Connected Healthcare Data
The OMG's Healthcare Domain Task Force (Health DTF) facilitates real-time networking and security of patient healthcare data. Within the health industry, there is no shortage of standards work or of potential technical solutions that are able to add value to this complex and persistently “disconnected” vertical market sector. What has been lacking, however, is a cohesive view and integrative set of complementary functions designed to work with existing systems to effectively bridge across incumbent systems and solutions in support of connected-health and care continuity. The Field Guide to Shareable Clinical Pathways is an excellent resource to start off with which originated in the Health DTF.
The suite of OMG healthcare standards were developed in concert with Health Level Seven (HL7), and provide a superstructure allowing for peaceful co-existence of yesterday’s integration strategies while aligning with current industry best-practices, drawing from other vertical market solutions and proven technical approaches. Based upon model-driven architecture, this suite of standards comfortably supports concurrent use of many different interface protocols into a cohesive platform, providing a foundation to extend current systems beyond institutional boundaries using an open, standards-based infrastructure. The Health DTF can efficiently connect all your vital patient data and communicate it to all critical care parties.
- To improve quality of care and reduce cost through interoperable technologies across the global healthcare community
- To utilize OMG technology adoption process to standardize interfaces for healthcare objects
- To communicate the requirements of the healthcare industry to OMG Membership
- To assist and advise OMG liaisons regarding the relationship with healthcare standards organizations and consortia
Notable Deliverables:
- [Health] Services Directory (ServD) – Part “Provider Directory” and part “Yellow Pages” TM, this standard provides the ability to discover health and ancillary service providers based upon their organizational affiliation, location, and other details, and provides ability to contact and ultimately supports the secure transfer of health data to designated, trusted network end-points.
- Clinical Decision Support Service (CDSS™) – Allows for access to industry best-practices and institutional or licensed knowledge to conduct patient-specific assessment and provide recommendations to clinicians on best-practice or suggested protocols. This standard facilitates the implementation, maintenance, and consistency of clinical practice across clinical applications.
- [Common] Terminology Services (CTS2™) – Underpinning the ability to effectively interchange medical information lies the support for medical coding systems and vocabularies. CTS2 allows for applications to become semantically-aware, looking up the meaning of coded values, traversing inherent relationships to draw inferences, and supporting translation between different vocabularies or languages. Designed to work with both medical terminologies such as ICD10/11, SNOMED, LOINC, RxNORM, and others.
Get Involved:
If you're an OMG member, have a member account, and want to get involved, you can Subscribe to The Healthcare DTF Mailing List to receive frequent group email updates and/or contact healthcare-chair@omg.org. If you don't know if your organization is already a member, check the OMG Member List, Request An Account, and follow the prior steps, if your organization is a member, to get engaged. If not a member and interested in getting involved please visit our Membership Overview Webpage and/or contact healthcare-chair@omg.org