Most Recently Rated
Zlatá labut (2023)
A Czech Soap
This series tells the story of events at the start of WW2 as seen through the eyes of owners and workers in a large department store. It's obviously a low budget production that is suitable for a Czech audience. The narrative is told in a very uneven manner and does not flow in a way to provide good continuity for a non-Czech audience. The acting is stilted and not at all believable, makeup and costuming are both poorly done, and individual languages e.g German and Czech are not separated to ensure authenticity. It appears that everyone just speaks Czech. The plot is a predictable one. The series is rebroadcast through Walter Presents, a channel that specializes in rebroadcasting less popular European TV series in the US.
Bosch: Legacy (2022)
Not as good as the original
Legacy is the continuation and eventual "winding down" of the series Bosch. It really isn't as good as the original! The scripts are written in a more childish manner, the dialog stilted and supposed attempts at humor fall flat. It brings back a variety of characters from the original in cameo roles. The narrative uses the technique of rapidly unfolding events, with the scenes sometimes appearing to be just tacked on randomly. Sometimes, the sequencing makes little sense. The supporting actors seem to be drawn from an amateur level, maybe because they are cheaper to use. One gets the impression that this series is just an "add on" with a lower budget and hurrying to finish up the series as a whole. It's entertaining, just not as well done as the first 3 seasons of the original were.
Bosch (2014)
Variable seasons, but always entertaining
This detective series is entertaining throughout the 7 seasons it aired. The problem is that the quality of the seasons varied in the way each story was told. Some had stronger scripts than others. As the series progressed, one got the feeling that money was getting tight and the narrative began to unfold faster with fewer opportunities to understand how the plot unfolds. Events just seem to happen with little explanation or context as to the reasons they did. The episodes just became more rushed. The acting is not always stellar but it was interesting to see some familiar faces from past TV series in supporting roles. Welliver seems to have some dental issue that becomes distracting as it manifests in a lot of facial grimacing.
The Franchise (2024)
Not the usual clever British wit
This series explores an overdone theme of what goes on behind the scenes in the making of a movie. There are the usual clashes of egos, failed stunts etc. The dialog here however, aside from being inaudible, is rather lame. Satirical British humor is not at a high standard here like it was in the British version of The Office. The actors all attempt to constantly speak over one another and seldom finish sentences. The casting is not great. It's barely watchable but does help fill a streaming queue when there's nothing else to watch. Overall, it's a series that one can visit intermittently as it runs out of steam very rapidly.
Ganymede (2023)
A fanciful bit of rubbish
This was garbage! The very idea that an unlicensed person could administer ECT was the first indication that the writers hadn't done enough research to understand how it worked. The themes explored are all a bit tired but in this film they seemed to be done as satire.....or maybe not. The acting and the fake southern accents were really bad and very distracting. The story never really develops into much and just plods along, going nowhere. The movie must have been made as some sort of joke. Difficult to understand how this could even be funded and streamed on a major streaming platform. Avoid watching as it will be time wasted!
The Pitt (2025)
Cinematography and story line both very shaky
People seem to never tire of medical dramas set in the ER where personnel rush about shouting instructions that use a mountain of acronyms! This series also has all the boxes checked for ensuring staff diversity of gender, ethnicity etc and the usual dialog that goes along with that. Older series focused more on the stories around the patients and the ER staff but this one seems to be more focused on constantly reminding the audience of the terrible state the health care system is in because of lack of staff, lack of equity and resources. At the same time, everyone seems to do amazing jobs firing off the instructions for care and having things done despite the apparent lack of staff. The script is very weak and coupled with some shaky camera work, is in itself also on shaky ground. The series is not a winner at all!
