Disneyland: The Sultan and the Rock Star (1980)
pretty good
Rather disney-ish plot of an unhappy rock star (Timothy Hutton) who finds himself trying to protect an ex-famous tiger named Sultan from being hunted. If you like animals (or Timothy Hutton) you may find this kind of fun. Very much a family flick, may appeal more to girls than guys. Hutton is only 18 in it, and you have to remember it was made quite a while ago, but it is still worth watching. Hutton is very cute in this movie, which is not easy to find to buy or rent, so if you get the chance to see it, please do so.
The Dark Half (1993)
Not bad
Okay...while i did not mind this movie, i have to say that for better or worse, Steven King's novels just do not translate well into the movie realm. If you really want to enjoy The Dark Half, read the book. There are just too many details in King's writing that cannot be put into the movie versions. If you just want a cool horror flick, this will work, but if you have already read the book, do not expect it to be nearly as good.
Lamb (1985)
actually, rather good
Whether or not you like this movie depends a lot on what you are looking for. i thought it was a really interesting movie, but if you are a sucker for happy movies, this is not the one to watch. If, on the other hand, you are a movie masochist and like somewhat realistic plots even if they can get a bit depressing, this is a really good movie. The best part of this movie is the fact that it is different. No boring same-old-plot-with different-settings for this movie. Liam can make anything believable, and that is what gets you with this movie.
Top Secret! (1984)
best comedy ever
Right up there with Spaceballs and Airplane! i have never seen a funnier movie.
watch it. laugh. enough said.