
18 Reviews
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Dark River (2017)
It could have been great ???
22 June 2018
If it had a better script, a better telling of the story and a better director this could have been a great film, instead it is just a farming fighting siblings plod along, sometimes hard to understand the accents, and with a lot of films that don't actually tell you what going to happen, but you can sort of work it out, well with this there is no working out, the whole story line is flawed, and there is not enough dialogue to help you understand the full story. Shame really Ruth Wilson does a fantastic job, if one did not know better she could have been that person, and not a film star, the rest of the cast did what they had to do with such a bad script...........Great scenery, mostly filmed i think in North Yorkshire.
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Sorry, This is a slow and painful death
23 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Long time since i put keyboard to computer to give a review, but this film deserves my input, lol......... what a load of rubbish, the acting by all was dire, there was not one of the cast that could be said to be a redeeming factor, the dialog, the directing, the script absolute rubbish.........the people that are here that gave it a good review are either related to "Tommy" (the deaf, dumb and blind kid), or were watching another film of the same title, which is unlikely. It was in the news this week that Lysette Anthony was moaning because she only earned £6000.00 this year through her acting work, well if this film is anything to go by she was well overpaid. The main "hoodie" bad guy, who is in Eastenders at this time, is so hammy and loud, with an accent that cannot be described,is so annoying that you hope he meets his demise in the first scene, though that is not to be, unfortunately. If you want to spend 94 minutes and watch this dribble then don't say you were not is an abomination.
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The Firm (2012)
Top Notch TV
12 January 2012
Looking at the four reviews that have been posted so far it seems there is a split decision, so i just wanted to make sure that the "good" reviews got the upper hand, so to speak. The writing, directing, acting and plot so far is excellent, i know it is hard to judge something with only seeing the first two episodes, but all i can say is if it continues in this manner then we are in for a really great drama/thriller. For Mr Lucas to jump into the shoes of Tom Cruise and do such a good job, is a credit to his abilities , OK there was a little poetic license applied, but that is expected from any show that is produced, and easy to skip over, it is Television, entertainment for goodness sake, not rocket science. All in all it the opening episodes have set the stage to what could be a really great program, and just for the benefit of the people that will not like it, i have nothing whatsoever to do the the program, and it is a totally unbiased opinion. For those of you that needs to see where this continues from, just grab a copy the the original 1993 film of the same name and give it a spin.

Have a look, make up your own mind
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Kill List (2011)
Is Everyone Watching the Same Film
3 January 2012
I am so surprised that there is so many reviews for this film, and a lot of them in the positive, which make me wonder are we all talking about the same film. How on earth anyone in there right mind would call this a masterpiece, a classic, a terrifying experience, when truthfully it is a load of C***P.

There is no story, there is no plot, there is no nothing, a couple of very inept "hit men", and i mean inept, i would not employ them to sweep the roads, let alone pay them thousands of pounds to do some "wet work".

Totally boring for the fist 45 Mins, totally incoherent for the last 45 Mins, and don't even get me started about the ending.

If i were reading the reviews and had not seen this film, i may be tempted to give it a try, all i can advise you is, FORGET IT.
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Should Be Renamed The Last Resort
31 December 2011
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Should be renamed the Last Resort, because that's what it felt like watching it, it was sooooooooooooo slow, the acting and actors were abysmal, there was only Wade Williams that i had seen before, he was the sadistic warder in Prison Break, and i think his performance in this film was the worst of the lot. with out giving stuff away, it seemed to be a very cheap copy of Tom Selleck's "Jesse Stone" series, but the only similarity was, drunk cop, harbour town, dead girl, from there it is just plain bad, in fact thinking about it, one of the Jesse Stone films was nearly identical, but with good acting and directing.

Don't waste your time on this at all, but if you do , don't say I did not tell you???
