This obscure piece is a Twilight Zone influenced fan film and all things considered it's not all that bad.
It tells the story of the Grim Reaper or as he likes to be called........Robert.
Robert is on a strict schedule of meeting the recently deceased and leading them to a bus stop which will send them onto their final destination. But this time Robert has come across a relatable fellow who teaches him much about humanity.
The Space Between is a sweet little effort that went in a direction I didn't expect. By about two thirds of the way through it becomes a very well realised piece of social commentary and though not as hard hitting as it could have been still manages to get the point across.
This short has little in the way of a real plot of story, but as an experience it's fairly enjoyable and I'd be curious to see what the creator Jake Aaron will do next.
The Good:
Thought provoking
Very well made for it's budget
Two leads are great
The Bad:
Should have been harder hitting than it turned out
Timeline is a bit skew, when is this set?
Things I Learnt From This Short:
Death likes pizza
The creators of the original Twilight Zone would have loved this