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A Wonderful Discovery
25 November 2023
I don't really review films on here or Letterboxd, as a filmmaker I've seen too many weirdos take film opinions WAY too seriously online by screenshotting stuff like that.

But when I saw this quality flick on Tubi, had such a good time with it, AND saw it basically has less ratings & views than my way smaller films? Made by a studio that has been part of some MAJOR Hollywood flicks? I wanted to celebrate the film because it deserves more love.

It's essentially a PG horror/comedy film that is parodying Hallmark Christmas films, something I've done myself before and will do again. So that's probably why I connected with it so much.

But to keep it simple this film was just a joy from me from start to finish. Great pacing that FLEW by, fun characters I enjoyed seeing on screen, and a lot of fun ideas. The humor and story hit for me in a big way.

My one request I would have had is I wish it had more practical effects than it currently does, some more practical puppets to exist alongside the CGI creations. I know this is a CGI studio first and foremost so I can't blame them for doing what they know best in house to probably save money, but I definitely think it would have added to the film.

Had a great time with this and I hope the director and writer, both of whom have no credits in directing or writing before this (okay the writer did ONE movie before this) keep doing stuff. Because I clearly align with their sense of humor and style.
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An 80s Comedy with a Modern Take
11 August 2021
While this story is looked at through the lens of a mockumentary style film it still maintains such a classic 80s adventure wacky comedy feel thanks to the actors, plot, style, pacing, jokes, AND the music. While not an absolutely perfect film, it really delivers a lot of good that is worth seeing. The performances, especially from Dietels and O'Donnell, are worthy of widespread praise and love. Additionally Matt Schultz steals the spotlight while on screen, with Sarah Brunner and Lance Parkin being total joys in their own right.

Hollywood just doesn't make comedy films like this anymore: Low stakes/small scale and high weirdness. This absolutely feels like the kind of film you would have seen Chevy Chase and/or Bill Murray in if this was made in 1982, just with a modern take.

I absolutely recommend this film as a watch to anyone that likes that sort of style of comedy.
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You'd Think Capcom Would Make It MORE Accurate
27 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
So one would think that this movie would be more accurate to the video games and Anime movies since Capcom had direct hands in this. Nope! This is even worse than the 1994 film. But unlike that one, this one isn't fun. This one isn'y laughably bad. It's just bad. I'll basically go through it, so spoilers if you actually wanted to be surprised.

I went into it expecting crap based on the trailers. But at first, I'm pleasantly surprised! Duncan is Balrog and portrays him very well. Big black boxer, working for Bison, enjoys killing people. Spot on characterization and acting. The opening fight with Chun Li's dad against Balrog and his henchmen was good fun all the way through. I was having a great time! Then M. Bison comes in. Who appears to be the nicest British man in the world. I don't think he's actually British, but that's how he feels. He is not fueled by Psycho Power, he is not the be all end all badass. He's a guy in a suit. Now at first I thought this is how he would start, then later in the movie he would get his Psycho Powers. This never happens.

Chun-Li's actress isn't a bad actress. She plays the role very well. But there's a big major problem, she looks nothing like Chun-Li. This is a glaring issue if for no other reason than it being so distracting to a fan of the games. She's barely Asian, more meek than the most powerful woman in the world, and her legs are NOT super duper awesome. Speaking of which, Chun Li never does her kick attack in this movie. Her trademark move is nowhere to be seen. She does something similar to a Spinning Bird Kick and a Kikoken. In fact, the focus of making Chun Li so awesome in this movie is her learning and performing the Kikoken. Nevermind that this move has never been the focus of Chun Li's character ever, it's her lightning fast kicks. But I'm glad there was a fireball in this movie, that was the main down note of the original live action Street Fighter movie. Also she's not a cop. At all.

Robin Shou finally pops back up into movies playing Gen. Of course, the character is portrayed completely wrong. He's not an old assassin, he's a middle aged former criminal. He also teaches Chun Li the Kikoken. But since Gen hasn't been such a staple character like say most of the SF2 characters, it isn't as obvious. It's nice to see Robin again, as well.

Charlie Nash appears in this as well. The name is pretty much all you get though. He doesn't fight, doesn't Sonic Boom, and doesn't really look like Charlie.

