6 Reviews
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Demon Squad (2019)
Seriously, Give This One a Shot
23 February 2021
I am a huge Paranormal film noir fan. That said, I knew this didn't have a huge budget, but from the first scene in the demon bar I was hooked. I liked the snarky Nick Moon and his plucky Girl Friday. It made me glad I have amazon prime.
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Night Hunter (2018)
Great Serial Killer Movie, but NOMIS is dumb for a Movie Title
20 January 2020
First serial killer movie I've seen in a really long time that kept my interest, and even surprised me a time or two. Just pop some popcorn and kick back for the ride. Plus Henry Cavill is SO easy on the eyes!
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Deputy (2020)
NO, NO, NO!! NO PC law-breaking "Law"man
5 January 2020
I think that was the fastest I time have turned the channel on a show. The first line was all I needed. It made me want to retch. It is disgustingly FAR left PC. In the first few minutes we find out he will warn illegal aliens of impending raids, costing time, money and endangering his fellow officers. NO WAY he would still have a job. He should be in jail. When will Hollywood learn the people that watch shows like this are conservative. I hope their teeny audience enjoys it. I can't imagine it lasting 2 episodes, much less a season. I miss Lethal Weapon. There were some law-breaking cops!
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The I-Land (2019)
Geez, it wasn't not THAT bad!
1 October 2019
I know I was supposed to hate it, going by all the other reviews, but I liked it fine. It kept my interest and I was entertained, so I don't feel like I wasted part of my life.
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Beyond awful!
25 May 2019
I knew I should've left this after the first half, but I didn't, and it is worse than I ever expected. It has no real ending. It is just stupid.
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I watched it again, so I must like it.
11 May 2014
How do I know I liked this movie? It came on Showtime and I actually watched it...again. And my husband watched it...again! with me. He is an electronics expert, so he can see more plot holes than I, but even he can put science aside and enjoy a good ride. We could've changed the channel, but we got sucked in and just watched. I enjoyed the writing. The dialogue is quite clever. The actors are not stiff or wooden. I came to really like the lead characters. The special effects are not bad either. If you don't try and pick apart every little thing, it is entertaining. It is a good example of man's indomitable spirit. Seriously, I have watched way worse movies! Relax, sit back, and just go with it.
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