
9 Reviews
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Gingerbread (1999)
Season 3, Episode 11
I rarely rewatch this episode
3 February 2023
This episode is truly hard to watch. Witch hunts and Satanic panic have always been a truly sensitive topic, and how a TV show goes about covering it is always indicative of the show's overall quality. Without spoiling, Buffy the Vampire Slayer covers the topic damn well and works it into the lore of the show seamlessly. Is it the best episode of the show? No. It is one of the better ones, though. Makes it hard to like some characters.

This is an episode I usually skip because the characters that are made hard to like are truly intolerable here. Which works REALLY well for the episode, but doesn't make for an enjoyable experience.
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Superstore: Cloud Green (2019)
Season 4, Episode 18
Hell yeah!
20 November 2022
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Warning: Spoilers
This episode made it very clear what those at Superstore think about militant Christians and I applaud it whole heartedly. Literally NO ONE wants religion shoved down their throats and those, like Glenn, just don't understand that. It goes beyond "well meaning" and into, as Amy so beautifully called it, "being a man baby". Glenn's behavior in this episode was SO annoying that I actually had to take breaks between each of his little wah-wah breakdowns. This'll upset a lot of Christians (I don't know, I refuse to read the reviews because I just know it's not good for my mental health) but honestly who cares? Non-Christians have been putting up with their bull stuff for ages.
Heartstopper (2022– )
20 November 2022
I'm 27 and this just brings me straight back to high school. I mean I didn't have a boyfriend until I was an adult but everything this is too relatable. The strange idealizing of what it'll be like to have a boyfriend (or, in many cases, what it'll be like to be a queer adult), falling for people who are nice to you, finding and meeting other queer friends, the eternal self-doubt, the first ever kiss (that feeling, of a first kiss? It doesn't really go away... stuff like that is always super special) and just about everything. I remember, growing up, I thought that this is what my teenage life would be like. Someone to kiss on the cheek and whatnot. It makes me happy for those who can live like those in this series.

There is absolutely nothing about this show I dislike. It's innocent (like I said earlier, idealizing in a way) and the number of times I cried I cannot count. Very little makes me cry these days but omg. On point.
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Climax (I) (2018)
I don't really know what to think of this
20 November 2022
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Warning: Spoilers
It's not a great film. I'm not even sure if it's all that good at all. It's very uncomfortable to view but, at this point, that's Noe's bread and butter so it doesn't change anything. In essence, it's just a bunch of dancers getting drunk and having their drinks spiked by someone, going nuts and getting murderous because they're nuts. Oh, and a dead kid. I can't remember if it was covered, but who the hell brings a kid to a party like this even if there was no drugs. Anyway, unpleasant but not in a way that really makes you think about anything. I will admit, though, it has contributed to a few nightmares I've had. Not through content exactly, but just the ambience and world that's created. I will give it that.
Hard Candy (2005)
Indeed, difficult to like
20 November 2022
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Warning: Spoilers
As the top review states, this is a deeply unpleasant film to watch. Whether you think that all sex offenders should be killed in order to make the world a better place or not, the whole experience of the film kind of makes you wonder whether or not the final act in which Hayley convinces Jeff to hang himself is worth sitting through the entirety of the film. Jeff is just so disturbing to experience... and being reminded that people like this exist isn't fun, even if it might be necessary. I can't fault the message that everyone can be dangerous, but I also can't praise it. A film that makes one paranoid, cynical and sad.
The Simpsons: Last Exit to Springfield (1993)
Season 4, Episode 17
The best episode in the entire series
26 October 2022
If you ever wanted to pull someone aboard the Simpsons ship, this episode is the life preserver you'd use (is that a good comparison?). It's got absolutely everything that makes the show great: satire, politics, and "Lisa needs braces". The show as a whole was a humourous depiction of the working class struggle, and this episode explores the idea that victory can sometimes be achieved through sheer dumb luck, and the people you're facing being much stupider than people give them credit for. And it's true! However, it also explores the idea that victory can be achieved through team work, and having people that believe in your cause backing you up. This is the episode that you show to people who claim the show is dumb, apolitical or isn't funny. It's got it all.
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It's okay
26 October 2022
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Warning: Spoilers
So, I'm not gonna lie. The movie lacks. The pacing is weird, the acting is a little bit above par but that may not necessarily be a bad thing. As it's, in essence, an exploitation film it's not altogether unexpected that the talking points along with the depiction of suicide is a little more than frank. I think a lot of the budget went into creating the videos of Rickie discussing how a person may commit suicide, and the pros and cons of various techniques along with a few cool gadgets along the way. This movie does discuss real methods, and gives just enough detail to be informative. It's kind of distasteful, honestly. I watched it at just the right age to not be completely offended by it, but I wouldn't necessarily suggest it. It's not very violent, but the realism puts it up there with the most rape heavy, or bloody films there is. Regardless of the actual quality.
Rose Red (2002)
It's a mix
27 September 2022
So. I first watched this with my grandmother in, like, 2008 or so. I loved Stephen King at the time (still do, to an extent) so I practically begged. First and foremost, this is almost 4 hours long and it really doesn't feel like that. As a TV production, the budget is low (I believe) and as it was released in 2002, the effects are a bit outdated and it looks really bad at some points... but that's almost charming. Aside from that, everything else is fantastic. The length aids in getting a fantastic story across, and also gives time to truly develop characters and give them all good back stories. You've got some fantastic actors who've now moved onto some truly great things which really helps sell it. I've watched this heaps of times and the only really bad thing that I have to say is that, contrary to what I've said about the runtime being the perfect length, the ending seems a bit rushed. Like it was in a hurry to tie everything together. I don't think it needed to be that way, though. I put that down to poor story telling and less to do with runtime. Prior to that everything is fantastic.

Nancy Travis does an excellent job at portraying Reardon's slow descent into passionate insanity, Matt Ross is fantastic, Emery's mother is hilarious, Melanie Lynskey gives her all to play a detached sister who feels like she's secondary in her family (she is). Matt Keeslar is adorable. Cathy is one of the loveliest characters in the entire thing and you watched with bated breath, hoping nothing happens to her... same with Pam.

I love this movie and if you enjoy mysterious supernatural horrors, and don't mind bad visual effects, this will be right up your alley. King at his best, honestly. This is one of the only films I continuously watch again and again.
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Cabin Fever (2002)
Watched when bored
27 September 2022
I have to admit that I went into this not knowing what to expect, but still not expecting much. I came out chuckling and felt like I didn't waste time watching this. This is like a mix of early 2000s frat humor and genuinely disturbing moments... but it's all fun. The kid at the store was absolutely hilarious and I watched the highly choreographed "PANCAKES" scene way more than I should've. I don't have any real criticisms. It's pretty well paced, you won't really get bored... it's a b film on a Hollywood horror budget and it does what it sets out to do. If you wanna expose someone to horror, this is a good place to start.
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