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In Plain Sight (2008–2012)
The best cop on the block
21 June 2008
Mary McCormack is the only believable actor/actress i have seen in a police drama series since Helen Mirren in the early Prime Suspect stories. She is not like your Without a Trace or Numbers cops, that seem to be posing for every shot, or putting folders over there bodies to cover up the fact that they are going to have a baby, Mary McCormack's character in "In Plain Sight" is the reason to watch this program, she really is amazing, as a in your face, don't give a damn, down to earth veteran US Marshall the stories are not bad, getting better in fact, some of the other cast are a bit hammy, , so what, over all its an entertaining show, with some great one liners, plenty of action and i can only hope that the networks realize that they have little gem of a series here and give it a fair chance, and not kill it off before it starts, so to speak.
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All In (2006)
this is truly awful
10 August 2007
I have to agree with another writer on here when he/she says "were you watching the same film" to the people who wrote the positive reviews, This film is bad, from beginning to end, there are no redeeming features whatsoever, the script, the direction. The acting was abysmal, the lead actress Miss Swain, well her "acting" was like watching paint dry slowly, and i can only assume the reason why Mr Madson & Gosset were there is for the money. The strange thing is, there are some writers on here comparing this to "Casino" and there is even mention of "The Godfather, when in reality this film should not be spoke of in the same breath as those. There are a couple of nice things to say about the film, 1) when the credits roll, and 2) the actress "Avrielle Corti", who plays young Ace,deserves to be the only one to get some credit for her acting. You can decide for yourselves, either to watch this, or give it a miss, all i can say is You have been warned, stay well !
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i would sooner watch paint dry
8 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know where to start with this review, in 1996 a photographer was found guilty of the rape and murder of wannabee model Linda Sobek, i really feel for the young woman's dependents, i do not think they should have been subjected to this convoluted mess of a movie, the direction is abysmal, it is all over the place from flashbacks, to facts, to fiction, to actual footage, to the narration, my wife was lost off in the first couple of minutes, this guy could not direct traffic. The acting is truly terrible, i have seen better acting at my children's school plays, Trudi Jo Marie Keck plays the part of model Linda Sobek, and that is where everything goes pear shaped, OK, she is not bad looking, she has i suppose a nice figure, but her acting is truly awful, she looks like a porn actress trying to play a Oscar winning role, very hard to explain, but to make matters worse, she is the editor of the movie, can you just see her in the editing room, "i stay, that bit goes", "i stay, that bit goes", i think you get what i mean, and the rest of the cast are really no better, so all in all don't be lured into this because you WILL be disappointed, be safe.
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It Should be Out of Business
25 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is English film making at its worst, i really do not know how or why it got funded in the fist place, it has some good actors, Dennis Waterman, Brian Blessed and Martin Kemp, and putting aside his days as bass player with Spandau Ballet, a very good actor, so again, why would they take on this project, money, fame, favor, suicide. To cut to the chase, we have a pair of con men, one of which is a lord of the realm (nothing new there then)and his old school mate, together they are know as, wait for it, Marks & Spencer, paaleese, must have had an epiphany to think of that, and it gets worse, after conning three country's into buying Londons Tower Bridge, the two are back together to steal and sell a space buggy type vehicle, that was invented by the BSA, (British Space Agency) to either the Russians or the Chinese, what a plot, to be honest i never knew we had a space agency, the UK was not one of the first to put anyone on the moon as far as i remember, back to the plot. The thing is there is no space buggy type vehicle, because the BSA ran out of money before it was completed, so what do Marks & Spencer do, they build one from one of those little trucks gardeners use, with some tin foil, wheels from a mini tractor, bits from here and there and lo and behold we have a blue print built, state of the art space buggy vehicle. Needless to say the Russians, the Chinese are in the frame to buy this item for millions, and to be honest who cares, so i am as fed up with writing this review as watching the thing, but i wanted to let you know before you spend your hard earned money, miss this like the plague, in fact the plague may be a better alternative. be safe
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Final Contract, no kidding, it should be
28 January 2007
Sorry folks this is a stinker, i only write a preview if it is really good, really crap, or there are other previews that are not 100 percent true, in my opinion. This movie falls in the second category, acting, directing, story,continuity in fact everything about the film is not good. It seems like someone got the idea to make a film in Germany, advertise for any American and English people in the area,throw them all together, with two writers, who have zilch credits to there names, lastly add to the mix a German (i think)director,who has only a couple of directorial credits to his name, none i hasten to say in English, and you have it, a no brainer of a film. there are a couple of posts on here, one from a starstruck teenager in love with Drew Fuller, in fact she sounds a little creepy, and a french person who, well read it and see. i am not going into the story/plot as there is not one, but when you see 20 or 30 German SAS/Police, and they all talk American/English, in Gemany, enough said.