American Primeval (2025)
Poorly scripted, poorly acted but the gore keeps it going
This series takes an unflinching look at life in the early expansion of the US as the pioneers traveled westward. It looks at the various factions involved, settlers, Indians, religious groups etc, and focuses on the Mormons in Utah as they clashed with every other group in the area. The series does keep viewers engaged but the way the script is written makes viewer continuity quite a struggle. The dots don't always connect with how the story is told. This is also made worse by the fact that insufficient time is taken to provide much background context about the era or the characters in the story! In addition, there are a few irrelevant scenes that are randomly inserted. One can only assume that these are for artistic purposes since they have no relevance to the story.
The level of acting is pretty dismal. The actors deliver their lines as if they are reading them from a teleprompter. The dialog at times is childish. Overall, it's average entertainment, but not a major masterpiece!
Genombrottet (2025)
Poorly written script with a rambling story line
While the original story on which this is based might have its roots in fact, this script is very poorly written. There is main plot to this but also a number of underlying subplots that have no bearing on the main plot. They may be intended to show bits and pieces of the main characters lives but they really are so superficially done, that they only serve as distractions and irrelevancies. As is common to all Scandinavian series, there is a fair bit of moralizing and the need to educate rather than entertain the viewer, inserting bits of historical information that add little to the narrative. Overall, the series could have been done in 2 episodes and accomplished the same objective.
A Man on the Inside (2024)
A childishly written script filed with cliched themes
This series is filled with cliched characters and themes of aging. The acting and dialog is very predictable. The story is a bit like the other series, Only murders in the building, except this is set in a retirement home. The script is poorly written, almost childlike and really gives the actors very little to work with. Neither the plot nor the characters ever develop into much so one can only assume it's meant to be lighthearted entertainment rather than a serious drama about the issues associated with aging. It's all a bit too much honey and treacle to the point of being cloying. There will be a season 2 which one hopes will be better written and less cliched!
Dexter (2006)
Silly at times, but mostly entertaining
Finally got around to watching this series. It's an interesting character study, but some seasons were definitely better than others. The plot was silly at times, and the supposedly South Florida scenery, which looked suspiciously like LA, proved distracting. The core cast was small so like any soap, they took turns sleeping with one another, moving around like musical chairs with each season. Maybe because the series went on for so long, the actors became typecast as none really went on to greatness. Some of the guest actors were good. The actions of the police department seemed secondary to the story, and incompetent, but seemed necessary to feed the narrative. It would be impossible to believe that any police department could be so incompetent. The series eventually began to run out of steam towards the end of the run and needed to be come to an end, which in itself, was not that great!
Waterloo Road (2006)
Thinly disguised soap opera
This is a thinly disguised soap opera that explores the lives of teachers and students in a Manchester comprehensive school. The story lines are sometimes bordering on fantasy and one can only wonder if they are completely fictional or have any basis in fact. The actors are all beautifully made up, and always perfectly attired. There is heavy use of lip gloss by all. Characters come and go with each season and most are never heard from again. Even when a character is written out by death, they are seldom remembered. The show seemed to have been a conduit through which many of the better known actors of today, passed through!
After a while, and many episodes later, everything starts to repeat, even though much time passes and eras change. That makes it boring and difficult to stay with continuing to watch the soap!
Furia (2021)
Bad script, bad acting, just a pile of rubbish
This is quite possibly the silliest series to ever come out of Scandinavia. The script is badly written, with plot holes the size of the sun! The premise that the setting is a small town where the incident occurs, yet the main character can still walk around and remain undetected is just silly. The constant need to educating the viewer (common to all Scandinavian productions) by inserting historical facts in the dialog e.g how the Ford assembly line for auto production began, is also very distracting. The script is written with a very childlike quality to it and the overuse of frequent, 1-2 second flashbacks that appear to be inserted at irrelevant times, just makes the unfolding narrative even more confusing. Do not waste time with this....it's bad!