Vega is a waste of Vega. He's dressed in all black and has long black hair, making him look like a ninja as opposed to a Spaniard fighter. Sure, he's the "Spanish Ninja", but his costume is ridiculous. The mask looks like a really cheap prop, especially even compared to the 1994 film. The actor, as well, is a horrible cast for Vega. Vega is beautiful. The Vega in this movie is a tough guy and sounds more like a black man than Michael Clark Duncan. Plus his appearance is horribly short both times, which is worse the second time around. You expect Chun Li vs. Vega to be the first really big fight and it's actually the shortest.

The movie itself has serious pacing issues. Chun Li starts fighting about 15 minutes too late. A large chunk of the first act is based on Chun Li "living amongst the people of Bangkok". Something which could have been wrapped up in a few minutes, we would have gotten the point. Instead we're treated to what feels like a half an hour of boring narration and Chun Li walking around streets.

Most of the time when Chun Li is kicking ass, it's entertaining. The problem is how little it happens. And how boring the rest of the movie is. Whenever we cut to Nash, we just don't care about that storyline. When Chun Li dances, it's un-needed, as is the borderline lesbian scene. The movie just crawls along trying to make its way to an ending you probably don't care about anymore.

When we finally get to the end, Bison starts kicking ass. He is able to punch Gen across a room with little effort, but never does anything you would expect M. Bison to do. He fairs more poorly against Chun Li, while in a very nice suit, but keeps the upper hand until Chun Li performs her epic Kikoken technique, which hurts him way more than it should. And after it's been drilled into our heads that Bison put his soul into his daughter and that's his ONLY weakness, Chun Li kills him by snapping his neck 180 degrees. Thus adding another weakness Bison has, having his neck snapped 180 degrees.

So both Balrog and Bison are killed in this movie, before the tournament even occurs.

The film ends with Gen meeting Chun Li with an ad for the "Street Fighter" tournament, hinting that Bison is behind it even though he was (seemingly?) killed. He mentions that there's a great fighter in Japan they must recruit, "His name is Ryu...something." And the film ends.

So instead of properly making a Street Fighter movie, the filmmakers behind this opted to make a prequel to what the audience would care about. A poor prequel at that, which nobody will like, so we may never get a real/good Street Fighter movie (with Ryu as the main character). I would avoid this in theaters, or giving it money at all. The only reason to give it money would be so there's hope of a sequel about the tournament.
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Stay Back...You Vampire Bitches!!!
10 May 2006
Microbudget films. Micro Cinema. Call it what you will, movies with small budgets, $300 to be exact for a few I have seen (and made for that fact). There's literally hundreds, if not thousands of people attempting to get a break in this business known as film. Metaphorically, all of these filmmakers have been handed a machine gun, a gun any moron can handle, to shoot a target. Mostly, all the bullets miss.

Someone hit a Bull's Eye.

Henrique Couto brings us this painfully clever and fun feature featuring a lovable (or hate-able) loser named Marty Jenkins. Marty's life sucks, and will continue to suck more and more throughout the film. Depending on the kind of person you are, during the film you will either constantly hope for something GOOD to finally happen to Marty, or you will wait with excitement at what bad thing will happen next. Shawn A. Green III plays Marty with scary precision, with the timing one would except from a pro in his game. Sometimes one wonders if Shawn has a wall of Tyrannosaurus Sad pictures in real life...

Pretty much every single other character is well played, Isaac never failed to give me giggles and Tyler (Henrique himself) is always a welcome addition to any scene. The Vampire Bitches themselves are perfect for stereotypical bad vampires and have a healthy mix of good acting and forced over-acting (for comedic purposes, obviously). Nic Pesante as the Blade spoofing Deacon is my personal favorite in the film.

The story is simple and plain, but the jokes are what makes this one so fabulous. There aren't many indie films this fun or well done around (aside form maybe mine...never mind). So this film is well worth the purchase, being a nearly perfect piece of Micro-Cinema. I highly suggest you buy it. With money. It's a much smarter purchase than "Vampire Whores 3" (the first will always be the best).
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Finally, a Good Zombie Movie
23 June 2005
I have just gotten back from the Worled Premiere. The movie is EXCELLENT. The best serious zombie movie since the original Dawn of the Dead (although, it wasn't too serious).

The film was excellent, action packed, bloody and gory, and filled with Social Comments (which is why the Night, Dawn, Day movies were so good, and this as well). Makes comments about corruption, human savageness, and America's thick-headedness. It's also got a good amount of nostalgia for fans. Anyone remember the biker with the machete from Dawn of the Dead? He's a zombie.

