
2 Reviews
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Tense throughout ...
26 September 1999
Almost sitting on the edge of my seat at the movie theatre. This movie (as expected from Rennie Harlin) has great effects and excellent casting. And a few frights in it to make you jump!I was not expecting much (as the Jaws movie series was rediculous), but walked out sidestepping puddles on the ground!!!
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Plump Fiction (1997)
I found myself looking elsewhere ....
7 May 1999
...when this movie was on.

What a bore. An attempt at humor, but really not pulling it off too well. Some good ideas were cast, and the actors makeup and wardrobe were OK.

I expected a lot more, unfortunately I couldn't sit through any more of it, I switched off halfway through the video, and ejected the tape, went to the rental store to get my money back...
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