The Holiday Exchange (2024)
Awfully awful
This is simply bad, really,really bad! The acting is amateurish and coupled to a nonsensical script, the outcome is nauseating. It's like some kind of fantasy or fairytale that has no connection to reality. The European setting looks suspiciously American, and becomes distracting. The script seems to have been written by a child. The movie goes from one painfully bad scene to another, all with the aim of creating a world of complete fantasy and silliness. While the aim might have been to produce a gay film with a happy feel and ending to it, turning it into some silly childish fantasy is clearly not the answer.
Holy Water (2009)
Low Budget Tosh
Unfortunately, this is not a great film at all, especially when compared to other Irish comedies. It's difficult to know if it's set in Northern Ireland or the Republic as the accents are not at all from the North. Maybe it's on the border between the two. Others have commented on this disparity as well as it is very disconcerting, distracting and off-putting! The plot is a bit funny but it's the execution of the idea that fails miserably. The film appears to be low budget and the editing is atrocious. The script is poorly written and wastes the talent of come of the actors. Overall, it's just not worth the watch!
Hotel Milano (2022)
A lot of staring and histrionics
This is an apparently low budget Italian film that tries to use flashbacks to try and tell a story, but fails in the process. The script is nonsensical and the scenes randomly stuck together, with the flashbacks stuck between to try and explain a confusing narrative. The dialog is sparse, replaced instead by the actors wandering about and staring vacuously into space. There is the occasional burst of histrionic acting that is followed by more staring into space. The pace of the movie is like that of molasses flowing uphill and really goes nowhere. This is a very amateurish production that clearly was a huge waste of money and time to produce!
My Lady Jane (2024)
A Bit of Salty Silliness that Sadly got Cancelled
This is a bit of silly satire that tells you from the get go it's not historically accurate. It does not try to pass itself off like Bridgerton does as alternative or rewritten history. It's up front from the start that it's all very tongue in cheek. The wide diversity of cast tells you this as that is certainly in no way historically accurate. The satire does not reach the heights of Black Adder or other British shows of that ilk, but it does use modern slang and an audio track to match, to get the point across.
The casting is well done and the acting, for the most part, is a good match for the script. The costumes are also very good.
It seems to have run it's course in one season, though it might have possibly have enough steam in it to stretch over another season without becoming tedious and tiresome. Ignore the bad reviews that want it to be historically accurate. Watch it for what it is and it will not disappoint.
Criminal: UK (2019)
Kind of interesting
This is like a talk show for criminals and police. The set remains the same, the story a bit formulaic that becomes boring after a while. The audio track is terrible as there's a lot of mumbling and the occasional swallowed word. It's a cat and mouse game that plays out as an interview between police and criminal, each trying to catch the other out. The acting is fine but the pace is so slow and monotonous that after a while all the episodes start to seem very similar. If you like series where little happens other than the characters play mind games with one another, and it's mainly the dialog that carries the story, then this will be perfect for you. If you like more action oriented series, give this one a wide berth!
Territory (2024)
This is a very poorly written series set in Australia's Northern Territory. The first episode begins with a series of random scenes stuck together with little or no context provided to the viewer. The emphasis seems to be mainly on cattle, heavy machinery and dirt! Ana Torv's character walks about with a constantly anguished look on her face, scanning the horizon as if she is expecting a visit from aliens. The story is nothing like Yellowstone, or even Succession. The first twenty minutes of this tells you that is the case. It's pretty much a waste of time and is really best avoided! Perhaps it's meant to remain in its own territory as it is clearly targeted for a local audience!
Inganno (2024)
A silly soap opera
This Italian soap opera is really over the top. There is little to recommend it other than the handsome lead actor and the beauty of the Amalfi coast of Italy. The story is your usual younger man setting out to seduce an older lonely and wealthy woman. As the plot unfolds she sees obvious signs that he is a liar and a cheat, tells him to leave many times, then apologizes an equal number of times. One can only assume that she is demented. There is a ludicrous subplot of her son also falling for the same guy, and that creates the usual dynamic. The makeup used by the characters is industrial strength, heavy and just too much, making the awful painted faces a distraction. Overall, it's a bit of silliness but it does fill empty streaming queues.
