
2 Reviews
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Gerry (2002)
The Desert is Us
1 February 2005
Yes I give "Gerry" a 10 out of 10 (like it really matters). And, I'll tell you why...

At first view on Sundance Channel (after of 'course hearing of it through varying sources) I thought "Wow, what a complete waste of crap!" ...But you know I kicked myself (all the time actually) ...for this movie is an angel in disguise.

Part of watching and enjoying a movie for me is to understand what the movie is about...what are they trying to portray here. And, why are they doing it. Sometimes if you look deeply into something you will find the answer to something that has been bothering you lately...or something that just plain 'ol re-confirms who you are as a person...(and we all need that don't we?).

So...this movie does all that to me and/or for me. The desert for me in Gerry represents todays society...not just physically, but psychologically. A desert is typically thought of as being desolate and mundane. Which really is what the majority of society is ...desolate and mundane. In a nut shell the materialistic and commercialism does this to our shallow selves. Makes us desolate and mundane like a zombie.

So, as the Gerrys "zombie" through this bland vacant spanse...unbeknowst to them they aren't in too much different a predicament then they usually are...back in their regular lives. I guess what I'm trying to say is this:

Don't go into the desert with no water or compass or knife or not informing anyone where you'll be or maybe even a map!

Basically don't go into the desert or step out your front door if you don't have the tools to survive...'cause if you do you'll end up killing someone before realizing you didn't have to.

This movie is about awareness and the responsibility of...for the desert in us will always exist...therefore always be prepared.
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Nobody's Baby (2001)
Gary Oldman "...worth watching...solely for his portrayal"
4 November 2004
I sort of stumbled on this cruisin' through the Sundance Channels...I noticed via the "info" option on my digital cable service that Gary Oldman starred...and I immediately became interested. I wouldn't of noticed Oldman, due to the fact that he's totally unrecognizable playing an over the top, low class, unintelligent thief with a thick southern drawl. It's worth watching this movie solely for his portrayal...'cause you really won't see another character played so well. And, I'm talking in the leagues of Hoffman in "Rainman", Day-Lewis in "Gangs of NY", and yes even Winslet in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". I haven't even got into the rest of the strong cast of Mary Steenburgen,Skeet Ulrich, and Radha Mitchell. Although this picture is eccentrically does a great job covering all the genres love, drama, adventure and even sadness. I walked away thinking "I'm glad I watched that."
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