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Jury Duty: Opening Arguments (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
I had to pause this ep because I was laughing so much
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm loving this show, its right up my street like a cross between Nathan for You and The Office.

This second ep really ramps up the silliness and its wonderful. The highlight for me was the lawyer showing the video as his opening statement. Oh man I laughed so much I nearly coughed up a lung. I actually had to pause the video. I haven't done that in ages.

I'm absolutely loving this show so far. Everyone in it is so funny, especially James Marsden who is really letting himself look like an idiot which of course because we're in on the joke is really endearing.

Ron the only non actor is really brilliant too, thy lucked out getting this guy!
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this show is worth your time
25 April 2023
If you like Auntie Donna, you'll like this. They're in it quite a bit.

The humour is purposely obvious which is the point, you either like that or you don't. Its very winky to the audience which makes for quite a communal viewing experience. You're waiting for the joke to happen and that's the fun.

I think Auntie Donna are quite famous for throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. There's more cooked spaghetti here than not, most of it works and you'll laugh out loud quite a lot i think.

The gags fly by pretty quick so the occasional misses aren't a big deal. These guys are excellent actors and very charming which is another factor why this show so watchable.

Its free its on iview what you got to lose? Give it a go!
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Unstable (2023–2024)
Not much to not like about this funny and charming show
15 April 2023
From the creator of the the brilliant Better off Ted and it shows.

If you like that show (especially the science/lab bits) you'll like this and if also like Rob Lowe in stuff like Parks n Rec and The Closer then you'll love this.

Its basically if you took Rob's Parks n Rec character and put him in charge of Better off Ted lab.

Add his real life son for some nice bonding over the loss of the wife/mum and this show has some nice tender moments too.

As others have said this is very fast/fake talking - its knows its funny and its trying to be, not realistic. That style might not be for everyone but I personally love it.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 3 is like a different show, if you disillusioned by S2 give it a try I reckon
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The difference between this and S1 & S2 is really amazing. I actually found the first 2 seasons ranging from meh to actually quite boring.

But this is actually good TV. I'm intrigued by whats happening with Beverley's son, and the S3 enemy is giving me kind of Cylon vibes from the BSG reboot - not knowing who to trust etc.

This actually feels like a pilot for a new series and I think it would have worked even without the TNG gang in it - but they are in it and its great, seeing all the (literally) old faces - its a bit of a love fest to TNG in that aspect but it doesn't seem tacky or shoe-horned in (to me at least).

I wish we had three season of this rather than the last 2 yawn fests.

So I've given a few hints at whats happening, I would come back to this if you stopped and if haven't seen any, I might even consider skipping S1 and S2 and coming straight to season 3.
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If you like Murderville, AD and Smartless theres no way you won't like this
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm English, a massive fan of the UK original, think Arrested Development is the cleverest sitcom ever and really enjoy the chemistry of Jason and Will on their Smartless podcast (Sean also is involved in this ep which has some great moments.

This to me is the closest vibe to the UK version, definitely thanks to the perfect straight man Jason Batement who really gets it. I feel a lot of the US celeb detectives seem to play up to much and make it a but showy but Jason is perfect. I could have actually just had him and not Maya to be honest, even though I love Maya and she's OK in this.

Also had Eliza Coupe in it from the second best sitcom: Happy Endings - yay

No need for the blonde guy to turn up (pete?) - no idea who he was but I guess he was on an earlier American episode that I don't remember, didn't add anything yo it - weird addition

Anyway very funny, worth your time.
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Irreverent (2022)
this is exaxtly what you think, but really well done, charming and funny
10 December 2022
Selfish guy on the run, lands in a lovely small coastal town (with spectacular views) and starts to care about the residents.

This is a great show, easy to watch that is funny, warm and very engaging because of the characters.

Every episode you learn more and more about the characters, ad it never really seems forced, but it does mean that every episode you feel a little more invested.

Its seemingly a dimple idea but they get a lot of plates spinning so its very bingeable as others have said. You want to know what each plate will do next but also there is a lot of heart.

Give this show a go, its free!

(oh, Maso?! Maso?! Maso!)
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Fisk (2021– )
I've always found Kitty alluring, this show is extremely watchable
13 November 2022
This show is a VERY easy to watch, everyone in it is fantastic (most of them are from the panel show Have You Been Paying Attention which I love too)

Anyway this review isn't for you dear reader this is for Ms Flanagan.

If you're reading this I love your cats and want to have a few pints with you - you're amazing. Nothing dodgy, I'm happily married you can show me pictures of your cats and we'll have a few drinks... jeez this review needs to be long to submit, what else can I say... KITTY I LOVE YOUR HAIR!.. don't worry I dont want to smell it or anything... 35 characters to go... I guess I'll just.. Oh. Good. DONE!
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Dopesick: Breakthrough Pain (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
this made me angry, man such emotion... and its a true story
30 July 2022
I'm not one to take things at face value on the internet or in any media without checking but the lies the pharma company said to just sell more product seems so out of what I am capable of i can't believe this really happened.

Honestly makes me really question humanity and how some people can take advantage of others And I'm saying that as a 40YO, I'm not new to this thinking but man, and that's my point. This show really elicited some emotion in me.... good drama!
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Star Trek: Balance of Terror (1966)
Season 1, Episode 14
In alternative timeline Pike messed this right up!
11 July 2022
I hadn't seen this episode in a long time. Watched it again after the S1 finale of Strange New Worlds.

This is of course a really great episode in its own right but is even better when watched along side the SNW finale.