In the film, we see that the zombies are becoming smarter. BEfore you all go "That's retarded!!!!" It works. If you have seen "Day of the Dead", Romero explores the fact that although zombies are dead, they have the same brain. If given time to learn and room to develop, they can have a certain amount of intelligence. This is seen most from the "hero" zombie, who seems to have developed more and faster than any other dead.

ON the inside, anarchy is brewing because Dennis Hopper is a dick. The city is fortified and surrounded by two rivers (good IL' Pittsburgh!!!). Inside the skyscraper, the rich enjoy life like it's completely normal. But on the streets, people barely survive. Some argue it's worse than out there...

All in all, it's a very good zombie film. I tip my hat off to it, and it's about time they give Romero a budget. If you thought the 2004 Dawn of the Dead was good...punch yourself, and then see this movie.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Two-Faced Feelings
15 June 2005
I just got back from Batman Begins. I'm very confused.

Not from the story, characters, ending, or anything technical. I am confused by my own emotions. I feel like a symbolic Two-Face.

On one side, I want to give this thing 10 out of 10. It was awesome.

But on the other side, I would wipe myself with it. Allow me to get down to business.

GOOD: 1: The cinematography is AWESOME 2: Good CGI, can barely tell (if at all) 3: Dark. Very good, with the exception of Adam West, campy Batmans don't do it 4: Very deep, serious.

5: Provides background as to why Batman can kick so much ass.

6: Scarecrow done MUCH better than I expected.

7: They made Batman SCARY and INTIMIDATING, which has always fallen short.

8: Christian Bale did a great job at the intimidation with Batman.

BONUS: Alfred grabbed a golf club when he ran into the house to help. I found that hilarious and awesome.

BONUS 2: The very end. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I won't say anymore.

BAD: 1: The fight scenes SUCK. They all cut way too fast, and too much to know what's going on.

2: Hypocrisy. Bruce Wayne doesn't want to kill a murderer...but has nothing against killing about 50 guys two seconds later who fight injustice.

3: While it was darker, it still wasn't a "Dark Knight". They should have made Batman a killer, much like he was when he first came around (in the first appearance of Batman he threw a baddie into a vat of toxic waste) 4: The new Batmobile is completely stupid. It's kinda cool...but logically WAY too much for any man (even a bat man) to need. The pivotal Batmobile is from Tim Burton's BATMAN.

5: Still no explanation how the Wayne family is friggin' rich. A business, yeah...but still no reasoning why they're so rich.

6: Scarecrow was HEAVILY under-developed. Barely in the movie enough. Not to mention Scarecrow's "defeat" at the end of the movie is the funniest thing I've ever seen in a Batman movie.

7: I didn't feel any connection between Bruce and Rachel. They were childhood friends...and that's where the connection stops for me. Did I mention the fight scenes were bad? 8: When I first heard Christian's voice as Batman, I laughed. Not a good sign. He seemed to be trying too hard to try to become a different person when in the suit. He also did not look like a Bruce Wayne to me. I know there's much more than looking the part (George Clooney comes to mind), but it's a factor. He seemed too emotionless, detached. Christian is a good actor and I saw it...but it seems he fell short. Michael Keaton still holds the reigned for the most intense and perfect Bruce Wayne AND Batman.

BONUS: The ending seemed a bit pushy (even if I did orgasm at it). But it was confusing for my friend. He was questioning if it was to show that it was a prequel to the Batman '89 movie. I explained that they were starting over. But still, I can see how people could be confused. Personally I'd leave the first two Batman movies in the timeline and redo Forever and Batman and Robin.

Even looking back, I don't' know what to say. One thing, it's an awesome and excellent movie. Another, it's mediocre at best.

I'll give it 6 out of 10. You might love might not.
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10 September 2004
This movie is a high quality indie film. It doesn't stout any technological or cinematic achievements, but it does something that many high priced Hollywood films fail at, it's fun. It is overall an extremely enjoyable picture that you'll want to watch again and again (or, at least thrice). It isn't a comedy, but there were quite a few parts where I was in tears of laughter. Steve Foland is awesome in his role, showing very well that he can be a leading man and stand on his own. The cooky robot is also quite neat, but I just wish we had more of the machine. We are able to see some interesting direction from the director, Jeff Waltrowski (Who also makes a cameo). This film seems to be a prelude to something that will be a punch to the kidney's for everyone, Jeff's next movie. Even with the downfalls I give this movie a 10.
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