Parents Reflect on Their Biggest Mistakes Raising Kids—And It's Eye-Opening
Over 100 parents weighed in to share their nuggets of wisdom with the benefit of hindsight.
Mom Brings Twin Daughters Home, Then DNA Test Confirms Shocking Truth
Tamara Vanderent, 30, thought her daughters were fraternal twins for over a year, but she was stunned to discover that wasn't in fact the case.
Patient Picks Favorite Song for Last Ride Home—A Singer Makes It Memorable
"She got to cry without telling us why she cried, but the emotions were there," Yvon Kanters told Newsweek.
Coin Collector Buys Storage Unit for $50, 'Shaking' at What's Hidden Inside
Jesse told Newsweek: "I spent at least an hour in the unit, hunched over, counting the coins and figuring out what was what."
Internet Shares the Signs You're 'Hotter' Than You Realize
"People are super friendly, and you get free stuff and discounts for no apparent reason," was one example of a sign you might be more attractive than you think.
Cat That Sleeps in Bed Like a Human Wins Pet of the Week
He may be a marauder, a mischief-maker, a master of deception—but he is also a much loved little menace.
14 Years Ago Two Travelers Met at Airport. Then Everything Changed.
"We decided to meet at the airport and spend a few hours together to see if we had the connection," Lauren Juliff told Newsweek.
10-Year-Old Fed Up With Being Bullied, Then Something Amazing Happened
Two former boxers stepped in to help the schoolboy undergo a transformation, making him an internet star.
Adults Share What They Wish Their Dad Taught Them—And It'll Make You Think
"I think it shows how much of a chance we have to be better parents," one man told Newsweek.
Doorbell Camera films Millennial Woman Before And After Bottomless Brunch
"I arrived home with my dress around my waist," Lyndsey Burn told Newsweek. "It was a big difference."
US East Coast To Suffer Deadly Marine Heat Waves by 2100
Projections warn that "much of the open ocean could reach a near-permanent" marine heat wave state by the end of this century.
Man With Autism Can't Tolerate Physical Touch—Then Comes Baby Niece
Amber Emery told Newsweek that their bond started even before her daughter was born.
Five Ways to Avoid Breaking Your Dog's Heart
Dogs have feelings just like us. But since they can't speak, how can you tell when you've accidentally hurt them?
What Is a 'Split Night'? Mom's Solution for When Baby Can't Sleep Divides
While babies can catch up by napping, being a sleep-deprived parent can take a physical and mental toll, Hannah Hiles told Newsweek.