Could the faithful and honorable Captain Olid be the only one to resist the overwhelming personality of Hernan Cortes.A man in love is willing to do anything, but also, in the middle of war, love spreads open his most vulnerable flank.
Not everyone believes Hernan and his men are gods. Xicotencatl is the most hostile leader towards Hernan, but the perspective of finishing his Tenochtitlan enemies is very tempting.
Are they gods or humans? Moctezuma has few options before the arrival of the Spanish people, and their gods don't give them answers, so they have to advance under the orders of their beliefs.
Hernan has to fight far away and leaves his bravest man in command, in spite of Marina's opinion. Under the leadership of impetuous Alvarado, the Mexica and the European views clash, jeopardizing everything Hernan has conquered up to now.
Hernan entrusts his dearest friend a mission almost suicidal -to escape with all the gold of the Mexica empire, among hundreds of thousands of furious city dwellers, vexed by the violence and greed of those they once believed were gods.
Who was Hernan Cortes. Even his soldiers did not understand, when he ordered to sink their ships, the size of the attraction he felt for those magical lands and peoples, so great that he wanted to make them his own, forever.