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AWESOME MOVIE! Marvel again sets the bar VERY high.
29 April 2016
Just like the last Cap film, I can see why everyone is praising Captain America: Civil War. Marvel AGAIN manages to deliver a little bit of everything and does it with style and integrity. This extremely talented cast fit each character perfectly, both large and especially the smaller roles. The story itself is told in a masterful, crisp manner and is every bit a conspiracy thriller as it is an adventure. The dialogue is witty and the humor works its way seamlessly in to the natural order of the story. The film certainly is smart and delivers more emotion than most will expect. These epic comic book style slugfests HAVE NEVER BEEN DONE BETTER. What's wonderful is that these spectacular action set pieces are inserted as a vehicle for the story and not just to see CGI things explode.

What makes Captain America: Civil War BETTER than just about every action film to date is the fact that it balances amazing spectacle with an intelligent and a moving plot with full character arcs. How many movies can pull that off? Like many other Marvel films, this is movie making of the most entertaining order but actually does it even better if that's possible. It easily deserves all the praise it has generated from both fans and critics alike. The events here makes everyone long for Avengers Infinity War but also makes me wonder if they can every possibly top this film? Marvel again sets the bar is now set VERY high.
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I absolutely loved it. Wonderful spectacle and story.
5 November 2013
Better than the first film in my opinion and simply a great sequel. The stakes were higher. The characters were mostly brilliant though I felt Malekith could have been developed slightly more. Loki was simply wonder and maybe the class of the entire effort. I loved the plot and the balance of action and story. That's where this film excels over the original. There's heart and humor but far better action and far more dire consequences.

Honestly, If you're going to turn a comic book into a movie, do it with utter belief in your story and do it with the best talent and FX possible. That's why Marvel movies do so well and why they need to get ALL their properties back under their roof. We'd all love to see the Marvel Universe united if it's all to be done this well. Not looking ahead, just enjoy this movie for the wonderful spectacle and story that it delivers.
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The Counselor (2013)
Just awful in every way.
5 November 2013
First off, I want to say that I really really love most everyone in this cast. Fassbender, Pitt and Cruz are personal favorites. Bardem is always effective. I guess Diaz was the weak link heading in and she is absolutely terrible. Her virtual mustache twirling and over the top character has to be a front runner for Razzie next year at awards time. Despite her awful spectacle, the cast is not nor could not be the problem here.

The problem with this film stems from the page. I don't any director or cast could have saved this movie once they decided to shoot that terrible script. This film is asinine, at times offensive and just flat out and unentertaining as it can get.
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The Perfect Focus and The Perfect Film. Superb In Every Way!
19 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing says cool better than "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist"! After the huge success of the Avengers and the high quality of this film, there's not a hero more at the top of his game than Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man.

By now everyone knows that Tony Stark's powers all come from his suit of armor. That along with his money, genius and unmatched wit are what make him larger than life. Tony's intellect is the key to his super powers and the brilliant foundation for this third movie. Hot on the heels of The Avengers, this was the perfect time to focus on Tony Stark the hero and the man. Seeing Tony interact with Thor, Bruce Banner and Captain America was indeed awesome but this back to the basics and return to Tony's world is just what we needed to see at this juncture. They perfectly remind the audience that his intellect that is really his super power. The amazing armor advancements we see in this film all stem from that fact. Yes, over three other wonderful films we've seen Tony exhibit an unfathomable understanding of technology but nothing like what's on display in this film.

Yes, there's a great deal of technology and action but it's wonderfully balanced by character and drama. Tony's command of sarcasm and his genuine wit have never been used better than it has been in this movie. RDJ charms the camera in every scene but what really brings out Tony's charm and gives the hero's story that extra interest is the character of Pepper Potts. Their relationship certainly has grown over three movies and in Iron Man 3, Pepper becomes even more important. It's one of the many reasons why this film lands above every other third film in a franchise that I've ever seen. Tony's love for Pepper and his obsession with technology and protecting her with that technology is moving and quite deep. It certainly is unique for a summer blockbuster to deliver those kinds of layers.

The stakes are very high as everyone from Pepper to Happy Hogan to the President of the United States is in danger from what will be considered the best bad guy to hit the screen in a long time. The Mandarin is amazing. He's not a jump off the screen kick your butt type of cheesy villain at all. He's crafty, diabolical and truly menacing. Speaking of layers, the ending of the movie will amaze for its plot as much as for its intensity and that's all I'm going to say about that subject. Also, Pepper is not a "damsel in distress" by any means in this film. This is where Iron Man lands above most other characters (Spider-Man for one). Pepper's roll and how she deals with the danger and what she becomes over the course of the film will surprise but please a lot of people.

Every side relationship works here, even the new characters that are introduced. The kid from Tennessee that interacts with Tony will get a LOT of buzz but I was just as impressed with the Rhodey stuff. That relationship is SO much better here than in Iron Man 2. Unlike Iron Man 2, there are incredible new characters that actually mean something to this plot and not to the next film down the line. There's a real focus on Tony's mind, body and spirit and the importance of protecting the most important relationships in life. It offers great balance to go along with great fun. This is NOT a dark brooding film at all which is great. It has many tones and does give us the humor and fun to go with a more complex take on the character. They just nailed it here.

In terms of where they go with future movies, who cares at this point? Sure everyone will want more after seeing this movie but that's Avengers 2 problem and something to dream about later. Right now, enjoy this thrill ride because I know I sure did.
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dull and slightly embarrassing to watch
23 June 2006
The real problem here still lies with the fact that Director Bryan Singer vastly misjudged what made the first Superman so successful. He actually seems to think that people care about the characters' relationships and the metaphysical plot. Everyone I've spoken to thought those two things were the weakest aspects of the movie. The first Superman was good DESPITE the corny love story and beyond corny plot turns. This one centers on corny and centers on the mundane, and that's why it's dull and slightly embarrassing to watch. It's either that or maybe it's the ridiculous Superman costume that they modernized. Maybe they should've changed the movie's title from Superman Returns to Brokeback Superdude? It's no wonder Bryan Singer recently said the following about this movie… Reflecting on how Superman differs from his previous movies, Singer observed, "The one thing I could say (about that) is the romantic nature of this film. This is different than my 'X-Men' films. It could be called my first chick flick. It's a kind of modern romance in a way played out by very nostalgic characters." Nostalgic or simply played out?
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Worst Film I've Seen All Year
17 May 2006
The minute they decided to shoot this lousy script is was all over for Tom Hanks and company. Was the book this bad? Could this movie have possibly been any worse? This movie was so uninteresting that I was tempted to get up and walk out.

Unfortunately, Davinci Code is possibly the worst film I have seen at the cinema this year. It is so bad, in fact, that it completely degrades the movie goer. Of all the theories of where the plot may go I had read, or come up with myself, the book or Ron Howard's answers were so incoherent and downright unintelligent that none had even suggested themselves as possible solutions. This is shameful laziness for a film of (supposedly) such profound scope. Thumbs way down.

The DaVinci Code wants to be taken seriously but it's nothing but utter nonsense. It has aspirations of being an intense drama. There's no heart and the story is so absurd that you're never drawn in to the film. Not intense enough and not smart enough, it's caught in no man's land.
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