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The Boston Strangler (2006 Video)
Get a copy of the original movie, this one is rubbish
7 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I guess when you see the title "The Boston Strangler", you expect to see a remake of the 1968 classic, brought up to date, with modern film making, but no such luck with this title. This is just a Q&A with DeSalvo in prison, with flashbacks to his crimes, and it seems to try and say that DeSalvo may not have been the mass murderer, The actors and acting are dire, the direction is awful, i have no idea what he was seeing through the lens, how could you get a bunch of actors like these to make a film believable, in the original movie Tony Curtis played DeSalvo,with a career best performance, really an Oscar performance, and it shows what a great actor he was back then, Henry Fonda as a law professor, brought in to find the killer, and George Kennedy as the detective, these were Stella performances. In a film about a serial killer you expect, suspense, danger,twists and turns, a psychological thriller, in this remake i am afraid to say the only twists and turns, is when you switch it off.
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It needs to be put underground
28 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of tripe this movie is, i cannot understand why Ed Lauter and Danny Trejo would have anything to do with this film, the acting and directing are dire, and the plot is clueless, a woman on a steak out in a bar, using a walkie talkie phone to talk to one of the other "undercover" cops out side in a top down convertible Mustang, five of them go out to stake out a bar, again in a top down convertible,five of them ??, they send two of the girls into one of the toughest places in Venice Beach, acting as hookers, and they take the place apart in a flash, but the rest of the team is outside standing in the street with headphones on listening in, covert or what. one of the "undercover" cops get pregnant, but not sure which one of the other cops is the father, do i really need to say any more, watching paint dry would be more exciting.
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Stranger in My Bed (2005 TV Movie)
Do not bother watching this
20 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Do not bother watching this movie, go straight to "ENOUGH" with J.Lopez or better yet "SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY" with J.Roberts,as they are far, far better then this, there are more holes in this movie then in a second hand dartboard, you have a woman who is in fear of her life, she see's her wife beating husband after 18 months, so she dashes home to find the window smashed, and the front door open, what does she do??????, call the Police, get the hell out of there, get a machine gun, leave the country, NO she has a shower, and the front door is STILL open, doh. in the meantime her husband is on a killing rampage, but he is knocking off people that have no reason to be killed, with the exception of his wife's friend, that really deserves to be whacked, i mean, would you invite a complete stranger into your house,that pretends to be interested in a house purchase down the street, i don't think so. I know it is only entertainment, but PALLEEZE are we complete morons, well the director seems to think so, he even has the battered wife wearing a wig at the start of the movie, which is fine if we see her later with a shorter then the wig hair style, but no, we see her with long flowing locks that "L'Oeal" would gladly pay millions to get the formula, are we expected to believe her hair has grown long and wavy in 18 months. In all my comments i tell people to make up there own minds, but if you want to see a movie with this storyline, than forget this one, go for one of the good ones.