If you haven't arched any SNW and you like this episode you really should check the finale out. Its excellent Trek.
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How to with John Wilson (2020–2023)
you... rewatched Nathan For You... and... er saw this has a S2... so... maybe you should watch it....
29 June 2022
Even though you thought S1 wasn't that good... but well... you forgot because it was a while ago so you er..... you can remember if the show was good...

there was one about scaffolding and the last one was er... good... maybe. So you watch the first episode of ep2 and you remember the fake staccato voice over.. and think... oh..oh yeah.. that gets a bit old.. and you think...

huh this guy is offered a massive place in NY.. and.. yeah OK, that's a problem... because nobody would...would want that... so so you come to IMDB while its on.... and write this review.... and think... that's twice Nathan For You... you got me watching again....

but people like it... that's cool... but... er.. just because you love Nathan for You.. don't think you will love this.. because.... er... well... its not as good.

Watch a few and if you don't feel it its fine. Don't think it will click, it won't - it is what it is, not for everyone and not for me and I love Sacha Baron Cohen, Chris Morris, Nathan etc that kind of in the public cringey thing.

Still get s a 7 though, it's fine.
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Not as funny as Austin Powers but worthy of a look
7 May 2022
I laughed out loud a a lot during this and enjoyed the story.

I can imagine a certain section of Americans not enjoying this because it really taps into the mainstrean conspiracy morons and mocks them mercifully even though ironically there is a real conspiracy at the heart if it .

Basically if you think the world is flat, Hilary eats children or Trump won the election this show is not for you. Its mocking you (but then who isn't).

Having said all that if you are not one of those conspiracy nuts and still didn't like it I get it - it doesn't totally hit the mark.

Its only 3 hours like a long film, watch the first few eps see what you think!
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The Good Doctor: My Way (2022)
Season 5, Episode 15
First off all I think the people who cry woke etc are some of the most awful moaners on this site
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a show that talks about social issues and sorry if you don't like that.

Having said that the way Lea reacted to Glassman was pathetic. They came for his advice and he gave it but they didn't like the way he said it.

How are they going to make it in the business world if this old gentle man says something that innocuous and they get all offended.

That seemed really bad writing.

Anyway average episode of an OK series.
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I found this weirdly souless for some reason
25 April 2022
I have seen the first one about 6 times as I have a 5 year old son who loves it. I took him to see Sonic 2 and he liked it but I found it somewhat lacking. Some of the writing seemed like first draft stuff, and the wedding reveal was stupid.

Overall if you're a kid you will probably love this if you're older you might not. I mean you might, I'm not saying you won't, just the first one seemed more enjoyable as an adult for me, this one had seemed to have weird plot points, cliche relationships, some dodgy dialogue etc. Just seemed to be either aiming at a younger audience or wasn't trying as hard. Not sure.
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Murder in Successville: Dr Death (2015)
Season 1, Episode 5
Kimberley is as charming and cute as hell
6 February 2022
I'm making my way though season 1 (as many are after the US version I bet). Deborah Meadon really surprised me and this episode is also brilliant.

Kimberley is just so watchable. Very funny and enjoyable episode!
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Reacher: Welcome to Margrave (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
For a first ep this is hard to fault - I loved it
4 February 2022
Very believable tough guy who is like Sherlock Holmes.

My only knowledge of Jack Reacher is Tom Cruise's films which I really liked.

This was better though - everyone is great in it - fight scenes are nicely done.

A few "remember you wanted this' moments.

I like this show! Great stuff!
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Death to 2021 (2021 TV Special)
I do miss Charlie Brooker's Screen Wipes but these will do
27 December 2021
Same characters as last year, a few new faces but if you liked last year's you'll like this I'm sure.

Worthy of an hour of your time to smirk at what the US (especially) was up to this year.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Their mistake (for me) is thinking I care about the characters
9 December 2021
This series is too long. Seems the opposite of many netflix shows that they cancel after 2 seasons for no reason... this has continued for too long.

I would give the first 2 seasons like an 8 or a 10, now its 6 tops

I'm actually typing this watching the last season and its such a chore to get through.

I don't find these characters heroic, I don''t even care now if they live or die. All I wanted to see is how they would pull of this heist. But now its flashback to get to know their characters, no thanks!

Should have just been a straight up cool heist show. 3 seasons.

First 2 seasons I wanted them to win. Then i wanted the to all be killed, now I genuinely don't care.

When they have the eg Tokyo flashbacks or Berlin I just keep clicking the right arrow. Skip skip skip

It says something that I just want this to end but I won't not watch it - but I won't watch all of it.

If you're new to this I suggest watching first 2 seasons then maybe a youuibe catchup vid them maybe the last few episodes.
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Money Heist: El final del camino (2021)
Season 5, Episode 1
This show has become very 'fastward-able'
30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lets put away the cringy 'tough guy' dialogue - the dubbed version (at least) has always had problems, lets also forget that actually apart from the professor are we supposed to like any of these characters.. lets talk about the plot.

That was always the most interesting for me - it seems like this was an unexpected season so lets pad it out with a lot of boring flashbacks - I honestly don't care about Tokyo's past love life - in fact I started to fast forward it. It made her even less sympathetic.

If like me you think this show started off strong and has gone stale I recommend watching the new episodes with one finger on the 'right arrow' skip forward for the bank bits.

I'll give it a 6 because I'm still intruiged to see how they finish it.
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Terriers: Sins of the Past (2010)
Season 1, Episode 11
excellent example of an amaxing series
12 May 2020
I'm not going to go on a tirade about how this show should never have been cancelled - i thought it then and it still holds true 10 years later.

This episode is a beautifully constructed and somewhat of an 'origin' story. Set 'now' and 3 year prior it outlines how the guys meet and what leads to Hank losing his job.

Having said that if you're reading this, don't watch it first - this show is so easily bingeable and it would be a travesty to miss out on the previous journey.

If you have seen it, well you know how great it is!
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