
4 Reviews
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Saw IV (2007)
saw V shouldn't have been made it was just pointless
19 February 2008
The first saw movie was boring it was just in one room the whole time, but I liked Saw 2. There was a lot more moving around and more action. Part 3 was great until the ending with was stupid and finally, saw v and new guy continuing jigsaws work. He died in the last movie, GIVE IT A REST ALREADY!!!

I believe they said they plan to make 6 saw movies. There already gonna loose interest when the next one comes out.

They first 3 saws were a great trilogy there's really no need to make more even though they could have made the ending to saw 3 a bit better.

I'm not saying saw v is a bad movie i'm just saying its pointless and unnecessary and i'm not giving it a rating.
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22 January 2008
Yes this is a bad movie for the horror generation but it was more like a comedy spoof to me. I saw for this movie for gender part comedy, damn right it is. It has a bunch of cheap but funny one liners so thats why i'm not taking this movie seriously.

We've saved the best for last, yeah that defiantly false advertising. I mean come on, the last 2 were awful you know this one's gonna be bad. The first one was a masterpiece and then by part 3 or 4 they were turned into comedies and Freddy's Dead is by far the funniest of them all.

So this is my review of Freddy's Dead a cheesy yet funny movie and that is why i'm giving it a 5/10
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
good for part 3
9 January 2008
It did disappoint me a bit but I still liked it. They said put in humor at inappropriate times, but who cares! I think they should have made venom a bit bigger though like in the comics but if he returns in part 4 but thats aways off.

I also think it could have been better if they didn't put the Sandman in it. He was a bit cheese. I do hope they do make part 4 and put carnage in it and have venom return and please can you move the rating up to 6.9 or 7.0

All and all I loved this and thats why i'm giving Spiderman 3

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friggings awesome don't care what critics say
9 January 2008
It was kick-ass, I don't know why a lot of people hate it. I don't why people are all over this movie. They say the special effects were bad,they were decent and the acting wasn't that bad.

The action scenes were awesome. Its the gory movie people were hoping for in the original. Its not as good as the original alien and predator movie but it wasn't meant to be.

So i'd like for IMDb to rate this movie back up into at least the 6 range.

So this is the end of my review of Aliens vs Predator Requiem and I give this move a 7/10
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