- Rudy Reyes: [to Jaime] The universe has sent you a gift, and you have to figure out what to do with it.
- Jaime Reyes: [bobbing on water before colliding with bridge pillar] STOP! STOP! STOP!
- Khaji-Da: Host overreacting.
- Jaime Reyes: Overreacting? YOU KIDNAPPED ME!
- [Jaime reveals the scarab is embedded in his back]
- Milagro Reyes: Oh, that looks as bad as I remember.
- Rudy Reyes: I've seen worse!
- Milagro Reyes: Where?
- Rudy Reyes: You don't wanna know.
- [Jaime can't activate the Scarab]
- Rudy Reyes: You have to force it out!
- Jaime Reyes: You're a genius!
- Rudy Reyes: I know! But what did I say?
- [Jaime jumps off a building]
- Rudy Reyes: No, no, no, no, no!
- Khaji-Da: Host acquired.
- Jaime Reyes: [suited up] Who said that?
- Khaji-Da: Systems check in three, two...
- Jaime Reyes: Okay, it's gonna to be o-
- [blasts off]
- Jaime Reyes: KAAAAY!
- Rudy Reyes: What do you think the government is gonna do when they figure out some kid has this military tech?
- Jaime Reyes: [getting attacked by Carapax] Listen to me, you got the wrong guy! I'm a nobody, I swear!
- Jaime Reyes: Doesn't it bother you that they talk about progress and get everything, while we have to sit here and go broke?
- Milagro Reyes: You're a Mexican in the Edge Keys, cabron! That progress is not for us, okay? The poor go over here and the rich go over there, until the rich want to be here and they push us out! We used to have the other side of the tracks, and now they want that too!
- Milagro Reyes: Did you know what was gonna happen to my brother when you stuck him with this world-destroying thing?
- Jenny Kord: It's called the Scarab. I had no idea it would activate! It has to choose you!
- Jaime Reyes: So how do we get it to un-choose me?
- Milagro Reyes: What was supposed to happen?
- Jaime Reyes: I was supposed to make it out. I was supposed to get all of us out!
- Milagro Reyes: Thanks, bro, but I like the Keys.