Civil War (2024)
Civil war for millenials
This was simply low budget garbage. It seems to be pushing an agenda of fear and simplification of what a civil war MIGHT look like to to target millennials. Obviously, the writer/director had watched too much Walking Dead and decided to model this off of the series. The extras must have been people from some community playhouse as it was very disconcerting to keep seeing the "dead" people breathing or moving after death. The acting was simply terrible. The agenda seems very anti-military as it portrays them as all bad. It was a struggle to watch it to the end but the FF button was a big help!
Milliardærøya (2024)
A fishy story that only Norwegians can understand
This is a typical Norwegian series that uses a script targeted specifically to a topic of relevance to Norwegians and humor that only they would understand and find funny. The characters are bizarre and the acting very slow and overdone at times. The story has many elements, but few seem relevant to the main story. Events appear to be very disconnected at times from one another and often contribute little to the narrative. As in common to all Scandinavian productions, useless information on trivia is included in the script that is focused on "educating" the audience. It all seems a bit too contrived for a global audience, but probably includes scenarios that are topical and well understood by Norwegians. Overall, it provides a look into how the Uber wealthy live in Norway as well as their obsession with American Hollywood pop culture from the 1950s and 60s.
Spa Night (2016)
This movie has no beginning nor end. There is minimal dialog and everyone just seems to try to stare their fellow cast members to death. It's obviously low budget with some of the scenes appearing to have been filmed with an iPhone. The scenes appear to be stuck together randomly, sometimes being relevant to the previous or subsequent one, most times not. Some of the scenes are totally non-contributory to the overall story. The objective of the film must be to try and create a dream like narrative in which all the characters seem to drift through life just staring at one another. As another comment has stated.....avoid at all costs!
Le indagini di Lolita Lobosco (2021)
Typical Italian series from RAI
This lighthearted series is done in typical Italian style. The detective and police work take second place to the usual Italian themes of love, food and family. There is the usual older woman, younger man dynamic. A lot of crying and histrionics and constant reference to foods and cooking in the region. The lead character goes to work always dressed fashionably. Every now and again issues of women's rights and their treatment is alluded to in the various episodes. The first season is better than the second as the dialog in the latter seems to be more improvised. Watch it for what it is, light entertainment along the lines of the French counterpart, Candace Renoir!
Pandore (2022)
Bizarre Judicial Process
This Belgian series deals with how the judicial system handles serious cases. The concept is one of an incident that opens a Pandora's Box of secrets and interactions. The problem with it is that it appears to lack detail and along the way, one can see mistakes being made in police process. The casting is a bit ludicrous in that the actress who plays the lead character of the judge, looks almost as old as the actors playing her parents. Surely this could have been done in a better way! The role of the police captain is played by someone well beyond retirement age. This really stretches viewers' belief as it would lack credibility. The audio quality, as in many of the French and Belgian productions, is poor, and most of the dialog comes across as muffled. Better sound engineers would have resolved that issue. As with all Francophone series there are recurrent themes of bouts of histrionic acting, anxiety attacks, constant reference to people being "fragile", and the usual older women younger men dynamic! However, it's a bit of fantasy, as it is impossible to believe that any judicial system could function in this way.
The Terror (2018)
Average entertainment
The narrative for first season of this series is told in a very choppy manner. The editing is really horrible. Scenes of 30 seconds or less are inserted for what one can only assume is artistic value, since they add nothing to the story. Many times there are gaps in the story with an event suddenly being discussed between two characters, but the viewer has been given no context or background to the incident. Makes one feel they missed out on some vital information. Rewinding doesn't help as the contextual information just was never provided. The other way in which the editing sucked big time was the manner in which the flashbacks were stuck randomly between scenes to which they had no relevance. The final CGI of the beast is really silly and could have been done far better.