivery of significant profitable and sustainable agricultural business projects to meet their strategic goals in Red Sea Afar and other countries in Africa. 9. Since the birth of Eritrea the Afar fishing economy has been reduced to a nonexistent level due to the Eritrean governments crackdown on Afar coastal communities. The Indigenous Red Sea Afar are experienced fishermen. The entire Red Sea coastline is home to many species of fish and its quantity is still unexplored. In the past the Afar fishermen have enjoyed economic success with fish exports to their middle-eastern neighbors such as Yemen and Saudi Arabia. 10. Various trade activities have been the backbone of the Red Sea Afar peoples economy for centuries, whether it has to do with local product for import and export, animal trade, salt or household goods. The trade routes were normally westbound to Ethiopia and southbound to Djibouti and across the Red Sea to Yemen and Middle East. The Red Sea Afar people have suffered a great deal due to conflicts primarily as result of hostile Eritrean government policies towards its neighbours. EASEs key principle and priority is to restore growth and stability for the mutual coexistence and common economic benefits impacting the Red Sea Afar and the region. 11. Assab and Massawa Ports are home to two international standard and capacity ports. The Afar coastline from the edge of Massawa, Dankalia in Eritrea to Rahayta bordering Djibouti serves as a bridge between Africa and the Middle East and is the route to international waterways including Bab-el-Mandab. EASE promotes the right of the Red Sea Afar to operate and leverage such assets for the benefits of its people and all Eritreans. The global importance of these ports as gateways to oil fields in the Persian Gulf and the role such ports can play in peace, security and stability is vital in addition to economic growth for the region. 12. Tourism in Dankalia is another great potential for the Afar people with its pristine coastline and sandy beaches and over 200 hundred small islands which can attract tourism dollars and generate economic development of the Red Sea Afar. The area is an unexplored touristic haven. 13. Infrastructure projects such as the Assab Refinery facility can be upgraded to process crude oil for much needed energy and fuel. Existing main asphalt roads are critical for land transportation linking mainland Ethiopia, Djibouti and Asmara. 14. Dankalias natural resources range from natural gas to petroleum. Mineral deposits are widely available in Dankalia. Gold, silver, copper, zinc and large deposits of potash can be found throughout Dankalia. There is an untapped undersea mineral deposit ready for exploration. EASEs priority is to leverage such resources to the benefit of the Red Sea Afar people and Eritreans alike.


7. Resource Management in Dankalia: Land, Territory and

Natural Resources
In much of Africa, conflicts over natural resources have been the leading factor behind instability and impediment to growth. In Eritrea, EASE promotes a responsible, just and economically productive resource management framework that is equitable in its distribution of wealth to all stakeholders of Eritrea, in particular Dankalia. Social impacts should be beneficial to all nationalities even if they stems from Dankalia. EASE rejects the exploitation occurring at the hands of the Eritrean government. The present regime is now selling and/or leasing Dankalias resource-rich land to mining companies as well as to foreign governments, without the consent, recognition or knowledge of the Afar people. EASE proposes new measures and a process for transforming Dankalias natural resource wealth from an illegally exploited resource to a revenue-sharing asset for the benefit of all Eritreans. The Afar people will own and maintain control of their lands and resources including surface and sub-surface resources, sea coasts, fisheries and air space and shall enjoy the profits under conditions established by law and shared with all nationalities. EASE, as recommended by the United Nations, believes that such a process will prevent conflicts in the future. With agreed upon revenue sharing initiatives, in addition to the creation of a resolution and resource management and relevant bodies, a new social cohesion and coexistence between diverse nationalities will be created and a balance between all nationalities of Eritrea will emerge. Afar State of Dankalia shall control the Afar region's land and resources, end harmful practices and corruption, alleviate Afar poverty as well as commit its sound strategy for the economic empowerment of all Eritreans. Samara Declaration: That each nationality shall, through the governments that they freely elect, have the right to own and control their lands and resources including surface and subsurface resources, sea coasts, fisheries and air space and shall enjoy the profits there from under conditions established by law.



Executive Committee
Eritrean Afar State in Exile

Restoring the Dignity of the Red Sea Afar People Democratically

"Qasabadih Qafarih Konnabna Demokraasil Daabisenno"

[email protected] www.dankalia.org Office 613-627 EASE (3273)

Eritrean Afar State in Exile P.O. Box 78046 MERILINE NEPEAN, ON K2E 1B1

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