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You must see this for yourself
21 November 2005
I was not going to comment on this movie, as there are some very positive reviews already posted, then i read the comment from "dave-colonna", and felt i should have my say. Mr dave-colonna's comments, are to me totally unfounded, and as he purports to be a "film maker", i would like to see some of his work, and have the chance to comment on it, He says it was that bad he walked out with out seeing the movie through to the end, well i do not know how he can comment on something he has not fully seen, his comment on nursing staff making sure all there patients take there medicine, is just petty, we all know how overworked and overused nurses are, and with the best intention in the world, i do not think that every nurse, in every hospital, will stand over the patient until the pills are swallowed. He also states that the acting is the worst he has seen,well the acting is not Oscar nominating material, but there is a heck of a lot worse out there, and for a cast that are "no names" for the want of a better word, they did a great job. I think Mr Dave C, needs to get out a little more, and go and see some really crap movies, and stop being so petty and i suppose jealous. I also predict that Sabrina Gennarino, who plays Maddie will be a big star, all in all it is not the greatest movie in the world, but not many are, however, it is a good film, i would watch it again, and if you give it a chance,i am sure you will enjoy it.
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Half Light (2006)
Eerie Little Thriller
18 November 2005
This movie is good, well acted, well scripted, well directed, and above all, it will keep you guessing to the end, I do not know enough about "The Technical Side" of movie making to comment, all i know is, if i see a film i like, or for that matter dislike, then i will make a comment on it, after all its only entertainment. Too many times you read about the, ins and outs of film making, and all the back stage stuff, when really all you want to know is, will i enjoy this film, and the answer to Half Light is yes, no swearing, very little sex content,just a nice put together thriller, enough twists and turns to keep the momentum going. i am trying to find something to moan about in this movie, and to be quite honest there is nothing, Demi Moore is very good in the lead role, and the mainly British cast is excellent Go see it, judge for yourself, i do not think you will be disappointed.
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Wolf Creek (2005)
Are we all talking about the same movie
14 October 2005
It seems to me that we are not all talking about the same movie, there have been comments about how scary it is, how well done it is, that it is a superb horror movie, but in my opinion (and by all accounts if you read all the postings)several other opinions, that Wolf Creek is just another cheap and nasty hacker flick, its boring, its dark. the acting is crap, in fact you get the feeling that it has been thrown together just for the sake of making a "movie" with no real thought about the story line, the locations, the plot (if there is one). as far as the horror part, i sat and watched it with my wife and daughter, and both of them were board to tears, as was i. i know that everyone has there own tastes in films, and far be it for me to judge there opinions, but from start to finish this film has nothing going for it, except the hype, and i am afraid to say, that these days a lot of people believe what studios and critics say about a movie, but least you forget, they get paid for it, i don't. go and see it if you must, make up your own mind.
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Hard act to follow
15 September 2005
Maybe the worst part of this film is the casting for the lead role Carlito Brigante, whichever way you look at it everybody expects a Pacino, but casting Jay Hernandez is a let down, even though he is a fine actor, he really had a lot to do to try and follow in Pacino's shoes, and i am afraid to say he failed dismally. Over all it is not a bad film, there is a lot worse out there, some nice acting from not so well known names, but i must say i was surprised by Sean 'P. Diddy' Combs performance, not your normal pop star turned pretend actor, he was really very good, and i for one will look forward to future work from him. I would suggest you take a look at this movie, forget about the original Carlito's Way, and just enjoy it for what it is.
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Lost (2004–2010)
"Lost "and so they should be
6 September 2005
I have been reading the comments re, "Lost" and it seems to me that the majority of posters are all in the teen or younger age groups, and they have really nothing more to do then watch and comment on this dross.As for the acting, with the exception Terry O'Quinn, lets just say the original Thunderbirds guys would give them a run for there money, the continuity is very very poor, the "storyline" well for me it has been done so many times before, and in most cases much better, just think of The Langoliers, Millennium, Alive, The Time Machine(1960), Swiss Family Robinson, the list is endless, but this is being hailed as the best thing since John Logie Baird applied for a patent. Did you ever see a pregnant woman look like she had Space Hopper under her dress, what looked like a H&K automatic,2.3lbs of steel strapped to an ankle, pa----leese, the writing still on the aircraft after the "cookout", This program should be Lost and never found. Come back Jack (Bauer that is)
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